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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Metroid Dread discussion

curl-6 said:

I think we can all agree that everyone who worked on the game deserves to be credited, but I don't think it would help any of the hundreds of people who worked to make this game a reality to pirate it.

Yeah, it doesn't help the property or especially the employees. I think all we can do is to call out the company and make potential contractors think twice before hiring Mercury Steam, encourage employees to maybe unionize and achieve something that's only fair.

IcaroRibeiro said:
Vodacixi said:

I've been playing since Monday. Just got the Gravity Suit. I'm loving the game so far. I just wish the loading times between areas were a bit shorter. Can get a bit annoying...

Do you mean areas inside the same map or between different maps? The areas in same map load so fast to a point of being almost seamless 

Loading screens between areas are indeed kind of slow (the ones where you see Samus teleporting and boarding a train and an elevator). Though thankfully I feel the time you spend in each location is long enough to not mind the wait too much. I suppose once you're looking for items or exploring solely for exploration sake, you're bound to feel some burnout. 

My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first. 

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I will say, just a minor niggle, some of the controls are a bit convoluted. Like using the omega cannon and shinespark for example seem to involve more buttons than necessary. That's my only issue thus far though, everything else rocks.

Last edited by curl-6 - on 15 October 2021

hinch said:

Just defeated Kraid. A bit of a frustrating boss tbh with a lot of moves. A few deaths later I learned that positioning is key, as well as timing and some well placed charged shots at those pink orbs.

But yeah this is first time properly playing through a Metroid and having a lot of fun with it. Its like an old school game but with checkpoints. which is a godsend as the boss encounters can be a pita as with those dreaded EMMI's. Now back to playing!

You can skip half the fight if you get the morph ball bombs.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

TheTitaniumNub said:

Eh, im leaning much more towards emulating this game.

Quick question:  Do you work for Kotaku? 

Okay another control peeve; know in their right mind thought these grapple beam controls were a good idea? Hold one trigger to ready, another to aim, and hold (not press) Y? Moronic. It should be one button, ZR, to automatically grapple any point in range. Took me 10 minutes just to swing across a series of grapple points cos once I let go of one, grabbing the next was almost impossible before I fell.

Unless I am missing something?

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curl-6 said:

Okay another control peeve; know in their right mind thought these grapple beam controls were a good idea? Hold one trigger to ready, another to aim, and hold (not press) Y? Moronic. It should be one button, ZR, to automatically grapple any point in range. Took me 10 minutes just to swing across a series of grapple points cos once I let go of one, grabbing the next was almost impossible before I fell.

Unless I am missing something?

It's pretty hard. In that section I held the trigger and let go of Y when swinging in the right direction and then aiming vaguely in the right direction press Y again to reach the next grapple point and it somehow works, or not. Later it will get easier though.

Please tell me I'm not going to have to swing between multiple grapple points a lot. It's agony, I'm not joking when I said I was stuck on a series of two grapple points for ten minutes. Unbelievable that in such a great game, such a mind-bogglingly atrocious control setup slipped through.

Leynos said:
hinch said:

Just defeated Kraid. A bit of a frustrating boss tbh with a lot of moves. A few deaths later I learned that positioning is key, as well as timing and some well placed charged shots at those pink orbs.

But yeah this is first time properly playing through a Metroid and having a lot of fun with it. Its like an old school game but with checkpoints. which is a godsend as the boss encounters can be a pita as with those dreaded EMMI's. Now back to playing!

You can skip half the fight if you get the morph ball bombs.

Tbf you don't unlock morph ball until right before the boss xP Thanks for the tip though. Got a bit further yesterday and got the

phase shift

and.. I'm hooked. Once you get some new powers the game really opens up.

mZuzek said:
curl-6 said:

Please tell me I'm not going to have to swing between multiple grapple points a lot. It's agony, I'm not joking when I said I was stuck on a series of two grapple points for ten minutes. Unbelievable that in such a great game, such a mind-bogglingly atrocious control setup slipped through.

It shocked me how much harder it felt to aim at those than it was in Samus Returns. Everything in Dread is a big improvement from the 3DS game but grapple really sticked out.

Assuming you already have Flash Drift, using it in the air can get you past some of the sections where you're expected to grapple across.

I swear like every other game in the world moved on to auto-grapple with a single button in the 7th gen if not the 6th. Literally, just ZR is all they needed. One of the dumbest design choices I've seen in a game in years.

hinch said:
Leynos said:

You can skip half the fight if you get the morph ball bombs.

Tbf you don't unlock morph ball until right before the boss xP Thanks for the tip though. Got a bit further yesterday and got the

phase shift

and.. I'm hooked. Once you get some new powers the game really opens up.

Right but you can sequence skip stuff. Just have to explore deeper. Can even get the gravity suit early.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!