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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Metroid Dread discussion

Eh, im leaning much more towards emulating this game.

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Just defeated Kraid. A bit of a frustrating boss tbh with a lot of moves. A few deaths later I learned that positioning is key, as well as timing and some well placed charged shots at those pink orbs.

But yeah this is first time properly playing through a Metroid and having a lot of fun with it. Its like an old school game but with checkpoints. which is a godsend as the boss encounters can be a pita as with those dreaded EMMI's. Now back to playing!

Last edited by hinch - on 14 October 2021

I've been playing since Monday. Just got the Gravity Suit. I'm loving the game so far. I just wish the loading times between areas were a bit shorter. Can get a bit annoying...

Once I finish the main story I'll give actual impressions. I don't want to judge certain aspects of the game until I beat it...

TheTitaniumNub said:

Eh, im leaning much more towards emulating this game.

That policy is definitely part of the contract, so these developers shouldn't be surprised, even if it's scummy.

But it's not like they didn't pay them or whatever.

Kakadu18 said:
TheTitaniumNub said:

Eh, im leaning much more towards emulating this game.

That policy is definitely part of the contract, so these developers shouldn't be surprised, even if it's scummy.

But it's not like they didn't pay them or whatever.

Yeah, but I don't like the idea of someone not being credited because they worked on the project less than 25% of the development of it. I know it says there are exceptions, but they should be credited no matter how long they've worked on it.

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I think we can all agree that everyone who worked on the game deserves to be credited, but I don't think it would help any of the hundreds of people who worked to make this game a reality to pirate it.

Mr.GameCrazy said:
Kakadu18 said:

That policy is definitely part of the contract, so these developers shouldn't be surprised, even if it's scummy.

But it's not like they didn't pay them or whatever.

Yeah, but I don't like the idea of someone not being credited because they worked on the project less than 25% of the development of it. I know it says there are exceptions, but they should be credited no matter how long they've worked on it.

Yeah, I agree. Everyone except for a few exception should be credited.

But I don't see how that is a reason to boycott a game and instead to steal it. The other employees would only suffer if more people did so.

If a minor thing like that is enough for someone to boycott a product they may as well stop consuming any form of media, because that stuff and worse always happens everywhere.

These developers signed a contract, which they apparently didn't read, otherwise they wouldn't be surprised that they're not credited. Mercury Steam didn't breach any contracts here.

Around 20 hours now. I want to beat it 100% but I still having a fairly hard time backtracking 

Some maps are over 70% collection, while others stands behind 30%

It's a really good game. One of the best Metroidvanias I've played and I'm absolutely addicted to it

Vodacixi said:

I've been playing since Monday. Just got the Gravity Suit. I'm loving the game so far. I just wish the loading times between areas were a bit shorter. Can get a bit annoying...

Do you mean areas inside the same map or between different maps? The areas in same map load so fast to a point of being almost seamless 

curl-6 said:

I think we can all agree that everyone who worked on the game deserves to be credited, but I don't think it would help any of the hundreds of people who worked to make this game a reality to pirate it.

I agree. This game deserves the praise it gets and deserves to sell well despite the crediting issue.

Last edited by Mr.GameCrazy - on 14 October 2021