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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Halo Infinite Trailer comparisons UPDATED

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I also enjoyed the clean look from last year. When it gets too busy I have a hard time spotting important points and enemies. I also don't understand why some of the equipment can't appear new, why does it all have to be damaged, scuffed, dented, dirty and muddy? Can't it be newly delivered? I don't follow the lore real close, but did they suddenly stop making new equipment and can only recycle old stuff? avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

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shikamaru317 said:
DroidKnight said:

I also enjoyed the clean look from last year. When it gets too busy I have a hard time spotting important points and enemies. I also don't understand why some of the equipment can't appear new, why does it all have to be damaged, scuffed, dented, dirty and muddy? Can't it be newly delivered? I don't follow the lore real close, but did they suddenly stop making new equipment and can only recycle old stuff?

Basically when Halo Infinite opens, the crew of the UNSC Infinity been fighting Cortana's Created faction and the Banished for 2 and half years, cut off from Earth after Cortana and her Created EMP'd Earth at the end of Halo 5 and took control of the planet. They did manage to get new Armor about 3 months into the conflict, MJOLNIR Gen 3, which was created with numerous improvements, including the new SPIDR AI counterintrusion program, which was designed to prevent Cortana's created AI faction from hacking into the MJOLNIR armor's BIOS and taking control of the armor, but when the game opens that "new" armor is about 2 years and 3 months old, hence why John's armor has significant battle damage, scoring from Banished plasma weapons mostly. Likewise the UNSC weapons that John will be using in the campaign are left overs on the surface of Installation 07 from a battle that the UNSC lost on the ring about 6 months earlier, so they have 6 months of weather damage presumably. 

That makes sense.  Thanks for the background, I still have yet to play Halo 5's campaign and I sometimes lose track of what is going on in the larger scheme of things. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

shikamaru317 said:
DroidKnight said:

I also enjoyed the clean look from last year. When it gets too busy I have a hard time spotting important points and enemies. I also don't understand why some of the equipment can't appear new, why does it all have to be damaged, scuffed, dented, dirty and muddy? Can't it be newly delivered? I don't follow the lore real close, but did they suddenly stop making new equipment and can only recycle old stuff?

Basically when Halo Infinite opens, the crew of the UNSC Infinity been fighting Cortana's Created faction and the Banished for 1 and a half years, cut off from Earth after Cortana and her Created EMP'd Earth at the end of Halo 5 and took control of the planet. They did manage to get new Armor about 3 months into the conflict, MJOLNIR Gen 3, which was created with numerous improvements, including the new SPIDR AI counterintrusion program, which was designed to prevent Cortana's created AI faction from hacking into the MJOLNIR armor's BIOS and taking control of the armor, but when the game opens that "new" armor is about 1 year and 3 months old, hence why John's armor has significant battle damage, scoring from Banished plasma weapons mostly. Likewise the UNSC weapons that John will be using in the campaign are left overs on the surface of Installation 07 from a battle that the UNSC lost on the ring about 6 months earlier, so they have 6 months of weather damage presumably. 

While I agree, it is also well known that the UNSC keeps a comprehensive record of all MJOLNIR armor including all versions and upgrades from the time it's built and those records include data showing that a spartan wearing the latest upgraded armor in pristine condition will see its status go from pristine to slight battle damaged around 20 minutes after being dropped into combat but in John's case there is no corresponding data because even when Johns circumstances are exactly the same as the other spartans involved. John being John means his armor no matter the circumstance has never ever been pristine at the start of a combat situation.

We do however have data involving spartans and John regarding significant damage, those records show that while it is heavily dependent on the type and amount of combat involved we do know that the average time spent in the field before the onboard sensors register significant battle damage status is around the 24 hr mark and in Johns case that mark also comes in around the 24 mark just that it's in minutes not hours.

Regarding DroidKnight's clean look, With the impact on equipment closely mirroring the differences seen between John and the other spartans in regard to armor damage in the UNSC data, and the lack of new equipment combined with the sheer amount of damaged and scuffed equipment in Infinite leads me to the conclusion that what we have here is the end result of all the equipment that the Chief used/misused over the years becoming the arsenal of humanity.

Last edited by mjk45 - on 24 June 2021

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KratosLives said:

It wen't from looking like a 360 game to xbox one. But still a downgrade from the orginal infinte tech demo from 2018. Remember that footage when they were shoing off the series x and they showed halo footage in real time apparently, how good that footage looked?

That's a bit of a stretch; it never looked like an Xbox 360 game. More like it's gone from looking like an Xbox One game to what it is; a crossgen title.

Last edited by curl-6 - on 24 June 2021

curl-6 said:
KratosLives said:

It wen't from looking like a 360 game to xbox one. But still a downgrade from the orginal infinte tech demo from 2018. Remember that footage when they were shoing off the series x and they showed halo footage in real time apparently, how good that footage looked?

That's a bit of a stretch; it never looked like an Xbox 360 game. More like it's gone from looking like an Xbox One game to what it is; a crossgen title.

It appears to me that he posted the comment after a good days God killing and was in a magnanimous mood, otherwise terms like it looked like an original Xbox game in early development may have been bandied about,so lets pray for small mercies and not harass the ghost of sparta.

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Socke said:

I stopped the video very quickly. The comparison is garbage. Real gameplay is compared with a trailer here. Whoever compares something like this must have been living under a rock for years and has absolutely no idea about video games and how marketing works.

Azzanation said:
Socke said:

I stopped the video very quickly. The comparison is garbage. Real gameplay is compared with a trailer here. Whoever compares something like this must have been living under a rock for years and has absolutely no idea about video games and how marketing works.

This is much better, at least as much as it can be without actual new campaign footage. Lighting is much punchier and less washed out, (the 2020 build almost seems to lack any ambient occlusion) and the weapons are clearly more detailed.

curl-6 said:
Azzanation said:

This is much better, at least as much as it can be without actual new campaign footage. Lighting is much punchier and less washed out, (the 2020 build almost seems to lack any ambient occlusion) and the weapons are clearly more detailed.

While this shows improvement, looking at the weapons side by side shot shown in the post , the back end of the 2021 gun seems to be out of alignment with the rest of the gun and the  way the hand  is gripping the 2020 gun looks strange compared to the angle of the gun now I know this isn't about graphical improvement but I usually don't notice stuff like this.

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Shadow1980 said:
mjk45 said:

While this shows improvement, looking at the weapons side by side shot shown in the post , the back end of the 2021 gun seems to be out of alignment with the rest of the gun and the  way the hand  is gripping the 2020 gun looks strange compared to the angle of the gun now I know this isn't about graphical improvement but I usually don't notice stuff like this.

If you're talking about the shot in the video's thumbnail, the pistol in the 2021 shot was going through the reload animation. The pistol is clearly being reloaded from empty, and when you empty the mag on a pistol the slide snaps back. In the 2020 video, the pistol is being reloaded without the magazine having been emptied, so the slide was in its normal forward position.

I'm referring to the side by side pics at the beginning of the last embedded video in the thread, it might just be me but in the 2020 pic it's not the gun but the hand positioning in relation to the gun that looks off its no biggy may just be a small error or not just felt strange. the 2021 the perspective in relation to the whole gun looks of when looking at the very rear end near the cuff in the still frame in the animation the slide is open like the still and it looks ok but then again I may be hallucinating.

Last edited by mjk45 - on 25 June 2021

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot