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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS Plus Video Pass incoming?

kazuyamishima said:
PotentHerbs said:

How is that the case if this is another feature added to PS+?

Because it’s Sony, and they’re the devil!

Jim Ryan is the devil! 

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I had a Funimation offer sent recently to get 3 months free. I'm not sure if I would sign up to another service since I have Disney+, Netlfix 4K and Amazon Prime. Depends on content and whether it's got options of 4K HDR content. This is what Netflix has made so easy when looking at titles.

Apparently, Sony's deals with Netflix/Disney is an estimated 3 Billion in value, so it looks like PS Plus Video Pass will mostly be the back catalog of Sony Pictures.

Frank_kc said:

Here comes Don Matrix of Playstation... consoles are meant for gaming.. not watching movies.

Sony in the news for adding free stuff to PS+??????

Where did put that pitchfork?

PotentHerbs said:

Apparently, Sony's deals with Netflix/Disney is an estimated 3 Billion in value, so it looks like PS Plus Video Pass will mostly be the back catalog of Sony Pictures.

Goes to show that being independent and 3rd party during the age of the streaming wars can be quite profitable.

Please Watch/Share this video so it gets shown in Hollywood.

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I use crunchyroll a lot, so hope it includes Crunchyroll. Don't really care for Sony movies 

Because we needed another paid video app. Remember 10 years ago when Netflix had pretty much everything? Now it's worse than cable and you need to pay 17 grand a month to get all the TV series and movies you want.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

PotentHerbs said:

TVTVTV done right!

Yup, have to agree. If it's bundled in with ps+, seems like a sweet deal TBH.

BraLoD said:

It's the Crunchyroll tie-in, I can feel it!

The Crunchyroll buyout is halted by a 6 month antitrust inquiry.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

IcaroRibeiro said:

I use crunchyroll a lot, so hope it includes Crunchyroll. Don't really care for Sony movies 

You will have to wait on the outcome of a 6 month long antitrust enquiry.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot