badskywalker said:
Consoles with Highest Sales in Japan 1. Nintendo DS (33.01) 2. Gameboy (32.47) 3. Nintendo 3DS (24.64, probably very little movement from here on out) 4. PlayStation 2 (23.18) 5. PlayStation 1 (21.59) 6. PlayStation Portable (20.01) 7. Nintendo Entertainment System (19.35) 8. Nintendo Switch (18.22, so far)
Based on how the Switch is selling, what do you think it's end of year sales will be in Japan, and where do you place lifetime sales in Japan? |
3DS has now surpassed PS2 sales in Japan (Media Create) | NeoGAF
21.83m. ( VGC has an inexplicably wrong number, I don't know where that figure came from and vgc used it )
3DS number missing 120k untracked 2DS limited edition sales ( before general release in Japan) so 24.76! Although shipment total is 25.2m, can't fathom why there is such as discrepancy, there can't be still so many on the shelves other than rest stock of New 2ds xl ( 40k). @RolStoppable?
NS will outsell it barring any unforseen circumstance, the intersting thing is if it can outsell it NS lite sales excluded!That would be the great feat.