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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Scalpers are struggling to sell next gen hardware

It would be cool if there were a flood of next-gen consoles hitting the market at fire sale prices from idiot scalpers.

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I am so thankful I am not in the market for a new console right now. It's unfortunate there is no motivation from console makers to produce an excess to curb these disgusting practices.

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slab_of_bacon said:

I am so thankful I am not in the market for a new console right now. It's unfortunate there is no motivation from console makers to produce an excess to curb these disgusting practices.

Actually there could be one: real sales to end users produce SW sales too, so royalties from 3rd parties plus the full revenue from 1st parties.
Unfortunately there is a big reason for not doing it: scalpers artificially inflate end user demand, so taking them into account could leave console makers in a situation of expensive overproduction when launch hype fades away and demand settles on its non hyped average, whatever it will be. Usually during the first half of consoles lifecycle average demand grows until peak year, ramping up production following this natural cycle is far more efficient and less expensive, but it allows scalpers to do their dirty job during the first months after launch.
The least dangerous strategy against scalpers must be planned before launch, they should produce and stock far more units, and without inflating too much production capacity, the only way is to start making them months before. Obviously, now it's too late for this.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Why cant Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo adapt to the Apple strategy when its comes to shipment ? Like have a maximum of 2 consoles per single person in your own Store/Website before shipping to major retailers

Prices on Series X are now down to about $50-$100 over retail with sales tax in the US. PS5 is maybe $50 over that. Series S is off-and-on available at retailers, so is fetching just a few bucks over retail on the secondary market. So, the scalping thing is over at this point. Essentially all units will now sell to gamers directly (or people buying for gamers).

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I want a ps5, even have an extra ps5 controller, but I cannot a console in retail. And there is a zero chance I am paying a penny over retail. Scalpers are free to find suckers, but I won't be one of them. The ps5 will be stocked in a month or two now the holidays are over.


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Barkley said:

The cheapest PlayStation I can find on ebay is £700 (digital edition), literally double it's retail price. If scalpers are having any trouble selling it's only because they charge so much.

"Both the XSX and PS5 suffer from this same issue where both have sold out in record time and sold record numbers, but the harder question is, did the stock actually sell this fast or was it a simple transition moving from one warehouse to another?"

If scalpers didn't exist they would have all sold to actual consumers.

This has to effect game sales if many of these system are simply warehoused