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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Apple removes Fortnite from app store, cant connect to servers. Epic Games Sues.

Immersiveunreality said:
I'm still kinda rooting for Epic , but i feel a bit alone in doing so.
In my humble opinion:the less things can be in the grasp of Apple, the more consumer and devfriendly the market becomes.

I’ll be ultimately happy when all platforms are as open as PC and all content can be sourced directly from the dev. 

It’s also why I hate Steam. 

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AsGryffynn said:
Immersiveunreality said:
I'm still kinda rooting for Epic , but i feel a bit alone in doing so.
In my humble opinion:the less things can be in the grasp of Apple, the more consumer and devfriendly the market becomes.

I’ll be ultimately happy when all platforms are as open as PC and all content can be sourced directly from the dev. 

It’s also why I hate Steam. 

And what about Epic?. They are going around gobbling up studios, game devs and vying for exclusivity, trying to get people to go through only their own network, which itself isn't truly open.

Last edited by Chazore - on 07 September 2020

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Chazore said:
AsGryffynn said:

I’ll be ultimately happy when all platforms are as open as PC and all content can be sourced directly from the dev. 

It’s also why I hate Steam. 

And what about Epic?. They are going around gobbling up studios, game devs and vying for exclusivity, trying to get people to go through only their own network, which itself isn't truly open.

I'm only supporting their tirade, not them. As soon as Apple comes undone, the only thing I will give them is a middle finger (maybe I'll play Fortnite as a way of saying thanks). 

AsGryffynn said:

I'm only supporting their tirade, not them. As soon as Apple comes undone, the only thing I will give them is a middle finger (maybe I'll play Fortnite as a way of saying thanks). 

Then wouldn't it be better to support someone that actually has everyone's best interests, and not for their own personal gains?. Some people like to think that Epic is doing it for goodwill, but it's more for power gain and like I said before, a means of personal gains, because this won't stop at just Apple or Google, it'll be consoles that come next on his personal chopping block.

See Apple used to be just like Epic (not a game dev mind you), many years ago. They were once a very small company, that rose and stood against IBM and pulled that marketing trailer stunt, only they actually brought a wave of good competitive products to actually make that challenge legit. What Epic is doing is more akin to a hissy fit, and demanding not just one industry, but multiple adhere to their will and desires, and well, if you ask me, that's a really shitty thing to want, because even if they promise Reagan economical trickling equality, I still know that company will want to be the top dog, the one who wants to control whatever they can get their hands on.

LIke I said, I don't like Apple, but I also don't like Epic, like at all. They've a known track record of simply abandoning shit whenever it doesn't suit them, rather than sticking it through, and an old history of mocking platforms and companies for years. I cannot trust them to do anything good and not desire to control anything else from afar.

I'd rather someone challenge Apple with actual noble intentions and 100% no desire to control an industry, let alone multiple, from winning one case after another (because it never stops at one with big companies).

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Chazore said:
AsGryffynn said:

I'm only supporting their tirade, not them. As soon as Apple comes undone, the only thing I will give them is a middle finger (maybe I'll play Fortnite as a way of saying thanks). 

Then wouldn't it be better to support someone that actually has everyone's best interests, and not for their own personal gains?. Some people like to think that Epic is doing it for goodwill, but it's more for power gain and like I said before, a means of personal gains, because this won't stop at just Apple or Google, it'll be consoles that come next on his personal chopping block.

See Apple used to be just like Epic (not a game dev mind you), many years ago. They were once a very small company, that rose and stood against IBM and pulled that marketing trailer stunt, only they actually brought a wave of good competitive products to actually make that challenge legit. What Epic is doing is more akin to a hissy fit, and demanding not just one industry, but multiple adhere to their will and desires, and well, if you ask me, that's a really shitty thing to want, because even if they promise Reagan economical trickling equality, I still know that company will want to be the top dog, the one who wants to control whatever they can get their hands on.

LIke I said, I don't like Apple, but I also don't like Epic, like at all. They've a known track record of simply abandoning shit whenever it doesn't suit them, rather than sticking it through, and an old history of mocking platforms and companies for years. I cannot trust them to do anything good and not desire to control anything else from afar.

I'd rather someone challenge Apple with actual noble intentions and 100% no desire to control an industry, let alone multiple, from winning one case after another (because it never stops at one with big companies).

Sadly, no such a company has taken a stand against Apple, so... I work with what I'm given. 

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AsGryffynn said:

Sadly, no such a company has taken a stand against Apple, so... I work with what I'm given. 

I just don't wanna be that guy who comes back to tell everyone when Epic becomes that eventual top dog position that Apple is currently in. I just want the issue gone by the roots, rather than allowing another stem to sprout when another is cut off. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Apple has answered and issued a counterclaim against Epic.

Chazore said:
AsGryffynn said:

Sadly, no such a company has taken a stand against Apple, so... I work with what I'm given. 

I just don't wanna be that guy who comes back to tell everyone when Epic becomes that eventual top dog position that Apple is currently in. I just want the issue gone by the roots, rather than allowing another stem to sprout when another is cut off. 

That's a political issue and can't be solved by just capitalism. As it stands the only way to have improvement in our current system is to replace a bad monopoly with a slightly better one. Thinking some day a benevolent actor will emerge and wipe away all the bad monopolists is delusional. The reason is that it is not possible to gather vast amounts of wealth without acting immoral and stepping over corpses. To topple a powerful company you need to be powerful yourself and you won't become powerful by being ethical. The only other solution is political intervention.

So just sit back and be glad that at least something is happening. It's not like you can do anything about it anyway. In late stage capitalism there are no friends, just enemies of your enemies.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Rhonin the wizard said:

Apple has answered and issued a counterclaim against Epic.

I knew it was a matter of time before Apple would counter with defamation. You don't dick over another company and run a smear campaign and get away with defaming the company you are trying to dick around with.  

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

vivster said:

That's a political issue and can't be solved by just capitalism. As it stands the only way to have improvement in our current system is to replace a bad monopoly with a slightly better one. Thinking some day a benevolent actor will emerge and wipe away all the bad monopolists is delusional. The reason is that it is not possible to gather vast amounts of wealth without acting immoral and stepping over corpses. To topple a powerful company you need to be powerful yourself and you won't become powerful by being ethical. The only other solution is political intervention.

So just sit back and be glad that at least something is happening. It's not like you can do anything about it anyway.

It's not even a Capitalistic issue, it's just one person wanting more power, wanting to control what goes on and that they think they have every right to do it, because having lots and lots of money and suckers at your side does that to you (literally, history proves this time and time again).

Epic isn't going to be any better at being a monopoly though, it's literally idiots trading one bad thing for another, and claiming all's right with the world. Then they'll get stung so bad in the ass a few years to decades down the road and then we'll be seeing the same song and dance all over again.

You know how you stop it?, you put laws in place and you basically deny absolute control. Disney nearly had the entire movie industry before your father was even born, and the US decided they had to put in special laws just to prevent Disney from gobbling up everything it saw in sight, and it's clear the same now needs to be done in the tech/games industry. Also, defamation laws really, really need to be ass tight when it comes to crap like this, because this is a case that's as clear as day of how you do not defame another company. 

It's delusional to think Epic will do any better, which is what I'm getting at for those who think everything will be sunshine and rainbows if they won the case. People seem to think that them winning will present trickle down economics, that we'll all benefit somehow, when that's far, far from the case. People need to lay off the Reagan economic studies and start waking up to how fake that concept really is. 

I don't care that I can't do anything. I just want too prevent idiots from thinking they can do the same thing, and growing up to being a spinless coward and a greedy tool like both Tim's. Better for me to nip shitty logic in the bud with regular folk, than tech billionaires who can run their mouth all day. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"