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There will be 2 winners PS3 and Wii. Because those ain't real rivals. Want to play Halo 3, Mas Effect, Fable 2 get a PC. 360 is a cheap high-end console, with exclusives also coming to PC. Wasting money on online play, meanwhile other console are free. Lack of innovation, no motion, no mods, no webcam usage for games. Where are games like singstar or buzz.

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Equinoxe said:
NJ5 said:
Equinoxe said:
What I think: 1:PS3 2:Wii 3:360 What I hope for: 1:360 2:Wii 3:PS3

So you think that the exact opposite of what you want is what's going to happen. Can you tell us your thinking behind the PS3/Wii/360 ranking? Or are you just a pessimist hehe?

I think most people are waiting for the good games on PS3 and for the price drop. When Final Fantasy will come out then the Japs gonna forget about Wii. It does not matter how good or bad PS3 are cause people just hear the name Playstation and they think it's the one and only. All my friends here are waiting for GTA IV so they can buy PS3. I have a 360 and cause of that I hope it will get most exclusives and so. I don't like Sony to much, Nintendo is ok. But for us in Europe I think it's better to support microsoft. Sony does not care if we get consoles and games several months later than everyone else

Hope you understand all, my english is not to good =)

Actually Final Fantasy is the 3rd most popular JRPG in Japan. The first 2 are Pokemon and Dragon Quest which are BOTH currently on Nintendo systems (The future of Dragon Quest is likely to remain on Nintendo Systems as the art style isn't really for somethign like the PS3). The last Final Fantasy sold only 2.42 million copies in Japan. For reference, Pokemon Diamond and Pear 5.2 million. And that was with a much smaller system user base. The last Dragon Quest sold 3.61 million copies. People often overestimate the importance of Final Fantasy to the Japanese. If we use this as a reference, even if FFXIII boosted PS3 sales by 2.42 million units (which is ridiculous, there is no chance of that happening) the PS3 would still be nowhere near the Wii. The tastes of Japanese gamers have changed. Nintendo holds 83% of the Japanese console market. I really don't think there is any chance of Nintendo ever being dethroned from Japan this generation. Especially by a system that's selling 10K units a week.  And not only is it selling badly, but it also didn't sell during the golden week (in other words no holiday sales increase).  Add to that the fact that it didn't sell with what should have been a HUGE game (Gundam) and a much lower price point than the US ($500 there) and it's unlikely the PS3 will ever stop having dismal Japanese sales.

As far as the actualy question, as Fishamaphone said it's very unlikely that things will change at this point. So I'm going to say Wii/DS with 360 then the PS3 following the Wii in that order.

mero4ever said:
fishamaphone said:
mero4ever said:
fishamaphone said:
Mero, no offense, but PR is PR. I highly doubt that the PS3 will be around for 10 years. Am I the only one who remembers Nintendo saying the GameCube would be around for 8? It honestly could have been... y'know, if not for the fact that it sold horribly. If your main problem was longevity, you should have waited a year to have a good idea of which ones were selling the best. Sales dictate if something lasts, not what internal features it has. Why do you think your original Xbox only lasted four years? It had the most features, and online and HD *are* the future, the two things it did better than everyone else in the absolute. I mean, I'm an admitted Nintendo fanboy, so keep that in mind, but I like to think I put some thought into my fanboyineaty. There are plenty of reasons to own a PS3, but "because Sony PR said so" seems kinda silly to me.

I'd like to thank you fishamaphone for your reply

positively agree with u in regards to sales are the dictator of which console will win. But I am not buying my console based on who wins. Cause, taking nintendo as an example, a console could loose and still be in the market and then enter again just like nintendo with the wii.

Look at the guy above he mentioned wii2, I am not ready to buy a console and then shift to another one. 360 will do the same and in the future they might be like PS3 or better

I recall that i said that the DS will lose and a year after I ate my words. No body knows how the people react to certain consoles. Everyone makes a path and hopes to god its the right one and everyone has followed. But that's not a way of life and not way of fun, risk is everything here, and I hate it. SO I cleared my mind and bought what I though would make me have fun as long as possible even if it didn't, even if it was the same as any other console, even if it failed at that pointThe

The underlying truth is that I was happy with what i choose and not what the people chose for me.

the discussion we are having now, is because i bought a console other than u. isn't that true? :)

If we bough the same console we wont be having this argument.

ather than a person or idea.necissarilybought a Wii based on the Nintendo Go video that was running around back in '05, I'd probably argue jWii as much. But, granted, I realize I've got some horseblinds on, and I don't always see what I don't want to see.

All I was saying is that jhorseblinds Sony says "10 years," it doesn't mean they'll even have the machine on the market for five. :-p


Well, u could be right, the worst thing that could happen to any company is that it can't fulfill its promises. If Sony did not go for 10 years I might buy the next Nintendo console or MS. But who knows what will happen in the future. PS3 just went out, I say we let it stay for a while, then we can argue with more clarity.


For now, I have the most expensive console in the market (not debatable). So when things go horrible, I can easily trade for an Xbox360 or Wii before the price drops for PS3. But I could also stick with my PS3 cause when disaster happens and there is a price drop people might start to buy PS3 and it will be the winner in this case.


THUS, we dont know how people will react, I say wait for the crisis to fall, either on Sony or any of the others, in the mean time we can only speculate.

 Just like my friend did I expect (with explanations): 

1. Wii (huge turnover)

2.PS3 (Price drops)

3. Xbox 360 (did not win Japan, although won half of the Middle East)

What I want:

1. PS3 (Cause I have one and want more games on it)

2. Xbox 360 (I am considering buying one for my young bro)

3. Wii (cause I think Wii2 is coming pretty soon)


Those are just speculations and has 25% chance of happening. If any one disagrees with them, just say what u think in the same way I did with explanations. 

 What you are saying is not true. I was just at Egypt a few days ago and buying games for my PS3, DS, PSP (Wii not reagan free). I asked the guy a few question and he said: Well Here in Egypt the PlayStation is the most famous console and that only few stores sell Wii and DS, and 360 while all electronical Stores sell PS3 and PSP.

SSBB: 1977-0005-2980 (JOEY) MKWii: 4382-2877-5902 (Joeykanga)
Wii:4027-0084-9432-1532             PM me if you add me.
Tag courtesy of fkusumot: Joeykanga - "Just post something once, don't ruin the thread"

I don't think the middle east will count for more than 3 million consoles all told by the end of the generation. Such a tiny market there for people who want/can afford game systems. Nothing really matters but America, Japan, and Europe overall. Australia helps too.

naznatips said:
I don't think the middle east will count for more than 3 million consoles all told by the end of the generation. Such a tiny market there for people who want/can afford game systems. Nothing really matters but America, Japan, and Europe overall. Australia helps too.

 You are wrong my friend, Joeykanga is right when he said that Egypt only knows PS3 and PSP, and I know that, but some people in the middle east starting to recognize the Xbox360, Middle Eastern have great loyalty to Japanese products cause they are busy boycotting American ones.

If u asks me, I am saying that MS would find it hard to win in the Middle East but they have gone as far as making them aware and I think that’s an achievement that MS deserve to be proud of.

Secondly, in the Middle East especially the Arab oil rich countries like Saudi Arabia, they can afford buying a PS3 or Xbox360 for each son (and they have like dozens as I heard). So I don’t think Sony or MS will underestimate this market as it’s gonna be more than 10 million consoles there.

 Here in Australia we only count as 5 Million consoles I think. So the Middle East would be a hot spot for both MS and Sony, the wii over there did not get the head start which means that those people are not price sensitive, they are more into quality and that says something about their affordability too.

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

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weezy wins by default..wait, what was the question again?

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



*crickets* cricket#1- enough! i cant take this sh!t no more! *click-boom* *crickets* bro your even p!ss!ng the insects off *crickets*

After this holiday season, it will be VERY clear who the winner will be. I predict it will be Wii, but who knows.

Gizmondo will win when they announce you can connect it to a tv and play any game released on any system in any region ever.....and nude girls come out of it!

hey? wait a second alex, i remember saying that to you b4! it was like, yesterday!


 no one can be weezy except for me.

 thats my shtick,son!


p.s. alex, it only works when someone starts a lame thread and tries to revive it .*cough* like you *cough*

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!

