xbebop said:
sethnintendo said:
It's bad but there is a decent amount of media hype to everything also. I'm living in suburb of Austin so not much protesting here. It is all taking place in downtown Austin. They did manage to shutdown the main interstate I35 for a little. I think that is stupid they should stick to access roads not the damn highway. Also the vandals and other bad apples are just hurting the cause. Some of the protesters signs were also stupid. I saw one in Austin said Abolish Police... Lol wtf yea right. How about better training and accountability? That sounds like a more realistic option.
USA has had many riots throughout the decades so nothing new. I'd say the riots in France last year or whatever where worse than these so far. Arson and looting needs to stop.
Honestly protesting works sometimes but usually it doesn't do shit. Just look at the occupy wall street protest during the great recession. They didn't accomplish shit and the rich have only been rewarded with even more tax breaks.
The civil rights protest during MLK Jr days were mainly nonviolent marches and sit-ins even though they were met with violence they remained mostly non violent. They actually were able to accomplish some legislation victories.
Haaaaaaaa, not even. There were tons of riots and, general violence, back then as well.
Yeah there was riots back then notice my second paragraph mentioning riots throughout the decades in USA. I was talking about the nonviolent movement promoted by MLK Jr and other civil rights leaders. MLK never promoted riots or violent response to police brutality they faced during their peaceful marches and sit-ins.
The numerous riots that happened in 1967 was a result from the community being fed up and being ignored throughout the nonviolent movement. MLK basically predicted the riots would happen if society and lawmakers didn't act more quickly on reform during their nonviolent protest. He however never encouraged rioting.
Blacks have been protesting for a long time and have been mainly ignored. If we cared then we would have enacted police reform in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s or 2000s. Nothing changed though and if anything cops have become more militaristic. I don't condone the riots and I don't like to see it happen but that apparently seems to be last option left for some people because shit hasn't changed. Only now are more politicians saying oh gee we better do something legislatively now.
I perhaps overstated the effect of the nonviolent movement during the 60s because even the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was in response to the riots in 1963. However the nonviolent movement did allow other races to join in on the cause. There were many whites that joined the nonviolent movement in support of black rights.
Change doesn't happen easy in USA just like I stated the occupy wall street movement was a complete failure. Maybe if they rioted and burnt down wall street and a bunch of rich people's houses they might have gotten something more than the consumer financial protection bureau that is a joke now under the trump administration.
Last edited by sethnintendo - on 02 June 2020