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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Outer World game design are held back by PS4 and Xbox One , another prove that Next gen will be held back by current gen if games are made for cross gen

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Cross gen games will held... 9 52.94%
Yes it suck to have cross... 6 35.29%
I don't care because the ... 1 5.88%
i don't agree with game d... 1 5.88%
Pemalite said:
eva01beserk said:

Call of duty warzone is one of the exceptiins that proves the rule. And you definitely know that.

There are plenty of other titles that proves the rule. And many that do not.

eva01beserk said:

Never claimed that the $47.9b is all AAA.


eva01beserk said:

I honestly dint look at the split for it. Just said at least half of the pcs $35b could be dismissed.

And how much of the consoles can be dismissed? What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

eva01beserk said:

I can't even pull numbers acurately because digital is hard to track.

Bingo. Which is why it's only "estimated" numbers because Valve doesn't disclose numbers and they are a big chunk of the AAA PC gaming pie... And unlike other companies such as Activision, Electronic Arts, Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo as well as others... Valve is privately owned, so they don't even have to disclose any numbers to people like investors.

eva01beserk said:

But what is being reported almost every time is for multiplatform releases the pc version tends to be behind each individual console.

No different than Multiplats on Xbox One and Nintendo Switch being behind the Playstation 4.

eva01beserk said:

But like I said ..could be wrong as digital sales makes the bulk of pc and its harder to track. But judging at the revenue split I would say the numbers are correct.

First you say there is no evidence... But then go on to assert that the numbers which are back up by non-existent evidence is accurate? Common.

eva01beserk said:

And like I said to chazore. It's not that I'm craping of pc. Its just that the numbers explain why devs dont focused to much on high end pcs and gamers feel that its bad ports and what not. Just lower number compared to consoles but yes they are still pretty big numbers and yes still growing. 

Like I have listed prior there are plenty of developers and exclusive games that focus on PC and on High-End PC's at that.

We need to remember that the PC has also been the breeding ground for new gameplay mechanics/genre's... Which tend to go gangbusters first on that platform.
PUBG ring a bell? Battle Royale happened on PC.
Minecraft ring a bell? Procedural generated, open-world, survival, crafting game. PC.
Star Citizen? - Giant Universe/Galaxy sized AAA space-sims? Again. PC.

The thing with the consoles is that it's split between Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft, the PC owns it's entire market. - That's the difference.

Picky arent we?

I said there is no evidence? Second time you try to say I made an argument so you can add something that dosent even answer it. But I said the evidence is dodgy at best. Numbers get reported like I said, the graphs I posted show the research. Can I proove its 100% accurate? No I cannot which is why I said I could be wrong. What can be sure is acurate is the global revenue split and that is definetly higher. And I would put good money on the Asian market bloating pc revenue on f2p games.

Never doubted that the pc ecosystem benefits the most for new ideas and/or innovation.  And like you know when a game break out big and then gets ported to consoles, guess what, it sells a lot more on them. Then if they really have something they make a sequel and it launches in all platforms from the get go and they tend to aim again at the lowest common denominator and highest source of income.

Stop mentioning star citizen please . that sounds more like a scam every single day and can only hurt your case. 

But again ..i still dont know why you are still on this. I have said pc gaming is big and has a lot of potential for devs to aim for just that consoles are biger. That's not really up for debate.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

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Fragenstein said:
sales2099 said:

Until Sony officially announces these games I’m afraid it’s all speculation as to when they release. Doesn’t change the point I made about the first couple years of a gen. 

The best version is on Series X. I’m happy the game will get to be enjoyed by more people, even if it’s on Xbox One. As a Halo fan I want the franchise to grow. I’m sure the Series X version will be worth it. Digital Foundry comparison videos should more then show the next gen difference when it’s all said and done. 

Given how the first 2 years are just practice for devs of all consoles, this whole cross gen controversy is making a whole lot about nothing. I’m sure the quality will speak for itself. 

I agree, it's hard to get excited about next gen games when we haven't even seen a proper tech demo yet. But as someone already mentioned, part of the excitement is not knowing what to expect from the SSD and extra horse power. With cross-gen games we already know exactly what to expect. Halo Infinite, for example will be just like Halo 4 when it released on Xbox 360 and Xbox One. It will look and play identical with a bump in framerate and resolution on Series X. Digital Foundry will say Series X/pc will have the best versions but its last gen roots will likely be apparent, at least compared to games that skipped current gen.

I also agree that the quality will speak for itself. But for arguments sake, lets say studios like Naughty Dog, Santa Monica, Insomniac, Guerilla Games all have a game out early on, what makes you think they won't be top quality? All those studios have a pretty amazing track record and strong ip's that'll be a perfect fit for this next gen tech.

In regards to your final point about the possibility of ND, Santa Monica and the rest doing a next gen exclusive in the first couple years, I have zero doubt they will be top quality titles. But we aren’t talking about getting a high Metacritic, we are talking about potential utilized in the beginning of the gen. My argument is that it has never been done before no matter the console or developer. So if you can’t get 100% potential year 1 no matter what you do...might as well make the game cross gen and get more sales out of it while you at it. 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


LudicrousSpeed said:
Yes yes they’re spending untold millions on developing an expensive new console so they can sell Gamepass to people playing on 2013 launch Xbone units 😆😆

Thread delivers.

For the record I agree with you but I’m just taking a different route, pretending they are right (that they are truly held back) and going from there :)

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


HollyGamer said:
LudicrousSpeed said:

In the same interview you’re referencing where he talks about games running across all Xbox devices, he says the Halo team will be taking advantage of XSX. So per usual you’re cherry picking information to spin when it might suit your agenda and ignoring everything else. 

Im still waiting to read how MS is going to sell people on a $500-600 machine that plays upscaled Xbone games 😆😆

They will taking the advantage of Xbox Series X and at the same time giving a high quality on all platform, it means they are targeting general consensus, which mean the lower spec A.K.A Xbox One . 

You forgot Xbox are now selling Game pass , not Xbox,  Xbox One X, nor even Xbox Series X. Gamepass is their main product. Many game pass owner owned old hardware . 

Looks like somebody doesn’t know what Smart Delivery is. You get the appropriate version based on the console you own. Each version specifically tailored. 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


HollyGamer said:

Like I said there is nothing for third party developer to do cross gen , my objection for this thread is for people to understand that cross gen are helding game design and creativity and also will not able to shows the capability of new tech and new power of next gen.

I am not complaining with third party they are not the one who is in responsible for this matter, i am talking about first party studio from Sony, Microsoft and  Nintendo. I may not have Xbox for now  but i game on PC and some of my games are from Windows and some are from steam. 

I get what you are saying and I don't disagree with it, hardware can limit developers however good developers find ways around the limits.

Look at the XB1 launch line up. They launched with Forza 5, Dead Rising 3, Killer Instinct and Ryse Son of Rome. All these games were built on XB1 hardware, did that change the fate of the console? It was outsold by the PS4 3 to 1. 

Nintendo a few years later launch the Switch with Zelda BOTW, a cross gen game made on limited WiiU hardware and it blew the competition doors down and sold incredibly well.

Gamers just want good quality games, no one went out to buy a XB1 because of Ryse which was the best looking game for many years, nor Forza 5.. imagine if Forza 5 was build as a Forza 4 sequel cross gen instead of being made from the ground up on X1? It would have been a much better end product.

1st party exclusives using the latest hardware is always a good thing however also look at it as a customers perspective, imagine if you just brought a XB1X or a PS4 Pro, than realise its obsolete once the next gen consoles arrive because you wont be getting any more games. To me, a good healthy eco system is more important than how much a console sells at launch. good eco systems increase game life spans, helps multiplayer games continue to be played, helps sell more copies of games, and allows the brand to maintain their customers instead of slapping them in the face asking them to fork out $500+ to buy the next system or miss out. 

Id rather leave that up to the 3rd party companies that want to push the boundaries, let the 1st party bigger hitters come along when they are ready to use the hardware, otherwise you get stuck with games like Ryse, DriveClub and The Order 1886.

Last edited by Azzanation - on 21 April 2020

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eva01beserk said:

Picky arent we?

I warned you bud, truly I did.

You're going to have to provide core data at this point. I wouldn't dig any further.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

The Critic 🥰

Chazore said:
eva01beserk said:

Picky arent we?

I warned you bud, truly I did.

You're going to have to provide core data at this point. I wouldn't dig any further.

I can't even if I wanted to. I have already said that data is unreliable when trying to track digital purchases. It's ok it was getting off topic and I know I was one of the main reasons so its best to stop.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

HollyGamer said:

An also stop mentioning Horizon 2 . the games are made for current gen but it got ported to old gen  . This is different from Halo Infinite where the games are made for current gen and enhanced for better hardware (like Xbox One X) , the games will not shows anything new from Xbox Series X capabilities except Resolution and Frame rates.   

Don't know that for sure just yet, 343i might bolt on some Ray Tracing effects.

eva01beserk said:

I said there is no evidence? Second time you try to say I made an argument so you can add something that dosent even answer it. But I said the evidence is dodgy at best. Numbers get reported like I said, the graphs I posted show the research. Can I proove its 100% accurate? No I cannot which is why I said I could be wrong. What can be sure is acurate is the global revenue split and that is definetly higher. And I would put good money on the Asian market bloating pc revenue on f2p games.

In a round a bout way. Yes.

Basically you are saying the evidence is dodgy... But you stand by the dodgy evidence 100%.

Also we need to remember that the consoles have a sizable fp2 market as well.

eva01beserk said:

Never doubted that the pc ecosystem benefits the most for new ideas and/or innovation.  And like you know when a game break out big and then gets ported to consoles, guess what, it sells a lot more on them. Then if they really have something they make a sequel and it launches in all platforms from the get go and they tend to aim again at the lowest common denominator and highest source of income.

Often it doesn't sell more on console, often it sells best on mobile. Does that make consoles inferior? No. Does that make console sales small? Also no.

eva01beserk said:

Stop mentioning star citizen please . that sounds more like a scam every single day and can only hurt your case. 

No. And disagree.

eva01beserk said:

But again ..i still dont know why you are still on this. I have said pc gaming is big and has a lot of potential for devs to aim for just that consoles are biger. That's not really up for debate.

Why am I still on this? Why are you still on this? Takes two to party.

At the end of the day the PC is a bigger platform than any singular console.

But also at the end of the day, consoles are just PC's anyway.

Azzanation said:

Look at the XB1 launch line up. They launched with Forza 5, Dead Rising 3, Killer Instinct and Ryse Son of Rome. All these games were built on XB1 hardware, did that change the fate of the console? It was outsold by the PS4 3 to 1. 

Nintendo a few years later launch the Switch with Zelda BOTW, a cross gen game made on limited WiiU hardware and it blew the competition doors down and sold incredibly well.

To be fair... Forza didn't appeal to me, Dead Rising 3 was meh, Ryse was meh. Killer Instinct launched bare-bones and didn't become a good game until much later.

Forza was the only shining game in that lineup critically.

In the case of Breath of the Wild, could it have been a better game if it was designed from the ground up for Switch hardware? Visually yes. But by how much? The jump between the WiiU and Switch isn't as large as the Xbox 360 to Xbox One remember, most Wii U ports to Switch just get a framerate/resolution bump and that is it.

Last edited by Pemalite - on 21 April 2020

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Pemalite said:
HollyGamer said:

An also stop mentioning Horizon 2 . the games are made for current gen but it got ported to old gen  . This is different from Halo Infinite where the games are made for current gen and enhanced for better hardware (like Xbox One X) , the games will not shows anything new from Xbox Series X capabilities except Resolution and Frame rates.   

Don't know that for sure just yet, 343i might bolt on some Ray Tracing effects.

Well next gen is not just about RT , also many developer ditch their old engine for new one because they trying to optimize to become fully RT engine. This could only happen if the lighting are fully RT and no SR at all, and will be benefit on next gen console/PC performance when running games with RT. Old RT tech are limited on performance because it was optimize on old engine and old Uarc .  So i doubt Halo infinite to have fully RT if it's still using Screen Space reflection and other old lighting method. To be fully RT and run very well on next gen, they need  to sacrifice Xbox One port and build based on Xbox series X.