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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan Pre-Order Chart

Wow, that 15 point day for Trails. Crazy.

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Disappointing penultimate week and final weekend for VE on COMG! KnK did great this week.

Looks like there isn't much love for Persona on Switch.

Crisis Core is taking a long time. Strange how no version has appeared so far, considering it's a FF game.

wow those pokemon numbers, did something happen in japan? any promo?

I really hope Bayo 3 sells 2-3 millions on Switch.

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What's going on with pokemon lol

Pokemon really going pokemon this weekend

too early for predictions but at this rate pokemon could break splatoon's 3 fw sales at least retail...

I'm going to guess there was some limited store exclusive pre-order bonus if they pre-ordered by a certain date. Going from 45 pre-orders to 2 just ain't normal.

Megiddo said:

I'm going to guess there was some limited store exclusive pre-order bonus if they pre-ordered by a certain date. Going from 45 pre-orders to 2 just ain't normal.

It's normal because of the caliber of game. Open World Pokemon game is going to sell over 6 million copies in Japan and 30 million copies worldwide at full price.