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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan Pre-Order Chart

havent seen something like that for a l000000000000000ng time...

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1ets G00000000000000

So what are we expecting to hit the charts over the next few days? Battle Spirits PS4, Switch Sports, Winning Post 9 on Switch?

Switch Sports and Winning Post on Switch are climbing up the Amazon charts so we might see those two get above all those titles on 3 points very soon..

Today is April fools day. You know, you missed the opportunity of putting a random game in the chart with 1000+ points.

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A complex chain of importers and localised Chrono Fever have led to a sudden surge to 400 points on the COMG charts, leaving industry stakeholders very cross about the possibility of week 2 and 3 shortages.
One Square executive was heard to mutter, “If only we had a time machine we could trigger in these circumstances”.

I was hoping for a bigger splash from Switch Sports... well, maybe later.

13 Sentinels just stole a base from eBaseball.

Kirby was a bit overinflated so the drop likely won't be nearly as bad as it shows here.

Apparently Kirby got a LOT more points than usual for a Kirby game at COMG. Good from COMG I say, it means they might have gotten a bigger marketshare.