Melty Blood should sell well, given how successful the recent Tsukihime remake is.
Melty Blood should sell well, given how successful the recent Tsukihime remake is.
That looks to be really, really bad for the otaku-oriented Neptunia/Senran Kagura game. Could easily be less than 5k first week on Famitsu.
Rather pathetic that the PS5 version of Tales of Arise didn't even sell 4 copies at COMG stores in the past week.
Tales on PS5 not even charting in the top 20 on its second week ain't a great sign, especially after a low opening.
LJ finishes its last weekend on a decent note. KnK finally moves after the OP was released.
Megiddo said: 1. That looks to be really, really bad for the otaku-oriented Neptunia/Senran Kagura game. Could easily be less than 5k first week on Famitsu. |
1. I wouldn't be surprised.
2. It probably sold out.
PS5 games seem to have a tendency to be pretty frontloaded.
SMT V seems to be slowly gaining some steam this past week
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