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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 58.3% Plan To Buy A PS5 VS. 38.5% For XBX, According To IGN Poll


Which Of The Two Will You Be Buying?

PS5 Only 60 59.41%
XBX Only 18 17.82%
Both 8 7.92%
Sticking With Switch 14 13.86%
Sticking With PS4/XBO 1 0.99%
sales2099 said:
DonFerrari said:

Do you have any evidence that the Core gamers care about it? Maybe they bought like 30M PS3 due to it?

Or am I not core because I wouldn`t change my purchase due to BC, didn`t miss it for PS4 and still bought several remakes and remasters?

Only that those who do like the feature say so on gaming sites where as casuals don’t care enough to talk about video games online. So there’s that. I never said it would make or break the purchase, for most anyway, but it’s a great quality of life feature. 

So the evidence that core gamers care is that the ones that care say so on the forum? And what do you call the ones in forum that don`t care? They stop being core?

sales2099 said:
DonFerrari said:

I don`t live in USA so citing its sales isn`t relevant them?

And again every year PS3 sold more than X360 so you are factually wrong and just want to hang on the 1 year head start sales to give yourself "it was ahead for most of the gen so I win this argument". That is a spin of master level.

PS3 win on total, was always ahead launch aligned, won almost all yearly sales, but since the one year head start gave an advantage to X360 that is the only one you want to use.

You said you are from Brazil right? Would you classify South America as part of Western society? And neither do I I’m from Canada but our buying habits are pretty much the same.

Sorry you are entitled to the opinion but I think aligning launches to erase the head start is spinning too. Ps3 did win, barely, at the last couple months. End of day I don’t feel like I lost as a fan.

Not really pretty much the same. Look at consoles sales and SW sales in USA versus Europe, both western but the consoles and genres most bought in both places are quite different.

I gave you 3 metrics PS3 won against 1 X360 didn`t win but was ahead most of time, you want to use a single one. That is why the spin would be on you.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

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shikamaru317 said:
goopy20 said:

I think it will all come down to the games. If Sony keeps dropping first party bombs while MS keeps failing to deliver with their exclusives, we could see an even bigger gap than we're seeing this gen. Also, price point is very important, so if Series X ends up being $100 or more expensive, it's gonna be a tough one for MS.

All signs suggest that Xbox's first party is going to improve next gen. At the very least quantity will improve, if not quality as well. Quantity wise, if you disregard 2nd party and look only at games released by 1st party studios, Xbox One has gotten just 24 first party games so far after 6+ years by my count (and several of those were either remasters/ports or small indie tier games). Compare that to the current situation, Xbox now has 14 first party studios and by my count (based on rumors) 22 individual teams within those 14 studios, with plans to try and release a game from each of those 22 teams every 3 years or so. And MS is still considering more 1st party acquisitions. That means that 1st party quantity should at least double compared to XB1. As for quality, it is anyone's guess if MS will be able to deliver on that front, but considering the top tier AAA talent that they've been hiring at studios like Obsidian, inXile, Playground's RPG studio, and The Initiative, I have high hopes that Xbox's first party quality next gen will improve as well.

Price wise, too much is up in the air currently to say much of anything. While XSX clearly has the more expensive AMD APU, MS saved some money by using a slower SSD than Sony and 6 GB of slower RAM for the OS and CPU focused tasks, which likely will keep the cost to build between PS5 and XSX pretty close to one another. PS5 and XSX could very well end up being the same price, or only having a $50 price gap between them. Then there are the rumors of a $300 Xbox Series S, if it is real such a console could sell like hotcakes with casual gamers who just want a cheap console that plays the latest games and don't care about having top-of-the-line graphics. 

Quantity will go up no doubt and quality could go either way. Though people are not hopeful seeing the direction MS is going. With al the cloud, crosgen, crosplat and whatever else. 

Price is tricky, cuz some are saying that Sony is expected to sell way more than MS, so they have a way bigger and longer bulk deal so its lowering their prices along with it being cheaper to begging with. So a price advantage is guarantee in favor of the ps5, by how much is still unknown. Im at least expecting ps5 $400 and xbox $500. Is what most tech channels and analyst are going with. 

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

DonFerrari said:
sales2099 said:

Only that those who do like the feature say so on gaming sites where as casuals don’t care enough to talk about video games online. So there’s that. I never said it would make or break the purchase, for most anyway, but it’s a great quality of life feature. 

So the evidence that core gamers care is that the ones that care say so on the forum? And what do you call the ones in forum that don`t care? They stop being core?

sales2099 said:

You said you are from Brazil right? Would you classify South America as part of Western society? And neither do I I’m from Canada but our buying habits are pretty much the same.

Sorry you are entitled to the opinion but I think aligning launches to erase the head start is spinning too. Ps3 did win, barely, at the last couple months. End of day I don’t feel like I lost as a fan.

Not really pretty much the same. Look at consoles sales and SW sales in USA versus Europe, both western but the consoles and genres most bought in both places are quite different.

I gave you 3 metrics PS3 won against 1 X360 didn`t win but was ahead most of time, you want to use a single one. That is why the spin would be on you.

Like I said it’s not a make or break feature. It’s nice to have but it clearly matters to those who do care. And what can I say I keep it simple. The more complicated the argument the more you are trying to prove. 360 won until the last 2 months and lost in the end. That’s not wrong to say, I think ;)

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


sales2099 said:
DonFerrari said:

So the evidence that core gamers care is that the ones that care say so on the forum? And what do you call the ones in forum that don`t care? They stop being core?

Not really pretty much the same. Look at consoles sales and SW sales in USA versus Europe, both western but the consoles and genres most bought in both places are quite different.

I gave you 3 metrics PS3 won against 1 X360 didn`t win but was ahead most of time, you want to use a single one. That is why the spin would be on you.

Like I said it’s not a make or break feature. It’s nice to have but it clearly matters to those who do care. And what can I say I keep it simple. The more complicated the argument the more you are trying to prove. 360 won until the last 2 months and lost in the end. That’s not wrong to say, I think ;)

So you will make it very simple and remove your input that core gamers care about BC and also make it even simpler "PS3 outsold X360", can`t go simpler or shorter than that?

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

d21lewis said:
eva01beserk said:

this might be the biggest factor now that you mention it. Who would want to abandoned that huge collection they have build over the years? Going back and play them enhanced. 

The answer to your question is "Vgchartz users". When XBO announced backwards compatibility, the overwhelming response was "I bought a PS4 to play PS4 games. If you want to play old games, keep your old console. BC doesn't matter."

The situations are completely different, though.  For one, it came out 2 years after launch and really was more to pad out their lineup, considering this is when the slowdown in exclusives started to happen.  It also didn't help that it was done in stages, not just an emulator that they put out that could run 80%-90% of the 360's games. 

B/C, while never the biggest selling point (maybe 5 in the Top 5 reasons to get a system),  is mostly appealing at the beginning of a gen, to help smooth the transition for early adopters when the lineup is a little bare.  In 2 years time, when the console is at a more acceptable price for more adopters, the lineup is going to be to the point where rarely anyone is going to go back and play those older games. 

Of course, this gen we have also seen the steady uptick in digital sales and library sizes.  This is going to make B/C with this gen a much more appealing prospect.  Especially since both companies are looking to improve the performance of those games, both in framerate and resolution. 

Given the different situations, it's pretty clear why it was naive of Xbox fans to push the narrative that B/C had won MS E3 and would cause more 360 owners to buy a XBO over a PS4.

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thismeintiel said:
d21lewis said:

The answer to your question is "Vgchartz users". When XBO announced backwards compatibility, the overwhelming response was "I bought a PS4 to play PS4 games. If you want to play old games, keep your old console. BC doesn't matter."

The situations are completely different, though.  For one, it came out 2 years after launch and really was more to pad out their lineup, considering this is when the slowdown in exclusives started to happen.  It also didn't help that it was done in stages, not just an emulator that they put out that could run 80%-90% of the 360's games. 

B/C, while never the biggest selling point (maybe 5 in the Top 5 reasons to get a system),  is mostly appealing at the beginning of a gen, to help smooth the transition for early adopters when the lineup is a little bare.  In 2 years time, when the console is at a more acceptable price for more adopters, the lineup is going to be to the point where rarely anyone is going to go back and play those older games. 

Of course, this gen we have also seen the steady uptick in digital sales and library sizes.  This is going to make B/C with this gen a much more appealing prospect.  Especially since both companies are looking to improve the performance of those games, both in framerate and resolution. 

Given the different situations, it's pretty clear why it was naive of Xbox fans to push the narrative that B/C had won MS E3 and would cause more 360 owners to buy a XBO over a PS4.

In arguments downplaying BC (a feature I've always appreciated), people also said "BC didn't help the Wii U" or "PS3 did better without BC". I know the argument isn't black and white. There's other factors at play. But, again, I love backwards compatibility. As soon as I bought by Wii, I sold my GameCube. As soon as I bought my PS3, I gave away my PS2.

It sucks when people tell you that something you love is worthless. Even XBO bc. I was always excited to get new and improved games added to the list. I even repurchased about 80% of the physical games I owned digitally just to take advantage of the feature. My sig (I can't see it right now. After I post, I'll take a look) which shows my last five played games on PlayStation and Xbox platforms is probably half BC titles if not more.

When I do eventually get both consoles, I plan to take full advantage of BC on both. I just like playing whatever I want to play whenever I want to play it. The addition of modern features (game DVR, screenshots, etc) on older games just makes me smile.

sales2099 said:
V-r0cK said:


Sony has proven that BC isn't a major necessity as the few on the internet are blowing it up to be. 

Remember when PS3 had PS1 & PS2 BC and then the slim PS3 removed it?  The internet was furious but it didn't stop the PS3 from selling millions more and the complaint stopped complaining shortly after as well.

And now this gen:  PS4 sales (no BC) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Xbox One sales (fully BC) 

Heck, even Nintendo's home console didnt have BC until the Wii with GC games, and the Wii U with Wii games, and now it has stopped.   

BC is a nice feature, but it's not a deal breaker a system doesn't include it.

That’s a simple explanation. Core gamers care about BC. Casuals don’t. Casuals not caring shouldn’t excuse a company from giving their fans a great service.

Im currently going through my back catalog of BC 360 titles alongside current ones and I’m grateful I can continue playing missed games when I get a Series X. 

I am a core gamer...and I don't care about BC. Never have.

I do now though, for one very simple reason. 

Every single game I own on the PS4 was bought digitally.

shikamaru317 said:
victor83fernandes said:

This pole is a lie, I'm 100% sure this was not down worldwide, if it was there was no way xbox would have 38.5%, make this poll in Europe and it would be like 10%, make it in Japan and it will be like 0.5%

A. It’s an IGN US poll. 
B. Even Xbox One has a marketshare way above 10% in Europe, about 21% currently to be exact. And XSX has many advantages that XB1 didn’t have; more positive announcement reception, a stronger first party, higher specs than the competition. That means that Xbox’s marketshare in Europe will likely increase next gen, not decrease.

1 - So they should pu tin the title USA poll

2 - Xbox one X has advantages but ps5 too, this time ps5 is backwards compatible with ps4, and most people would like to play their library going forward, most people have ps4 so logic tells me those people will be moving to ps5

Other disadvantage of xbox series X is no exclusives for 2 years

One more disadvantage is its coming after xbox one, a failure, the xbox one was coming after 360, a success, so there was more xbox fans back then.

One more disadvantage this time all xbox games are on PC, unlike previous generations.

This leads me to believe the series X will do worse than xbox One.

Stronger first party? What are you talking about? All xbox games will be on PC and xbox One, there are no first party exclusives at all, have you been following the news?

And do you honestly think it can compete with Horizon Zero dawn 2, spiderman 2, last of us 2, Ghost of tsushima, final fantasy 7 remake? Wake up.

Want more? i can keep this all day, xbox series X will cost more than xbox one at launch, surely more than ps5.

DonFerrari said:
sales2099 said:

Like I said it’s not a make or break feature. It’s nice to have but it clearly matters to those who do care. And what can I say I keep it simple. The more complicated the argument the more you are trying to prove. 360 won until the last 2 months and lost in the end. That’s not wrong to say, I think ;)

So you will make it very simple and remove your input that core gamers care about BC and also make it even simpler "PS3 outsold X360", can`t go simpler or shorter than that?

I will amend my post in that “not all core gamers care about BC” and “PS3 outsold the last 2 months of the gen”. That’s the best I can do :)

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


ClassicGamingWizzz said:
Reading Sony is silent is because they Will release the gotg the last of US 2, a forte contender in ghost of tsushima and FF 7 is exclusive for this year, this is One of their best years ever and no One have their Minds on console released , europe is facing is darkest period since ww2, usa covid 19 are scary as fuck. There is no rush.

See the thing is those are all PS4 titles. And aside from getting next gen “remasters” I don’t see their exclusive PS5 launch lineup to be as formidable as the 1st half of the year.

Historically Sony coasts on the brand for the first couple years giving gamers a few notable exclusives to get by but their real heavy guns don’t show up till about late year 2 to year 3. I don’t think they have anything that can go up against Halo Infinite. There’s Naughty Dog, but again that’s a current gen game they making. 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.