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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 58.3% Plan To Buy A PS5 VS. 38.5% For XBX, According To IGN Poll


Which Of The Two Will You Be Buying?

PS5 Only 60 59.41%
XBX Only 18 17.82%
Both 8 7.92%
Sticking With Switch 14 13.86%
Sticking With PS4/XBO 1 0.99%
BraLoD said:

Pathetic numbers.
Would be 155,000% if they had announced LoD Remake already.

There be 10 ps5's per household if a prequel were announced. you would have 100 most likely. 

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

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JRPGfan said:
vivster said:
How is that even possible with Xbox's amazing marketing and Sony's total screwup?

New gens dont mean a "clean slate".
People remember back a gen or two, and judge based on many other factors, than just the value of hardware in a console.

Basically a console is more than the hardware.
If it was just "best performance pr $", switch would be a rather bad product.

Thing is, most gamers care more about the games a system has, than its power.
PS4 came off of a gen, doing rather well with its exclusives, while the oppersite is basically true for Xbox.

Thats bound to effect numbers.
Also playstation was always a bigger brand name, than xbox.

XSX+PS5 will both be near 100% BC, with previous gen titles, so it makes sense that beacuse so many more have playstations, they'd want to continue forwards with that in the next console.

this might be the biggest factor now that you mention it. Who would want to abandoned that huge collection they have build over the years? Going back and play them enhanced. 

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

I'm sorry but does anyone else find it funny that people keep saying "3 straight gens of dominance" for Sony even though the 360 and PS3 battle was essentially a dead heat? Lol.

newwil7l said:
I'm sorry but does anyone else find it funny that people keep saying "3 straight gens of dominance" for Sony even though the 360 and PS3 battle was essentially a dead heat? Lol.

Not to mention who really won previous gen.

you just gotta take the regulars with a pinch of salt @newwil

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Around the Network
BraLoD said:
eva01beserk said:

There be 10 ps5's per household if a prequel were announced. you would have 100 most likely. 

A LoD prequel playing as Rose would be a great reason to not see the sun for a month.

Second self quarantine? 

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

jlauro said:
newwil7l said:
I'm sorry but does anyone else find it funny that people keep saying "3 straight gens of dominance" for Sony even though the 360 and PS3 battle was essentially a dead heat? Lol.

Not to mention who really won previous gen.

No matter how you put it, xbox was last that gen and playstation above it. 

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

newwil7l said:
I'm sorry but does anyone else find it funny that people keep saying "3 straight gens of dominance" for Sony even though the 360 and PS3 battle was essentially a dead heat? Lol.

360 winning from November 2005 to losing by a couple million around what, September 2013 with the next gen starting in November 2013 is not a loss. That’s 99% of the gens relevance in 360s favour. And 360 didn’t need Japan as a crutch either to get that virtual tie. 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 



Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Yeah Sony has been silent, but the AAA and AA exclusives speak for themselves. I believe that's what Sony is doing.

CPU: Ryzen 9950X
Motherboard: MSI MEG X670E GODLIKE
SSD: Kingston FURY Renegade 4TB
Gaming Console: PLAYSTATION 5 Pro