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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Nvidia's GeForce Now is losing all Activision Blizzard games, a bad sign for cloud gaming

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What do you think

Yes it's a bad sign 12 75.00%
No 4 25.00%
Wyrdness said:
Most likely they want to make money off it whether if the service is free or not.

^ this.

Then it becomes the norm, and bidding wars break out between streaming services.
Then that + exclusive content, makes or breaks, some of these services.

You thought it was annouying to keep track of differnt accounts / passwords, and multiple game launchers?
Welcome to the same thing happending with game streaming.

If you end up haveing to own multiple $/month type active subscription services to stream games.....
Im just more and more inclined to say f*** that.

Just give me a normal pc or game console.

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Ljink96 said:
As expected. Why let someone else profit off of what you own, or share the profit when you can keep all the profit for yourself? Streaming games is a complete shitshow.

It could well be if this becomes the norm.
I could imagine all these services in bidding wars to keep stuff exclusives or off other services.

And I highly doubt most people would be willing to own and pay for more than 1 active game streaming service subscription at a time.

And people think I'm mad that I buy my music, movies, series and games. The complete balkanization of streaming services is rendering them more and more of a bad deal. The only service I have is Netflix (for now).

Leynos said:
Why cloud gaming can eat shit. Publishers have all the control. Fuck that. It's just going to turn into the BS that steaming films/TV had. Everyone will ask for your $10 a month and instead of an all in one. Every publisher will make their own. Pull shit like this when they feel like it. De-list games forever (Still pissed about X-Men and Afterburner on XBL)

Keep encouraging those pirates.

I'm beginning to agree with that. It seems to me that it's becoming more and more inevitable.

God bless You.

My Total Sales prediction for PS4 by the end of 2021: 110m+

When PS4 will hit 100m consoles sold: Before Christmas 2019

There were three ravens sat on a tree / They were as blacke as they might be / The one of them said to his mate, Where shall we our breakfast take?

I think it's probably a little to early to celebrate, but yeah, fuck cloud gaming.

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CuCabeludo said:

Many companies are adding to their eula a term which you can't stream their games without their permission.

A lot of games on PS4 already have sections blocked off from streaming on the PS4 Twitch app. I assume it's the same for the X1 versions of those same games. Persona 5 was really bad about that. And I've seen a few Switch games that block screenshots and video on the Switch sharing app.

sales2099 said:

I don’t see this as a problem for Xcloud....everyone in the market now stumbling around just to get in first while Xcloud being rolled out slowly in testing phases and doing quality control.

In the end none of these guys have what Xcloud has: the rich back catalog of Xbox games, Xbox’s 14 studios, and the ability to import your saves from Xbox to Xcloud.

It will never substitute for traditional gaming but I see it being a nice convenience like playing in other rooms in the house, or even being a entry point to Xbox for people that would never buy a console.  

Yes MS is know for its rich catalogue of 1st party games, totally independent of 3rd parties for their console and Xcloud =p

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

The greed of those companies will pretty much destroy cloud gaming, or what it could've become. If that trend continues, exclusivity will become a norm and we'll be forced to pay well over $100 per month (and I'm being generous with this estimate) to enjoy AAA games, or any new games in that matter.
In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if, in the near future, games from those big publishers, would become stream platform exclusives. And THAT terrifies me as that'd mean end of consoles (and PC gaming), end of ownership, end of modding, end of cheap games, end of emulation and end of offline gaming.

Kristof81 said:
The greed of those companies will pretty much destroy cloud gaming, or what it could've become. If that trend continues, exclusivity will become a norm and we'll be forced to pay well over $100 per month (and I'm being generous with this estimate) to enjoy AAA games, or any new games in that matter.
In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if, in the near future, games from those big publishers, would become stream platform exclusives. And THAT terrifies me as that'd mean end of consoles (and PC gaming), end of ownership, end of modding, end of cheap games, end of emulation and end of offline gaming.

I mean, we're already doing that with the media sector. It's likely to happen with the gaming sector, and we've also got it happening with the music sector as well. Pretty sure ebooks are following this trend slightly as well. Pretty much every facet of media is being split up and turned into sub fees. Sure it looks affordable to some, but really if you add all these subs, from every type of media, we're actually just paying more, and owning less of it.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

I don't agree. Not every company has the capacity to deliver a worldwide infrastructure to support their games on the cloud. It is the same as thinking every company could have had the capacity to sell their own consoles for their exclusive games.

The problem lies on companies wanting their share of the cloud revenue. Capcom and Square Enix also removed their games from GFN. Nvidia will need to come with an agreement with developers if more companies decide that they will only allow their games on cloud services they authorize.

The only ones that can deliver robust cloud gaming infrastructure to the world are Google, MS and Amazon, maybe Valve.

Last edited by CuCabeludo - on 13 February 2020