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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

Stock pile your toilet rolls, canned foods, and essential items.
We must fight for our survival as humans face our greatest threat.
16 million people have been locked down under house arrest in Northern Italy to contain Corona Virus.

Last edited by Phoenix20 - on 08 March 2020

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Immersiveunreality said:
John2290 said:

The people who are at risk of dying will get the vaccine..ya, know and not die, but your self serving morals aside with no regard for the already sick or old how do you see any western nation handling the numbers of critical patients if they numbers keep on the path they are now and land where the experts suggest? Where do the already sick and hospitalized go? You can't just put a Covid patient next to a cancer patient without safegaurds. Hell, even the same building is unethical, where do the cancer patients go? If you have it figured please tell your local offical to alert the WHO that you've got to solition to the problem and everyone is all good now. 

Take a step back and realize you have just begun to care about the already sick and hospitalized because of the mediahype,those people have always been at risk year after year and now that we ourselves have a small small chance to be affected it is suddenly important to include them into our arguments to be able to enforce our believes?

So you don't have (older) parents or grand parents you remind they should get the flu shot yearly? It does help

The flu kills people, lots of things kill people. The healthcare system is dialed in to the status quo we have while slowly trying to make things better and it works since the average lifespan is continuing to increase. This new virus is a huge stressor on the status quo which the healthcare system has no reserve for to handle at scale. Every other normally sick patient will suffer when this gets too big, unless the solution is to lock anyone with covid-19 into their homes and see who is still alive 4 weeks later.

Maybe you never cared for the sick and hospitalized and never had family members or friends need healthcare, lucky you. But I admit I also have a personal interest in this virus. My wife is in the risk group with chronic lung disease (She has asthma and she catches pneumonia on a yearly basis now), chronic hypertension (needs blood pressure medication) and a generally weak immune system. So yeah, I very much like to see this thing getting pushed back.

People panicking isn't helping, however that's a direct result of the government not trusting the population to handle the facts, while the media is trying to grab attention by blowing the facts out of proportion. I haven't been following the media at all, just the CDC and WHO statements and draw my own conclusions on how this is developing.

I'm actually not all that worried for our safety (still worried though) after following how this is developing. Countries start in denial, ensuring the risk is low, let travelers check their own health for a couple weeks after coming back. Then when it starts to grow a bit some big gatherings get cancelled, still growing, close some schools, still not working, restrict travel, getting over a 1000 new cases a day, lock down. All measures that lag behind and only make a bigger mess in the end, but it will eventually slow the virus down. Those that don't travel nor have family members that travel are quite safe (for now) Community spread is still quite rare.

Countries are on a self destructive path with this disease. Instead of putting full safety measures at airports / borders, they rather wait until it gets out of hand and parts of the country need to be shut down. So with this trend it is wise to stock up to get a bit of a buffer in food and medical supplies. If only for a few weeks to get through possible shortages. Of course, governments should have advised people to do this since early Februari in a sensible way. Buy a little extra each week, be prepared which is a smart thing to be anyway. But we as a species are still a fight or flight type animal. No immediate threat, go back to our regular comfy snooze, then it hits and it's act first, think later. I have to laugh at people stockpiling toilet paper and even fighting over it, a comfort item. Just wash your fucking ass if you run out.

SvennoJ said:
Immersiveunreality said:

Take a step back and realize you have just begun to care about the already sick and hospitalized because of the mediahype,those people have always been at risk year after year and now that we ourselves have a small small chance to be affected it is suddenly important to include them into our arguments to be able to enforce our believes?

So you don't have (older) parents or grand parents you remind they should get the flu shot yearly? It does help

The flu kills people, lots of things kill people. The healthcare system is dialed in to the status quo we have while slowly trying to make things better and it works since the average lifespan is continuing to increase. This new virus is a huge stressor on the status quo which the healthcare system has no reserve for to handle at scale. Every other normally sick patient will suffer when this gets too big, unless the solution is to lock anyone with covid-19 into their homes and see who is still alive 4 weeks later.

Maybe you never cared for the sick and hospitalized and never had family members or friends need healthcare, lucky you. But I admit I also have a personal interest in this virus. My wife is in the risk group with chronic lung disease (She has asthma and she catches pneumonia on a yearly basis now), chronic hypertension (needs blood pressure medication) and a generally weak immune system. So yeah, I very much like to see this thing getting pushed back.

People panicking isn't helping, however that's a direct result of the government not trusting the population to handle the facts, while the media is trying to grab attention by blowing the facts out of proportion. I haven't been following the media at all, just the CDC and WHO statements and draw my own conclusions on how this is developing.

I'm actually not all that worried for our safety (still worried though) after following how this is developing. Countries start in denial, ensuring the risk is low, let travelers check their own health for a couple weeks after coming back. Then when it starts to grow a bit some big gatherings get cancelled, still growing, close some schools, still not working, restrict travel, getting over a 1000 new cases a day, lock down. All measures that lag behind and only make a bigger mess in the end, but it will eventually slow the virus down. Those that don't travel nor have family members that travel are quite safe (for now) Community spread is still quite rare.

Countries are on a self destructive path with this disease. Instead of putting full safety measures at airports / borders, they rather wait until it gets out of hand and parts of the country need to be shut down. So with this trend it is wise to stock up to get a bit of a buffer in food and medical supplies. If only for a few weeks to get through possible shortages. Of course, governments should have advised people to do this since early Februari in a sensible way. Buy a little extra each week, be prepared which is a smart thing to be anyway. But we as a species are still a fight or flight type animal. No immediate threat, go back to our regular comfy snooze, then it hits and it's act first, think later. I have to laugh at people stockpiling toilet paper and even fighting over it, a comfort item. Just wash your fucking ass if you run out.

Yeah on top of the shit i got already i got the same things your wife has,i'm amongst the weak ones to get coronavirus.

And omg no,i care a lot about the sick and weak to the extent it causes me stress but i wanted to point out that a lot of people just start caring about those when it can mildly effect themselves.

John2290 said:
Immersiveunreality said:

Take a step back and realize you have just begun to care about the already sick and hospitalized because of the mediahype,those people have always been at risk year after year and now that we ourselves have a small small chance to be affected it is suddenly important to include them into our arguments to be able enforce our believes?

I have cared for people on and off since 2009 as a job, npt medial care but 24/7 daily needs as a live in. I didn't just start now, nor did I just start worrying for the health of people in my life who are getting on in years. I just cqn't get my head around the numbers and what the medical system is going to do in the next few months. You call it panic, I call it justified worry. 

I do not know if it is justified worry but that is only my doubt.

I respected you before for your honest oppinions without agenda and i do respect you more knowing you did this on and off as a job.

Immersiveunreality said:

Yeah on top of the shit i got already i got the same things your wife has,i'm amongst the weak ones to get coronavirus.

And omg no,i care a lot about the sick and weak to the extent it causes me stress but i wanted to point out that a lot of people just start caring about those when it can mildly effect themselves.

Ahh, good luck to you. It mostly irks me when people start going on about the economy, any counter measures are going to hurt the country, my comfy life might get a little less comfy. Maybe I can't go on holiday this year!

But also for young and healthy people, this is the time to be more careful. In a few months, do you think they'll have time for you when you break your leg on a ski slope or get some stomach bug after going on holiday.

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John2290 said:
vivster said:

What makes you think that vaccines will fix anything? There are countless flu vaccines every single year, yet there are millions and millions of flu cases every year. That's because viruses are very resistant and mutate constantly. Mutating is like their whole thing. So what do you think will happen after we get a vaccine for this one? First of all, not everyone will get a shot, most people probably won't even bother getting one. So the disease will just spread further and it will become a normal everyday disease like we have so many of. What do you think causes a cold?

This massive outrage about a thing that we had to deal with for millennia every single day, that you had to deal with every single day since you were born, is just ridiculous. And you can absolutely count on the fact that the outrage and massive overreaction to this virus will hurt much much more people in the long run than the virus ever could. Anxiety, stress, an overburdened health system that cannot function properly because a light cold is treated as if it's the black plague, a heavily damaged economy, all these things will hurt so many people. I don't even want to think about the amount of people who got their treatments for their serious illnesses delayed, because so many resources are wasted on this bullshit. And you, with your panic far removed from reality, are at the forefront of causing all that harm to others who just want to live their lives. Congratulations.

The people who are at risk of dying will get the vaccine..ya, know and not die, but your self serving morals aside with no regard for the already sick or old how do you see any western nation handling the numbers of critical patients if they numbers keep on the path they are now and land where the experts suggest? Where do the already sick and hospitalized go? You can't just put a Covid patient next to a cancer patient without safegaurds. Hell, even the same building is unethical, where do the cancer patients go? If you have it figured please tell your local offical to alert the WHO that you've got to solition to the problem and everyone is all good now. 

It seems you have absolutely no idea how hospitals operate. Everything you worry about is already common place. Do you have any idea how many people die every year due to infectious diseases in hospitals? We sit in waiting rooms close together with a bunch of people who could make you sick at any moment. Babies die constantly from mild illnesses they contract in hospitals. Nothing that is currently happening with COVID-19 is any different than what clinics have to deal with every single day. The only difference is that it's now public and people like you are scared because they didn't know numbers before this. This whole containment business is solely due to public hysteria. Because if they didn't do that, people like you would go haywire. If you treated every similar disease like COVID-19, hospitals would not be able to function anymore. There simply do not exist enough healthcare professionals and it really is not necessary in the first place.

All the extra rules for people and the correct hygiene etiquette is no different from what any person should do every flu season. Don't travel, wash your hands, wear a mask when you're sick are all things everyone should do anyway all the time. And if people did that we would have far less diseases than we have now. Just because we gave a disease its own name doesn't make it special. I have yet to see anything that makes this virus special or particularly dangerous, apart from the overblown coverage of it.

Last edited by vivster - on 08 March 2020

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

It's a LIBTARD crock of manure...!!!! Lefty media= SCARED OF THEIR OWN SHADOWS.

User was Perma-Banned for this post -cycycychris

Last edited by cycycychris - on 08 March 2020

John2290 said:
This is the big one. Even if it the stats are half what they are now or a quarter, this is going to stress the planet more than anything in the last 60 years. There is no looking away from this as anything other than a slow moving disaster, The system can't cope with these numbers. It's like looking at a flow of lava coming towards you while stuck in quick sand. There's nothing we can do, just have to trust in the system as shoddy as it is and hope that some ditch digging by the powers that be will slow the lava. The ditch digging now just happens to be stemming panic and people all around are ready and willing to let those soothing words put them at rest while ignoring that stats. I hope to fuck these numbers can be slowed drastically but even when they are halfed and halfed again they keep adding up over time. By May the western world is going to be a shit show and if it can be slowed it'll just be june, slowed more and it's July. We might just have to face the reality that Chinas method of locking people in their homes is the only way to aboid the lava flow and if the lava analogy escapes people or It's inadequate I mean the damn medical infrastructure and that of our economy holding it up. It'll be interesting to say the very least to see how and who handles this and in what way.

2020 is fucked, I wanna sleep til 2021.

Feel like we´re in one of those movies about pandemics.

Snoopy said:

I actually agree with Elon Musk.

vivster said:

It really is quite dumb. Basically all of the deaths were people with preexisting conditions or without access to proper healthcare. I actually find it a bit disingenuous to count every single death as caused by corona even if the person had already bad health to begin with. I mean a normal cold can knock out someone with full blown aids or a respiratory disease but we would never count that as a death caused by cold.

The virus has shown that it is overall very weak and will cause no or very mild symptoms in the vast majority of people. It obviously cannot deal well with a functioning immune system. Which makes it equal to many mild diseases we deal with on a daily basis. Give it another year and this pandemic will become simply endemic and nobody will even give a shit.

Compare this with the recent surge of people condemning vaping while they're still completely fine with smokers killing themselves and others in the millions. 1 billion people who are slowly killing themselves and others? Completely fine. 100k people who have a little sneeze? GLOBAL HEALTH CRISIS!

freedquaker said:
Snoopy said:

I actually agree with Elon Musk.

This is the first time I have ever agreed with Elon Musk. Whoever is giving him the script obviously knows that the Corona Virus, while not a hoax, is purposely blown out of proportion and used as both fearmongering and an economic war against China and other Western rivals. See what has happened...

- Chinese Economy suffered a big blow
- Oil prices are tanking
- Russian Economy gets a moderate blow
- Iran gets a big blow both from Corona and in Syria
- Syrian Regime gets a big ass-kick
- the EU also gets a moderate blow from migrant crisis

Basically the Shangai Cooperation is losing everywhere against the Western Alliance. Also the EU who resists the Western (Anglo-Saxon) Hegemony gets a big kick in the crutch.

vivster said:
John2290 said:

The people who are at risk of dying will get the vaccine..ya, know and not die, but your self serving morals aside with no regard for the already sick or old how do you see any western nation handling the numbers of critical patients if they numbers keep on the path they are now and land where the experts suggest? Where do the already sick and hospitalized go? You can't just put a Covid patient next to a cancer patient without safegaurds. Hell, even the same building is unethical, where do the cancer patients go? If you have it figured please tell your local offical to alert the WHO that you've got to solition to the problem and everyone is all good now. 

It seems you have absolutely no idea how hospitals operate. Everything you worry about is already common place. Do you have any idea how many people die every year due to infectious diseases in hospitals? We sit in waiting rooms close together with a bunch of people who could make you sick at any moment. Babies die constantly from mild illnesses they contract in hospitals. Nothing that is currently happening with COVID-19 is any different than what clinics have to deal with every single day. The only difference is that it's now public and people like you are scared because they didn't know numbers before this. This whole containment business is solely due to public hysteria. Because if they didn't do that, people like you would go haywire. If you treated every similar disease like COVID-19, hospitals would not be able to function anymore. There simply do not exist enough healthcare professionals and it really is not necessary in the first place.

All the extra rules for people and the correct hygiene etiquette is no different from what any person should do every flu season. Don't travel, wash your hands, wear a mask when you're sick are all things everyone should do anyway all the time. And if people did that we would have far less diseases than we have now. Just because we gave a disease its own name doesn't make it special. I have yet to see anything that makes this virus special or particularly dangerous, apart from the overblown coverage of it.

Coronavirus mortality rate is very low for young people but high for old people, and infection rate is super high between people and people. Now if you get infected by it, you could still be ok, but your parents/grandparents/uncle/aunt are a different story.

After one month of media coverage we have learned some things:

  • The virus is rapidly declining in China with less than 20K active case remaining
  • The growth rate of death is linear not exponential
  • The growth rate of new infections is linear as well with the exception of Italy + Iran (a statistical phenomenon because they increased testing recently)
  • Germany reports no death and nearly no serious cases for some reason
  • Death rate is 1% on the cruise ship (best controlled data) with mostly older people
  • Death rate in Korea (best surveillance and data nation-wide) is 0.6% overall, mostly older + preconditioned patients
  • Regular flu season will come to an end soon and this might help with covid too