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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

Bofferbrauer2 said:
SvennoJ said:

True, but then you have also reached the maximum negative impact to the economy. China is big enough to close down a few cities, 80K infected on a population of 1.3 billion, plenty resources to lessen the blow. It can always flare up again of course, coming back to China from new outbreaks. Everyone staying home for over a year until a vaccine is available isn't much of an option either. The problem atm is that it's seeding itself all over the world and gets to spread locally until drastic measures are put in place or people stay home. At least that's what I'm reading from the statistics coming out of Europe.

One question that bugged me while reading this is are the persons who had Covid-19 now immune to it or could they relapse again if the virus came back in a couple months or so? Do we have any information on that?

I haven't seen any credible information on that. There were rumors of a second (worse) phase, but that's just rumors. No clue if you will be immune after catching it once, it's still too new. Otherwise, if you're young and healthy, the best strategy now would be to go to Italy, catch it early, sick it out there on a nice beach and then go back home cured and immune :) (Don't take that serious!!!)

Yet even if contained once, for example in Wuhan, 99% of the people there haven't caught it. 1% now being immune is not going to make a difference when it starts spreading again.

Here we go...

Italy has authorized new emergency measures against the spread of coronavirus:
- the entire region of Lombardy is in lockdown. It is possible to enter and exit only in case of emergency
- the “red zone” is extended to 11 additional provinces: Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia, Rimini, Pesaro e Urbino, Venezia, Padova, Treviso, Asti e Alessandria. The measures will be in place until April 3

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 07 March 2020

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Bofferbrauer2 said:

One question that bugged me while reading this is are the persons who had Covid-19 now immune to it or could they relapse again if the virus came back in a couple months or so? Do we have any information on that?

I have read one report about a person being pronounced healed and then tested positive again. Can't remember where that was and when exactly, probably around the same time a dog in HK was tested positive. No further news about that particular case since, so it's anyones guess if true or not.

drkohler said:
Bofferbrauer2 said:

One question that bugged me while reading this is are the persons who had Covid-19 now immune to it or could they relapse again if the virus came back in a couple months or so? Do we have any information on that?

I have read one report about a person being pronounced healed and then tested positive again. Can't remember where that was and when exactly, probably around the same time a dog in HK was tested positive. No further news about that particular case since, so it's anyones guess if true or not.

I believe it could happen if someone has a bad immune system.  They could almost get over virus and then later fall to it again.  I don't think it would happen to someone who has a good immune system.  Once your white blood cells know how to attack virus they would kill it on site the next time exposed.  Reinfection could happen to someone who has low white blood cell count or immune system compromised.

Immersiveunreality said:

Now some healthy people think this current case will effect their own life so it is suddenly important to put so much attention towards it,the reality is that for ourselves the danger is almost laughable compared to those that are always exposed to these dangers. 

Well for many people it already greatly affects their lives. Pretty much all airline operators are scaling back, some by 50%. The first British airline just went broke (probably would have anyways, but that is the shape of things to come for many of those small airlines if that virus is still active into summer) The first industries are running out of raw/intermediate material as China has significantly reduced its output (or not gone back to normal after Chinese new year ended). That's the bane of "just in time" western production, and relying on China delivering pretty much everything on time.

Even Elon Musk will start to feel it when the rare earths are no longer coming from China. Let's not even mention, well let's do it anyways, all the shit that used to come from cheap online sites like Wish.

Immersiveunreality said:
Quartz said:

On another note - Corona Extra is on sale at my local Lidl here in the UK

Thanks for the info,i have been looking for them in the wrong places and if the UK has them in Lidl i assume they got them in the Netherlands as well.

 The Corona memes are to die for.

SvennoJ said:
John2290 said:
It's crazy that it took this for me to realize that society is running a the thinnest margin possible. Everything is completely min-max'd by modern computing with zero leeway for any other possible outcomes than a bit of harsh weather for a time or in the case of hospitals a holiday weekend. Supermarkets, if they run out of stock have to close down because they have no other plans in place for restocking. You'd think somebody in government would have realized this problem and worked with industries to account for this, esspecially in places like Australia with seasonal wildfires or Canada with the mad snows but no, the only places on Earth who seem to be running on something other than pure lean accounting seem to be the ones already isolated like Alaska. There is no plans, if a bad disaster like a city killer astroid hit we are all fucked, the entire planet would rush to clear out every industry and recourse and we'd all die before any nuclear winter set in.

Yep, I call bull on all those plague disaster movies that still have most of the stores stocked to survive on for years after!

We already saw what happens with Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. Here in Canada there are no big buffers for snow storms. The army gets called in to clear the snow out and deliver food and water. That only works when it's a small part of the country that needs help.

2,089 new cases today already and Italy hasn't phoned in yet. 3500 new cases yesterday, average growth factor seems to be 1.15 (outside China) atm. China is getting less and less new cases (+100) and 1678 discharged today, 22k active cases left out of 42k world wide. Tomorrow there will be more active cases outside China than in China. (There probably already are, still many undetected cases around)

Assuming the 1.15x trend continues, in 2 weeks there will be 22K new cases daily and near 500 deaths daily.

End of next week is the start of March break here. Perfect timing for people to go travel around for a week :/ Spring break has already started and lasts for a month (spread out) in the USA... Luckily it seems younger people get infected less (or simply show less symptoms). But who knows how far along it actually is in the USA.

 Humanity worldwide, increases efficiency to such a degree (partially to save the planet), that some illness, takes most, if not all of us out,                   saving the planet.

 Oh the irony.

Last edited by EricHiggin - on 07 March 2020

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drkohler said:
Immersiveunreality said:

Now some healthy people think this current case will effect their own life so it is suddenly important to put so much attention towards it,the reality is that for ourselves the danger is almost laughable compared to those that are always exposed to these dangers. 

Well for many people it already greatly affects their lives. Pretty much all airline operators are scaling back, some by 50%. The first British airline just went broke (probably would have anyways, but that is the shape of things to come for many of those small airlines if that virus is still active into summer) The first industries are running out of raw/intermediate material as China has significantly reduced its output (or not gone back to normal after Chinese new year ended). That's the bane of "just in time" western production, and relying on China delivering pretty much everything on time.

Even Elon Musk will start to feel it when the rare earths are no longer coming from China. Let's not even mention, well let's do it anyways, all the shit that used to come from cheap online sites like Wish.

I think China was already thinking about cutting rare earth metal exports to USA and the production slow down in China probably already has affected supply chains.

My girl works at Flex (contract manufacturing) and a few companies at site have either slowed or stop production at site due to lack of parts.  I assume the auto industry is almost in same boat.

John2290 said:
Wtf... SARS was never cured? There was and still is no vaccine for it? What... We are ecpected to have SARS-CoV2 floating around the planet seasonally with no cure? Please someone tell me that that is BS and that SARS only treatment is drugs that aren't a direct vaccine...

corona viruses (like SARS and the new one) are RNA viruses and therefore are highly variable, albeit a little bit less than other types of RNA viruses, meaning that it's unlikely there will be a vaccine that works for a long time

and as SARS itself just vanished after the HK outbreak there was no real need to develop one (which would pretty certainly have been ineffective for a new outbreak years later anyway)

influenza viruses ("the flu") also are RNA viruses (more variable ones than corona viruses though) which is why people need a new flu shot every season

drugs stay more effective as they generally target the virus reproduction, which is a bit less prone to change than it's surface structures (which is what vaccines/the body target)

Stoner here and was just thinking about how easy it is to spread colds and flu among group. You all know we pass the bowls, joints and bongs around. I'd have to say stoners get exposed to more germs than almost anyone except prostitutes.

You know what they say sometimes you gotta let the kids roll around in dirt to build up their immune system.

We need a Corona Virus video game and a Corona Virus Movie.
Who will play the male lead role in the Corona movie: will it be Matt Damon, Brad Pitt, Will Smith, George Clooney, Tom Cruise or Bradley Cooper?