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John2290 said:
Wtf... SARS was never cured? There was and still is no vaccine for it? What... We are ecpected to have SARS-CoV2 floating around the planet seasonally with no cure? Please someone tell me that that is BS and that SARS only treatment is drugs that aren't a direct vaccine...

corona viruses (like SARS and the new one) are RNA viruses and therefore are highly variable, albeit a little bit less than other types of RNA viruses, meaning that it's unlikely there will be a vaccine that works for a long time

and as SARS itself just vanished after the HK outbreak there was no real need to develop one (which would pretty certainly have been ineffective for a new outbreak years later anyway)

influenza viruses ("the flu") also are RNA viruses (more variable ones than corona viruses though) which is why people need a new flu shot every season

drugs stay more effective as they generally target the virus reproduction, which is a bit less prone to change than it's surface structures (which is what vaccines/the body target)