numberwang said:
Second wave in the US is much less lethal than the first one (mostly happened in NYC). We are in the final burnout stage and this will be over by October. I wonder if the whole topic will disappear from the media before the election to avoid giving Trump a boost?
Still like 71 days to go.
Still over 1000+ a day dieing to it.
Come election day, there could be ~250,000 deaths in the US to it.
Its still alot of people, that didn't need to go that did.
"The Covid Tracking Project, a respected and widely used resource, identified “major problems” with the new Department of Health and Human Services system in late July, and reported this week that “the federal data continue to be unreliable.”
The concern grows out of an order, issued last month by Mr. Azar, for hospitals to send daily reports about virus cases to a private vendor that transmits them to a central database in Washington instead of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which had previously housed the data.
The order raised alarm that the data could be politicized or withheld from the public.
In comparing state hospitalization data with the new federal data this week, the Covid Tracking Project noticed major discrepancies."
The data from HHS is likely manipulated.
Its hard to say... however I doubt a "boost" to trump numbers happends because of covid19 handleing.
Biden should buy some ad time and run these:
Last edited by JRPGfan - on 24 August 2020