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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

Hiku said:

Well, Trump did say that it would go away one day, like magic.
Didn't think this power grab for hospital data was going to be that magic though.

What I don't understand is why they're forcing schools to re-open instead of holding classes online?
If I was a kid and lived in USA, I would 100% refuse to go to school during this pandemic.

a kid being home, forces a parent to do so as well.
Ei. less people out looking for jobs:

Hes forceing the schools open, in the hopes it will get some hired. This makes himself look better, going upto a election.

And there are some economically where they have no choice, they cant afford not to go to work, even if it kills them.
Forceing the schools open might actually help such people.... the downside is its going to accelerate spread of the virus.

Trump has taken a "we'll just learn to live with it" approuch at this point.
This is dispite herd immunity might not be possible at all, and ~1% of infected die, and 50%+ have perm. damage to various organes.

Trump is willing to gamble with american's health, on the possibility that a vaccine saves them.

Around the Network
vivster said:
JRPGfan said:

industrial espionage.  <----- real reason imo.

Russia is like "what have you guys discovered about the virus? hows the results of testing going? got anything promising?"

Basically russia isn't counting on others "shareing" their discoveries, but would reaaaaallly like to have a vaccine too.
So their "best option" is to go have a looksie at what others found out.

Not sure where you get your information that nobody is sharing infos about vaccines. We are not even at a point where we could produce one so how in the world is it justified to spy on anyone? Also, hell yes, we can blame Russia. They have no friends because they've been complete assholes to everyone for the past decades.

Your support for a criminal country doing criminal things feels really weird and misplaced here.

I'm not saying I support it... I said I can understand why they might try to get their hands on other nations research into the vaccine, because they want to "borrow" the results (the western countries have made), to accellerate their own program.

At this point, it has to be real clear that Russia apparently doesnt trust the west to treat them right, when it comes to vaccines (given/information/sold to them prices).

However the root of the act itself, while criminal (its not okay to hack research labs), comes likely from a desire to start their own program of vaccinations, and protect their own people.  I know the road to hell, paved with good intentions, thingy. Is it bad they want to try and protect their people?

Im sympathetic to their situation.
I suspect south africa has a higher chance, of getting help from the west than russia does.
I'd rather russia got it tbh, there alot closer to europe, and I'd rather they get their spread under controll (by means of a vaccine if needed) than not.

*IF* the west made it clear, that a vaccine that works, will be wild spread, and given to everyone was in everyones own intrests.
And was believeable.... this probably wouldn't have happended.  The issue is its not, theres clearly people thinking profits, even if it means more virus out there killing people. Theres clearly people thinking politics (so what if russians die?) ect.

The sooner this virus is stamped out everywhere, the better for humanity.
In todays world, people catch plane rides and go everywhere, and spread just carries on and on  and on.
If we want this gone, we need vaccines that work given to everyone in the world.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 17 July 2020

Hiku said:

Well, Trump did say that it would go away one day, like magic.
Didn't think this power grab for hospital data was going to be that magic though.

What I don't understand is why they're forcing schools to re-open instead of holding classes online?
If I was a kid and lived in USA, I would 100% refuse to go to school during this pandemic.

I think that's more Betsy DeVos's doing. After all, her family owns schools who would not make earnings if the students learn from home instead. She also has a history of supporting the worst and most dysfunctional kind of charter schools and the like, so doing this is right up her alley.

JRPGfan said:
vivster said:

Not sure where you get your information that nobody is sharing infos about vaccines. We are not even at a point where we could produce one so how in the world is it justified to spy on anyone? Also, hell yes, we can blame Russia. They have no friends because they've been complete assholes to everyone for the past decades.

Your support for a criminal country doing criminal things feels really weird and misplaced here.

I'm not saying I support it... I said I can understand why they might try to get their hands on other nations research into the vaccine, because they want to "borrow" the results (the western countries have made), to accellerate their own program.

At this point, it has to be real clear that Russia apparently doesnt trust the west to treat them right, when it comes to vaccines (given/information/sold to them prices).

However the root of the act itself, while criminal (its not okay to hack research labs), comes likely from a desire to start their own program of vaccinations, and protect their own people.  I know the road to hell, paved with good intentions, thingy. Is it bad they want to try and protect their people?

Im sympathetic to their situation.
I suspect south africa has a higher chance, of getting help from the west than russia does.
I'd rather russia got it tbh, there alot closer to europe, and I'd rather they get their spread under controll (by means of a vaccine if needed) than not.

*IF* the west made it clear, that a vaccine that works, will be wild spread, and given to everyone was in everyones own intrests.
And was believeable.... this probably wouldn't have happended.  The issue is its not, theres clearly people thinking profits, even if it means more virus out there killing people. Theres clearly people thinking politics (so what if russians die?) ect.

The sooner this virus is stamped out everywhere, the better for humanity.
In todays world, people catch plane rides and go everywhere, and spread just carries on and on  and on.
If we want this gone, we need vaccines that work given to everyone in the world.

That is all stupid conjection. It is in the interest of every medical professional in the world that the virus will be stamped out everywhere. "Not trusting the west" is in no way any justification to commit major crimes. There are more than enough proper channels to obtain information and collaborate with researchers and I'm pretty sure Russia is already using all of them.

Have you seen western countries break into Russia to secretly obtain their information? There is simply no need to do so unless you have shady motivation.

Let me make it very clear, Russia is NOT a victim and due to their actions in the past there is no reason to give them the benefit of the doubt. They will get a vaccine just like everyone else, they do neither deserve nor need special criminal access. It's them who are the nationalists, not everyone else.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Bofferbrauer2 said:
Hiku said:

Well, Trump did say that it would go away one day, like magic.
Didn't think this power grab for hospital data was going to be that magic though.

What I don't understand is why they're forcing schools to re-open instead of holding classes online?
If I was a kid and lived in USA, I would 100% refuse to go to school during this pandemic.

I think that's more Betsy DeVos's doing. After all, her family owns schools who would not make earnings if the students learn from home instead. She also has a history of supporting the worst and most dysfunctional kind of charter schools and the like, so doing this is right up her alley.

I just saw the twitter picture of the cafeteria and gatherings at that school... holy moly...
If you do, everyone needs to wear a mask, everyone needs to bring their own lunch box. 
If you force that amount of studients into a small cafeteria... jebus.

Like Im not scientist, but I'd be pretty sure those are "high risk"... . so no use of school cafeteria's anymore.
Also students should stay in their own class rooms, and eat at their own desks.
Even when outsides (on breaks), there should be rules & enforced, that keeps people in small sections that dont mingle with others.
So if one does have it, and infect others, they only infect their small "pod group" or whatever, instead of the entire class or accross multiple classes ect.

Theres tons of common-sense things you can do to limit how bad, it can spread.


If I was american, my biggest issue would the "we know best" mentality leadership is takeing.
They claim "The science should not stand in the way of schools reopening" , but I have a hard time believeing that.... Trump and company arn't exactly big on science, and are more than willing to go out of their way to ignore it, overlook parts ect. Basically a honesty and trust issue.

Kayleigh McEnany - "We are the outlier here" (other places have gotten back to school)

Kayleigh McEnany - "The science should not stand in the way of schools reopening"  (its worked some other places)

Internet : Science is reality, so reality shouldn't stand in the way of reopening schools? Huh?
Internet : Imagine being politically opposed to science?

What do you do, when trust is so low in the people governing you,
that what they go "we know best", your basically sure they dont and arn't looking out for your intrests.

Also the "we know best" but refuseing to give any sort of national guidence on it?

Also how many prisoners were free'ed becasue it was basically a death sentence, to be jailed?
But apparently whats unsafe for prisoners, is perfectly fine for school children.

I remember a reporter asking some military leader, if they would gather like 12-15 people in a class room, face to face, no masks ect for 8hours a day and so on (fitting what happends at a school), and was basically told, that would be deemed "unsafe", they would meet via internet to talk if they had to do so for so long, with so many.

You have military leaders & soldiers that arnt willing to do, what your asking school children too do.

Trump WH unwilling to give federal guidence, will ensure that there will be a miss match of differnt solutions taken, and likely alot of places it wont be safe.
Its gonna accelerate spread of coronavirus and deaths will follow from it.

Around the Network
vivster said:
JRPGfan said:

I'm not saying I support it... I said I can understand why they might try to get their hands on other nations research into the vaccine, because they want to "borrow" the results (the western countries have made), to accellerate their own program.

At this point, it has to be real clear that Russia apparently doesnt trust the west to treat them right, when it comes to vaccines (given/information/sold to them prices).

However the root of the act itself, while criminal (its not okay to hack research labs), comes likely from a desire to start their own program of vaccinations, and protect their own people.  I know the road to hell, paved with good intentions, thingy. Is it bad they want to try and protect their people?

Im sympathetic to their situation.
I suspect south africa has a higher chance, of getting help from the west than russia does.
I'd rather russia got it tbh, there alot closer to europe, and I'd rather they get their spread under controll (by means of a vaccine if needed) than not.

*IF* the west made it clear, that a vaccine that works, will be wild spread, and given to everyone was in everyones own intrests.
And was believeable.... this probably wouldn't have happended.  The issue is its not, theres clearly people thinking profits, even if it means more virus out there killing people. Theres clearly people thinking politics (so what if russians die?) ect.

The sooner this virus is stamped out everywhere, the better for humanity.
In todays world, people catch plane rides and go everywhere, and spread just carries on and on  and on.
If we want this gone, we need vaccines that work given to everyone in the world.

That is all stupid conjection. It is in the interest of every medical professional in the world that the virus will be stamped out everywhere. "Not trusting the west" is in no way any justification to commit major crimes. There are more than enough proper channels to obtain information and collaborate with researchers and I'm pretty sure Russia is already using all of them.

Have you seen western countries break into Russia to secretly obtain their information? There is simply no need to do so unless you have shady motivation.

Let me make it very clear, Russia is NOT a victim and due to their actions in the past there is no reason to give them the benefit of the doubt. They will get a vaccine just like everyone else, they do neither deserve nor need special criminal access. It's them who are the nationalists, not everyone else.

"There are more than enough proper channels to obtain information and collaborate with researchers and I'm pretty sure Russia is already using all of them."

Which then follows the question.... WHY? why would they then have to resort to hacking to gather intelligence on vaccines?
Maybe, just maybe.... all the "proper channels" dont mean crap, and they had no luck when talking to EU, UK, USA?  And as a last resort choose to try something extreme like takeing the information themselves?

"Have you seen western countries break into Russia to secretly obtain their information? There is simply no need to do so unless you have shady motivation."

Why would we? russia isnt a leading country when it comes to this vaccine research is it?
*IF* russia was (or had a working vaccine), I'm sure USA, EU, UK would be trying to hack them as well.

"Let me make it very clear, Russia is NOT a victim and due to their actions in the past there is no reason to give them the benefit of the doubt. "

NO one wins, by anyone suffering with coronavirus.
Everyone should be handing over all information, and research reguarding vaccine developement to anyone that wants it.
So everyone can start mass produceing them, as soon as its proved safe to use.

The problem, is greed wont allow that to happend.
Political power, and extortion you could have with a vaccine, wont allow that to happend.

You think Trump is willing to give russia a working vaccine free of charge?
US will probably pressure EU/UK to not do so either.

"Russia is NOT a victim"
The virus wont kill Russia though.... it will kill normal everyday citizens, who have done no wrong to anyone.
You know innocent people..

Russian's *could* be a victim, easily, if we dont give them research on vaccines or sell them cheap or tamper with their vaccines and such.

Some anecdotes of what essential workers are going through.

When a group of kids were invited for a playdate last month in six-year-old Gaby Munshaw’s neighbourhood, she was told she couldn’t join the fun. The Ontario girl had been out riding bikes with friends on June 16, when the parent of a different set of children invited the young cyclists over to his yard. But Gaby’s mother said that because she is a front-line pandemic worker, her child was excluded.

“He told her that she wasn’t allowed to play because the kids were afraid of her,” Crystal Munshaw told over the phone on Thursday. “Because her mommy is a COVID nurse and she might have COVID. My daughter came home in hysterics and hid behind a tree.”

Munshaw, who has since taken a leave from work at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie, to be near Gaby more, hasn’t hugged her daughter in months. She has been living in a trailer parked in the backyard of the Midland home where her parents live with the girl. Only a handful of her colleagues have been diagnosed with COVID-19 since the pandemic began, she said, and all were believed to have contracted the virus in the community, not at the hospital.

Gaby may not be alone, according to a new Statistics Canada report. Of more than 4,000 respondents in Canadian Perspectives Survey Series, about one in five said they fear being exposed to COVID-19 stigmatization as public health restrictions lift across the country. About one in ten said they feared stigma associated with their work at a hospital or other health-care facility.

The social consequences felt by health-care workers has been evident throughout the pandemic, including reports in some countries of nurses being “assaulted, abused and ostracized.” In New Brunswick, a doctor gained international attention when he was blamed for causing a cluster of COVID-19 cases after crossing provinces to pick up his young daughter because the girl's mother had to attend a funeral in Africa.

And I've got to admit as well that we are more careful as well who our kids can play with. A mother with underlying conditions is more safe than a family with a truck driver :/ This virus sucks, why not eliminate it instead of this "new normal", "have to live with it", re-open shit before it's gone since people can't be bothered to work together anyway.

Luxembourg seems to heading right into a second lockdown. At least the cases are spiking up again, with several days now above 100 cases when we got the active cases down to just 27 on June 12...

On a more positive note, this second wave seems weaker than the first one. At least the numbers of people in ICU has not changed yet despite the numbers climbing for an entire month now.

Bofferbrauer2 said:
Luxembourg seems to heading right into a second lockdown. At least the cases are spiking up again, with several days now above 100 cases when we got the active cases down to just 27 on June 12...

On a more positive note, this second wave seems weaker than the first one. At least the numbers of people in ICU has not changed yet despite the numbers climbing for an entire month now.

Is Spain back into lockdown yet? The had 1361 new cases yesterday, rising sharply. A lot of Europe is heading back up :/

Good news in Quebec

Quebec public health authorities announced they would be using a new system for calculating the number of people who have recovered from COVID-19 and it sent the recovery numbers skyrocketing Friday. Officials announced that 23,686 more people have recovered from the virus for a total of 49,939. That is 87 per cent of the total cases in the province.

Ehh, just change the counting method, voila all cured!

Meanwhile numbers are heading back up in Quebec as well

Ontario just started phase 3 of re-openings today but is already starting to stall from phase 2.
Alberta is also dealing with more outbreaks.

Some sort of good news
The report, which looked at relevant studies published between late January and end of May found that the death rate for adult COVID patients in ICU decreased over time, to 41.6 per cent from above 50 per cent. Dying from COVID while in ICU, however, was still nearly double that of patients admitted into ICU for other viral pneumonia.

Good and bad news

A new study suggesting B.C. had low transmission of COVID-19 may be positive news, but could also mean problems if there are future waves of the virus, the province's top health officials said Thursday. A joint study between the B.C. Centre for Disease Control, University of British Columbia, LifeLabs and public health scientists was released Wednesday and shows B.C.'s estimated overall infection rate is less than one per cent.

The study, posted by health research website medRxiv, looked at anonymous blood samples that were collected in March and May for reasons unrelated to COVID-19. The samples collected in March showed the virus was prevalent in 0.28 per cent of the samples. In the May samples, it appeared in 0.55 per cent.

Skowronski explained that using anonymous, non-voluntary samples was crucial. "(Studies) that rely on people volunteering or being invited to participate, those will tend to have higher estimates because those were worried people for a reason in the first place that volunteered to be tested, whereas ours removed that element of self-selecting," she said.

But health officials cautioned there's concern with such low transmission rates: few people have immunity against the virus.

Mid may there were some 2400 confirmed Covid-19 cases in BC, 0.047% of the population. So about 11 in 12 cases were not detected. Or the actual daily reported numbers were 12 times too low. (No clue about the margin of error and it still depends on where in the province those blood samples came from)

Going for that 100k a day record. You guys from other nations jealous of us Americans yet? No... Well shit