Bofferbrauer2 said:
I think that's more Betsy DeVos's doing. After all, her family owns schools who would not make earnings if the students learn from home instead. She also has a history of supporting the worst and most dysfunctional kind of charter schools and the like, so doing this is right up her alley. |
I just saw the twitter picture of the cafeteria and gatherings at that school... holy moly...
If you do, everyone needs to wear a mask, everyone needs to bring their own lunch box.
If you force that amount of studients into a small cafeteria... jebus.
Like Im not scientist, but I'd be pretty sure those are "high risk"... . so no use of school cafeteria's anymore.
Also students should stay in their own class rooms, and eat at their own desks.
Even when outsides (on breaks), there should be rules & enforced, that keeps people in small sections that dont mingle with others.
So if one does have it, and infect others, they only infect their small "pod group" or whatever, instead of the entire class or accross multiple classes ect.
Theres tons of common-sense things you can do to limit how bad, it can spread.
If I was american, my biggest issue would the "we know best" mentality leadership is takeing.
They claim "The science should not stand in the way of schools reopening" , but I have a hard time believeing that.... Trump and company arn't exactly big on science, and are more than willing to go out of their way to ignore it, overlook parts ect. Basically a honesty and trust issue.
Kayleigh McEnany - "We are the outlier here" (other places have gotten back to school)
Kayleigh McEnany - "The science should not stand in the way of schools reopening" (its worked some other places)
Internet : Science is reality, so reality shouldn't stand in the way of reopening schools? Huh?
Internet : Imagine being politically opposed to science?
What do you do, when trust is so low in the people governing you,
that what they go "we know best", your basically sure they dont and arn't looking out for your intrests.
Also the "we know best" but refuseing to give any sort of national guidence on it?
Also how many prisoners were free'ed becasue it was basically a death sentence, to be jailed?
But apparently whats unsafe for prisoners, is perfectly fine for school children.
I remember a reporter asking some military leader, if they would gather like 12-15 people in a class room, face to face, no masks ect for 8hours a day and so on (fitting what happends at a school), and was basically told, that would be deemed "unsafe", they would meet via internet to talk if they had to do so for so long, with so many.
You have military leaders & soldiers that arnt willing to do, what your asking school children too do.
Trump WH unwilling to give federal guidence, will ensure that there will be a miss match of differnt solutions taken, and likely alot of places it wont be safe.
Its gonna accelerate spread of coronavirus and deaths will follow from it.