Conina said:
Nautilus said:
This virus is killing like 0,001% of the population, and mostly only the people with past complications at that.A full lockdown should have never been one of the options, like I said from the beginning.
0.001% of one million = 10 people. 0.001% of one billion = 10,000 people. 0.001% of eight billion = 80,000 people.
We are already way above that point and the pandemic is far from over.
Every fifth of the (known) closed cases ended in death worldwide, only 4 of 5 survived.
In the US even more than every third of the (known) closed cases ended in death worldwide, not even 2 of 3 survived.

"US has achieved a significant lower mortality rate than almost all other countries" (Donald Trump, today in the press briefing)
You wanna play the number game?Fine, let's do it:
According to WHO, 5.6 million kids under age five have died in 2016, nearly 15 k every day.
According to WHO, number estimates places malaria cases in around 216 million in 2016 alone, with a mortality rate of 28%.
According to WHO, 56% of deaths in Africa are due to communicable nutrinional deaths.In another words, deaths that could be prevented.
According to WHO, 1 million pregnant woman had active syphilis infection in 2016 and had at risk birth due to that.
According to WHO, around 800k people die from suicide every year around the world(about 1 death every 40 seconds)
According to WHO, around 37,9 million people around the world have AIDS as of 2018.God knows how many died because of it.
According to this article(, around 820 million people suffer of hunger, and around 9 MILLION PEOPLE die of hunger or hunger related problems EACH YEAR.There is probably a better source for this information, but it shouldn't be much further from the truth.
And the list goes on.Here is the link if you wanna see more heart crushing numbers:
Now you ask me: is 150k deaths because of one single disease extremely low?One that once the cure is found, almost no one will die of it?As cold hearted as it is to say this, yes.Yes it is.Having less extreme measures being taken in response to this virus helps prevents the other deaths that happens(cancer, hunger, malaria, suicide, you name it).And the economy of a country directly reflects how high or low those numbers are.There is more to the world than the corona virus people.Stop with this tunnel vision.