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Hiku said:
LurkerJ said:

That's really stupid to point out. There is lots of new guidance out there and takes time for these new rules to become daily habits. Even doctors would tell you they're still finding it difficult to follow all the rules all the time, that doesn't mean they're not trying or they're breaking the rules on purpose.

No, what's stupid to point out is that a specialist in infectious disease should not have been following this guideline his entire career.
Covid-19 is not the first infectious disease is it?

You should never cough into your hands. Ever. And he of all people has been aware of this for decades better than anyone. And he knows that even the seasonal flu kills people annually. And yet he coughs into his hands during a press conference where he's advising us on how to not spread the disease. And contributes to viruses killing people.

This shows he doesn't give two fucks about other people's well being. This is him trying to be as responsible as possible in the public eye. How he is in private is no doubt much worse. I've never done it in my entire life to my recollection, because I learned not to in kindergarden.

I am glad you're someone who can follow all the rules all the time. More power to you. But to pretend that someone doesn't give two fucks about others lives because he is an infectious disease specialist who coughed on his hands..... aren't you taking it too far? 

That's like saying most of us here don't care about human lives because we continue to do thins that worsens climate change like buying products from china instead relying on home-made products, and playing video games instead greener entertainment like playing sports, eating anything that isn't remotely healthy promoting encouraging obesity, driving cars instead of whatever, the examples are too many. 

I am starting to cringe at how many of us here pretend we care that much about all human lives. No one fucking cares to that extent about preventable deaths, and it's despicable to pretend otherwise just to point fingers at people we hate.