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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

jason1637 said:
I've been eating a lot more lately being stuck at home. Anyone else experiencing the same thing?

Not me, but my kids sure are. I told them I'm going to skip doing groceries this week with the influx of March break holiday coming back in. Bored, I'm hungry. Actually I am eating less healthy as well. We've been baking cookies and cake to pass the time, too hard to resist lol. Replacing lunch with cake :/

I hope the trails don't get closed so I can still go out for a run every other day. And I just found out Beat Saber uses your arm muscles differently than weight lifting. I didn't expect to get sore from picking that game up again. The new songs get more and more evil.

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JRPGfan said:
"If Italy follows the same pattern, active case load will keep climbing until April 3rd and the deaths won't come down much until April 10th :("

Hopefully thinks dont develop that badly.
That sounds like you think theres like 13,000+ more deaths to come in italy over the next 2 weeks or so.

Its already taken almost 7000 there.
If this outbreak goes on for months to come, its gonna get depressing real quick.

The most frightening thing from the Chinese data is that the death count up until the growth reversal was less than 20% of the total deaths there now. I really hope it turns out differently or that China counted deaths very differently. Italy was already up to 4,800 on March 21st. China was only at 563 on Februari 5th.

SvennoJ said:
JRPGfan said:
"If Italy follows the same pattern, active case load will keep climbing until April 3rd and the deaths won't come down much until April 10th :("

Hopefully thinks dont develop that badly.
That sounds like you think theres like 13,000+ more deaths to come in italy over the next 2 weeks or so.

Its already taken almost 7000 there.
If this outbreak goes on for months to come, its gonna get depressing real quick.

The most frightening thing from the Chinese data is that the death count up until the growth reversal was less than 20% of the total deaths there now. I really hope it turns out differently or that China counted deaths very differently. Italy was already up to 4,800 on March 21st. China was only at 563 on Februari 5th.

The virus mutates rapidly.
On island (which isnt that big) they alone found over 40 differnt strands of CoVid19.
They even found a person with 2 differnt infections of the virus (a early strand and a lateron mutated one).

Maybe the version in China wasnt as bad as what rest of the world are now seeing?

NY Gov Cuomo "we havnt flatted the curve, infact its actually raiseing"

Projected estimates, suggest they will soon need 140,000+ sick beds for CoVid-19 patience.
New York State only has a capacity for 53,000 in their hospitals.

Worse is the ICU beds are only 3,000 (ventilators ect)
They estimate they will need more than 40,000!!!!

People without ventilators are almost a lost cause (dead) if their the type that needs it.
So hopefully they can get the rooms, and ventilators in the weeks to come.


Hopefully New York doesnt turn out to be a 2nd Italy with deaths within a week or two.

SpokenTruth said:
Any of you that are wanting to ease restriction so the economy can return are resigning people to death.

If the death rate is 2.5% (we won't truly know until after the pandemic is over) and you know 100 people, you just accepted the death of approx 3 of them. So can you list them out right now which 3 you're ready to sacrifice so the rich can stop losing money?

And if you know 200 people, pick 6. Look at your friends lists. Have 1,000 friends across various social media and forums, pick which 25 have to die.

And by the way....some of you must pick yourself as one of the dead. You're still part of that 2.5%.

It's all for the greater good of the rich, right? Can't have billionaires losing millions right now, can we?

You're not wrong, but let's please not pretend that only rich people are losing money. 

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SpokenTruth said:
Angelus said:

You're not wrong, but let's please not pretend that only rich people are losing money. 

Oh sure but who is pushing the narrative that the cure is worse than the illness?  Who is pushing to have the economy return to usual and who are trying to keep this virus at bay?

All I'm saying is, a lot of non-wealthy people are going to be hit incredibly hard by this as well, and unlike some of the more wealthy, they're not so easily made whole - or failing that, can't so easily stomach the loses. We're going to see a lot of small business go under, and a lot of people lose their jobs. Does that mean we should be reckless, or dismissive of human life? Obviously not. There is however a real debate to be had about how long exactly certain conditions can be maintained, before the economic fallout starts to outweigh the damage that the virus can do. Needless to say, Trump isn't exactly the right person to be leading that discussion, but it is one that needs to happen depending on how long governments ask their people to shut everything down.

Snoopy said:
NightlyPoe said:

Plenty of space for social distancing on a farm.

Yeah because shipments, storage warehouses, truck driver bay, ect is what I would call social distancing.

There can be social distancing in those environments.  I work in a warehouse that supports about 25% of the trailer transportation industry in the US.  Approximately 150 million trailers serviced through our dealer networks.

We are:

Cleaning our facilities like crazy: bathrooms, break room, high traffic areas, ect

Maintaining 6+ feet from each other while in meetings / doing pre-shift stretches

Cleaning our scanners and equipment before use

Washing our hands properly way more often than normal

Staggering our department break times so people can spread out more to eat and there is less contact between employees.

Making sure anyone that even feels sick stays home regardless of their symptoms

Set up porta-potties for the drivers so we can keep them out of our building as much as possible since we restricted access to our bathrooms and break rooms

All that and more so that we can do our part to keep the trailers out there rolling so they can deliver essential items.  It can be done we just have to be smart and weather the storm so that we can postpone this as long as possible while we ramp up capacity for the things we will need.  The list of Essential Businesses in our state is pretty broad.

222 new deaths today in the US. Ilts getting bad.

I personally know 3 people in Minnesota with covoid-19, one of whom is only a teenager and having a very hard time with it. We have one of the best hospitals in the world here in the Mayo Clinic, yet we do not have anywhere near enough test kits, as I'm hearing a lot of people are getting turned away from getting tested. Yesterday the state only tested 155 people. In a state of 5 million people and only 261 confirmed cases there is no way I should know that many with it.

SpokenTruth said:

The CDC estimates that between 12,000 and 60,000 people die from the seasonal flu each year in the US. Many people are still saying we are over-reacting to Covid-19 and that the Flu is much worse.

I just crunched some numbers to come up with the following potential death tolls for comparison.

Best case: 3 months of shelter-in-place with a 4% infection rate and a 2.5% death rate - 218,000 to 330,000 dead.

Worst case: 3 months of social distancing with a 70% infection rate and a 2.5% death rate - 4,895,000 to 5,775,000 dead.

Naturally the infection rate and death rate are the key factors here.  You can already see a vast range between 218,000 on the low and 5,775,000 on the high.

Best case - 7,700,000 (Still one of the worst pandemics in world history).
Worst case - 134,750,000 (The worst single year pandemic in history).

And this is only the first wave. If we have another 3 wave epidemic like the Spanish Flu of 1918....
Wave 1 - x
Wave 2 - 5x
Wave 3 - 2x

If we get lucky and develop a vaccine, slow the infection rate, increase medical capacity, etc...we could see far lower numbers. But a few things are certain.  This damn sure isn't like the regular seasonal flu and going back to business as usual too soon would be catastrophic.

So you don't think Trump pushing forward with his well thought-out April 24 Easter deadline will help the world by saving America?

Ooooooo! Some hero needs to blow his f***ing brains out.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."