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Forums - Sales Discussion - When will the switch outsell the ps4?


When will the switch outsell the ps4?

Second half of 2022 33 11.54%
First half of 2023 24 8.39%
Second half of 2023 35 12.24%
First half of 2024 15 5.24%
Second half of 2024 16 5.59%
First half of 2025 7 2.45%
Second half of 2025 5 1.75%
Later than above 2 0.70%
Never 149 52.10%

Never. The Switch 2 is going to prevent that. When Nintendo release the Switch 2, they are going to stop production of the OG Switch.

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I think it wont, but the gap would be less than 5 million.
PS4 is going beyond 130M, I guess.
I dont think switch will reach 130M.

Barkley said:
zorg1000 said:

That seems a bit drastic to me, I'm thinking this year will be similar to last year with a steady decline from that point onward




Yep I pretty much agree. 2021 outperforming 2019 as a couple have suggested seems like a fantasy.

I know that both of you are following some sort of mathematical model, but you have no idea why you are even using these models or why they usually work.  These models have underlying assumptions like a company's strategy, execution and the current market conditions.  If you don't take these assumptions into account, or realize when they change in a significant way, then you are going to keep being surprised when the Switch keeps selling better than you are projecting.  There is more to projecting future sales than just studying the data.

zorg1000 said:
Barkley said:

If 2021 does only see next to no drop that would be very impressive.

That seems a bit drastic to me, I'm thinking this year will be similar to last year with a steady decline from that point onward




Basically 2017-2020 in reverse.

Yeah that sounds about right to me too.

A few more millions in 2023 and onwards should get it into the 100-110 million range that I expect from it lifetime.

I think the good question would have been do you think it will outsell the PS4 if yes then when ?

Cause going straight at it with "when" implies that the Switch outselling the PS4 is obvious and inevitable. It sounds a little arrogant in my opinion.

Now that does not mean the Switch cannot outsell the PS4, it's quite possible of course, but clearly uncertain at this point.

Around the Network

Switch 2021 sales are hard to predict, and will depend on a lot of things.

First, i believe is almost guaranteed a pricedrop in 2020, the later in the year happen, the smallest will be the YOY drop in 2021. If Nintendo makes a pricedrop around July/August for example that's a lot of months to sell, while if they do a pricedrop in November, the momentum for Switch in the first half of 2021 is going to be very strong.

second, new models, there are many rumors about a Switch pro in 2020... i really don't know what to think about this, i honestly can see both 2020 and 2021 very likely for that new model. If Switch Pro is 2021, that's also gonna be a good thing for the next year.

And of course the line up. Is Breath of The wild 2 gonna be 2020 or 2021? Sinnoh remake 2020 or 2021? Metroid Prime 4 gonna be 2021 or ever later than that? What kind of Mario are we gonna see those years? We already know Animal Crossing will be at the start of 2020, and that's gonna be big expecially in Japan. But we'll see what kind of line up those 2 years are gonna have.

Lastly, pls stop making comparation with other Nintendo consoles. Having Wii and 3DS dropping badly after some years, most Nintendo consoles peaking in the 2nd year ecc seriusly mean a shit. It's been 3 years since Switch is in the market, and at this point it has to be obvius the trend is different.
Switch trend is looking closer to a Playstation/XBOX console to be honest, i really think comparations with those consoles is better. Surely it won't have legs as the PS2 or the PS1, or even the 360. But i think a similar trend to PS4 is realistic to expect.

StokedUp said:
Does the Switch Lite sales contribute to the main switch sales even though it's purely handheld so should be in the handheld section?!

Yes their both a Switch.
I'd argue that both are handhelds as well.

The dock just allows it to draw abit more power than a handheld normally would.

Also we dont need a handheld section do we?
Nintendo is the only one in it, and its competiteing agains traditional consoles.
Atm nintendo is the entire handheld market.

yo33331 said:
zorg1000 said:

It wont have nearly as strong post-successor legs as PS2. A few reasons being

1. emerging markets now get the consoles at or near the same time as the main markets.

2. PS3 released 5 years after PS2 while PS5 is releasing 7 years after PS4.

3. PS4 will never get close to the price that PS2 got to.

Yes, it will be very difficult to do legs like PS2, and it needs many things for this, one of which is at least 2 major pricecuts at the right time. However PS4 will still have good legs and will pass 130M lifetime. The main reason I think in this way is because I am anticipating at least 1 major price cut, and with this there will be low end entry level PS4 at - 199$ and high end 499 or 599$ PS5. So when parents with kids go to the store, or some casual gamer go there what you think he will buy? good gaming machine with big library for 199$ or next gen super duper machine for 599$ ?

as for your points:

1. Stop with this bulls**t please. These emerging markets like brazil or india or some 3rd rate countries that don't know what gaming is are making possibly 1 or 2% of the sales ... how many of those 158M you thing PS2 did from these countries eh ? I am sure that more than 95% of the sales after 2006 are from japan, usa and europe. This is just some added reason to back your theory up.

2. PS3 released 6 years after PS2, and where are 6 there are 7. It's preety much the same.

3. PS4 can get to the PS2 price because PS4 has old parts in it. I mean the blu rey drive isn't new like it was with the PS3, the jaguar chips are so underpowered and cheap .. and everything in this system is very old and cheap by now. It's matter of time for sony to do a price cut. And the reason they haven't done it until now is the good sales. They didn't expect so high sales in 2016, 2017 and 2018, so they prolong the pricecut that they may have been planned for earlier. And because of the good sales of those 3 years, Sony though that 2019 may perform close to 2018. Which it didn't mostly because (imo) of the PS5 announcement. This ruined some 2M sales for the year .. This was mistake, they could wait until 2020 for this announcement. So with this 2019 was a little bit over 14M for PS4 and now that Sony see this and their PS5 unveil event is right around the corner - next month, they will probably do the permanent pricecut on the system to 199$ for the slim and 299$ for the pro. And this with help of some good games this year can boost PS4 sales for the year to the same level of 2019, despite PS5 launch. (As I already said, the difference between both will be at least 300$ which is more than enough to not ruin PS4 sales overral) It will drove some sales away from it sure, but not many at these prices.

Only if they don't do anything to PS4 then I can agree with 10-11M sales this year for the system, but I highly doubt it.

1. PS2 sold over 25 million outside of NA, EU & JP

2. You're right, it was 6.

3. The argument isnt about whether they can reduce the price by so much, its whether they will and there is nothing that suggests Sony will ever cut the price so low.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

yo33331 said:
zorg1000 said:

1. PS2 sold over 25 million outside of NA, EU & JP

2. You're right, it was 6.

3. The argument isnt about whether they can reduce the price by so much, its whether they will and there is nothing that suggests Sony will ever cut the price so low.

1. Yes, it has, but this is not all from emerging markets, at best 10M is from these countries that PS2 launched after PS3 launched, which is not much.

3. And what is suggesting otherwise ? That sony won't do it ? they have done it every single time, with exception of PS3 because it was expensive, and they wanted to get rid of it as soon as they can and not move their fingers about it. PS1 got to 49$, PS2 to 99$, PSP to 99$. If they decide they can eventually price cut PS4 to 99$ too. As I said it is with very cheap components. Although I am not sure they will go to 99$, 199$ is sure, and 149$ is also very possible. And these prices means a lot of sales. Exactly as you give the example with the 2 months of every year with temporary pricecuts, the sales go up through that period.

And permanent price cut will not only make an effect in the first 1 or 2 months but will help with sales every single month from there on out. If say without pricecut PS4 make 10M this year, with the pricecut it can reach to 13-14M. After the first blow of sales of the pricecut every single month will be let's say with 50k or something up. I mean if PS4 sell in january 150K every week at 299$ and the price cut is february for example after the first 1-2 months of sales of maybe 250-300K the next months will also be higher than 150K - january sales. They will drop of course from the first 1-2 months after the pricecut happens, but they will at least be at 200K-220K level and not the same old weak level of 150K when the 299$ was standart. These numbers are just examples, I am not saying will be the same or making predictions, because 150K isn't even the standart for PS4 sales yet. ( this number was only 1 week ).

Are you aware of what emerging markets are? It's pretty much everything besides North America, Western Europe, Japan & Australia.

Sony choosing huge profits and never having a permanent price cut on PS4 Slim & Pro despite both being over 3 years old and PS5 likely being sold at a loss initially all suggest that Sony has no desire to do any big price cuts for PS4.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

I first believe it won't beat PS4 but i later think that is not even a direct competition.

I mean: the switch is like an hybrid console, is not entirely a homeconsole and not entirely a portable, however it has the advantage of being both.

It is more realistic to compare the PS4 with another "full" homeconsole.

Conclusion is: the switch will sell more for a little bit not for being better on sales but for being also a portable. (like 2 consoles in one)