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Forums - Sony Discussion - Outlandish Rumor: Sony is in talks to purchase Zenimax and all owned studios

Cerebralbore101 said:
Imagine the utter rage and meltdowns of Xbox fans if Sony had actually bought Bethesda. Lol we'd be seeing posts in all caps left and right. Meanwhile the opposite has happened and PS users seem to be taking it in stride. Perhaps that will change if MS makes Bethesda games exclusive, but I don't see MS doing that.

i'll bite, the exact same stride as when FF13 went multiplatform

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Cerebralbore101 said:
Imagine the utter rage and meltdowns of Xbox fans if Sony had actually bought Bethesda. Lol we'd be seeing posts in all caps left and right. Meanwhile the opposite has happened and PS users seem to be taking it in stride. Perhaps that will change if MS makes Bethesda games exclusive, but I don't see MS doing that.

But that didn't happen though. And lol the response from xbox fans wouldn't even be close to what I'm seeing now. Taking it in stride? Just look at that Bethesda thread and the level of arrogance of people who are certain that those games are coming to PS5. Taking it in stride, like people going through the five stages of grief in that thread, or have literal meltdown and moving goalposts. "I'll just buy it on PC, xbox still no exclusives," "lol if you can't make your own talent, just buy everyone else." Looking at Twitter, Youtube, and here, definitely not taking it in stride. And yeah, guess we'll see. Even if they are, Gamepass day one > Buying for $70 plus.">"><img src="

BraLoD said:
LudicrousSpeed said:

No offense but what is this nonsense? For starters, Bethesda didn't make ESO. Secondly as shitty as Fallout 76 is, it shouldn't outweigh all the other stuff not only Bethesda as a studio has done but the Bethesda publishing brand has done amazing work this gen. For a forum and user who constantly complains about the online aspect of modern publishing, you'd really "love" to see Sony buy a huge company that is in no financial stress whatsoever? A company who makes tons of great single player games? Seems to be conflicting messages. Or is it ok so long as they're exclusive to Playstation?

Quake Champions
Rage 2
Doom Eternal
Five Wolfenstein games
Dishonored 2
Evil Within 1 and 2

Among others I'm probably missing. All quality games with meaty SP and no forced MP or "screwing over consumers". Well except Quake, obviously. It's MP.

But you'd "love" to see this all walled off and only available to PS users? Fucking yikes. Would be a bad move for gamers and the industry. At least with the other studios being bought recently, there was already a great almost de facto standard working situation like Insomniac or Playground, or it was a developer clearly in need of financial relief like Ninja Theory or Double Fine.

When it was Sony it was a bad move for gamers and the industry, when it's MS it's incredible news for everybody:

As neutral as always.

Just to correct you on a few things, friend.

1. My point wasn’t regarding exclusivity to one platform or the other but was in regards to the person I quoted having a long history of posts regarding GAAS versus single player games and how the industry needs strong single player titles. So yeah, it doesn’t make a lick of sense for that same person to then be excited about the possibility of one of the biggest publishers of those single player titles being snatched up and having them exclusive to one platform. There’s nothing like that in my post history. 

2. I specifically said in this thread walled off from everyone that isn’t on PlayStation. I specifically said in the other thread you linked that some games will still come to PS5 imho, and that all would come to PC and GamePass. In other words, they aren’t walled off to one platform at all. Yikes, friend, you’re 0 for 2 here.

3. This was also before Sony started snatching up year+ long deals for Bethesda titles and others. So fuck em. Don’t start none won’t be none. Hope that helps.

shikamaru317 said:
Cerebralbore101 said:
Imagine the utter rage and meltdowns of Xbox fans if Sony had actually bought Bethesda. Lol we'd be seeing posts in all caps left and right. Meanwhile the opposite has happened and PS users seem to be taking it in stride. Perhaps that will change if MS makes Bethesda games exclusive, but I don't see MS doing that.

Well of course. Xbox is an open ecosystem, because of that Zenimax's games will be on PC and xCloud as well as Xbox, so there are more options for Sony fans to still play Zenimax games day one if MS decides to not allow them on PS5. Sony on the other hand would have locked those games to PS5, possibly not even allowing day one PC releases for them, which would have had both Xbox and PC gamers furious (PC is Bethesda's largest fanbase, not Xbox, with a massive modding community for their games). 

There is also the fact that Bethesda (and id and Arkane) have past history with Xbox, Bethesda Softworks has always been associated with Xbox as a result of that, so of course Xbox fans would have been furious if Sony hatted a formerly Xbox associated publisher away from Xbox. Sony acquiring Bethesda and then making their games PS5 exclusive would have been roughly equivalent to MS acquiring Insomniac, Quantic Dream, and Housemarque, and then locking them all off from releasing on PS5, Sony fans would go nuclear if that had happened.

What? Bethesda has published all their games to Sony platforms for about 14 years now. How in the world is that equivalent to MS purchasing Insomniac (a studio which almost never released games on Xbox)?

Even if Sony had simply locked Bethesda games out of Xbox, while still allowing them on PC, Xbox fans would have blown a gasket. There would have been several posts in all caps. I've yet to see any all caps posts from Playstation users.

Cerebralbore101 said:
Imagine the utter rage and meltdowns of Xbox fans if Sony had actually bought Bethesda. Lol we'd be seeing posts in all caps left and right. Meanwhile the opposite has happened and PS users seem to be taking it in stride. Perhaps that will change if MS makes Bethesda games exclusive, but I don't see MS doing that.

People will absolutely rage if MS makes Bethesda games exclusive and blocks out PS5. At this point we have no idea which path Microsoft will choose in regards to that.

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Cerebralbore101 said:
Imagine the utter rage and meltdowns of Xbox fans if Sony had actually bought Bethesda. Lol we'd be seeing posts in all caps left and right. Meanwhile the opposite has happened and PS users seem to be taking it in stride. Perhaps that will change if MS makes Bethesda games exclusive, but I don't see MS doing that.

Well, considering I was really upset when they announced that Street Fighter was going to be exclusive and that Spiderman was going to be an exclusive character in a multiplatform game, then yes, I would have been really upset if that had happened, but alas, I'm a happy lad now.

Btw, weren't there literally death threats to Sony executives when they announced some PS games were coming to PC? Admittedly, this was just one guy but I hadn't seen that level of passion before.

Edit: wrong thread

Cerebralbore101 said:
shikamaru317 said:

Well of course. Xbox is an open ecosystem, because of that Zenimax's games will be on PC and xCloud as well as Xbox, so there are more options for Sony fans to still play Zenimax games day one if MS decides to not allow them on PS5. Sony on the other hand would have locked those games to PS5, possibly not even allowing day one PC releases for them, which would have had both Xbox and PC gamers furious (PC is Bethesda's largest fanbase, not Xbox, with a massive modding community for their games). 

There is also the fact that Bethesda (and id and Arkane) have past history with Xbox, Bethesda Softworks has always been associated with Xbox as a result of that, so of course Xbox fans would have been furious if Sony hatted a formerly Xbox associated publisher away from Xbox. Sony acquiring Bethesda and then making their games PS5 exclusive would have been roughly equivalent to MS acquiring Insomniac, Quantic Dream, and Housemarque, and then locking them all off from releasing on PS5, Sony fans would go nuclear if that had happened.

What? Bethesda has published all their games to Sony platforms for about 14 years now. How in the world is that equivalent to MS purchasing Insomniac (a studio which almost never released games on Xbox)?

Even if Sony had simply locked Bethesda games out of Xbox, while still allowing them on PC, Xbox fans would have blown a gasket. There would have been several posts in all caps. I've yet to see any all caps posts from Playstation users.

Woah bro, all caps? 

Where was the outrage over Street Fighter, Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part One, Final Fantasy whatever number the newest one is, Destiny, Avengers, Deathloop, Kena, Ghostwire, Godfall, Predator Hunting Grounds, etc etc etc? You don’t need to rely on hypothetical abundance of outrage when we have a real life lack of it in similar situations. 

And I’m talking real, widespread outrage. You can find manchildren raging on Youtube about every decision every company makes. Most recently Minecraft guy in Smash.

FormerlyTeamSilent13 said:
Cerebralbore101 said:
Imagine the utter rage and meltdowns of Xbox fans if Sony had actually bought Bethesda. Lol we'd be seeing posts in all caps left and right. Meanwhile, the opposite has happened and PS users seem to be taking it in stride. Perhaps that will change if MS makes Bethesda games exclusive, but I don't see MS doing that.

People will absolutely rage if MS makes Bethesda games exclusive and blocks out PS5. At this point, we have no idea which path Microsoft will choose in regards to that.

You are wrong people won't rage, it's only the Sony platform exclusive owner that will make a fuss. But then again if anyone knows the importance of exclusive it's a Sony fan. It only makes sense that Microsoft makes Zenimax game exclusives, I still think you might see some games come to Playstation and Nintendo down the road. 

I doubt there will be much backlash because most Playstation owners actually own multiple consoles and Microsoft offer the PC alternative. I don't understand why people keep insisting that Microsoft needs to support people that have zero intention of supporting their platform. Microsoft will prioritize its platform and will be cagy on if and when it comes to other platforms. 

Besides, don't all Xbox exclusive doesn't matter because you all have gaming PC? That's been the argument for years!

Last edited by yvanjean - on 02 October 2020

LudicrousSpeed said:
JRPGfan said:

Thats waaay to big a buy isnt it?

That said, I'd love to see Sony take over Bethesda Game Studios.

Sometimes new management is all thats needed, to get things back on track,
and I suspect Bethesda is one of those companys that could benefit from it.

Elder Scrolls Online + Fallout 76 = garbage.

Bethasda has lost its way.

Its too focused on all the wrong things, way to focused on penny pinching, and exploiting consumers.
Sony takeing over, and new engine + a belief in single player focused gameing, and not screwing over consumers.
Suddenly Elderscrolls is back and Fallout too, as their ment to be.

No offense but what is this nonsense? For starters, Bethesda didn't make ESO. Secondly as shitty as Fallout 76 is, it shouldn't outweigh all the other stuff not only Bethesda as a studio has done but the Bethesda publishing brand has done amazing work this gen. For a forum and user who constantly complains about the online aspect of modern publishing, you'd really "love" to see Sony buy a huge company that is in no financial stress whatsoever? A company who makes tons of great single player games? Seems to be conflicting messages. Or is it ok so long as they're exclusive to Playstation?

Quake Champions
Rage 2
Doom Eternal
Five Wolfenstein games
Dishonored 2
Evil Within 1 and 2

Among others I'm probably missing. All quality games with meaty SP and no forced MP or "screwing over consumers". Well except Quake, obviously. It's MP.

But you'd "love" to see this all walled off and only available to PS users? Fucking yikes. Would be a bad move for gamers and the industry. At least with the other studios being bought recently, there was already a great almost de facto standard working situation like Insomniac or Playground, or it was a developer clearly in need of financial relief like Ninja Theory or Double Fine.

Lol, when Playstation does it it's pure evil. Got it. :P