shikamaru317 said:
Bethesda is 8 letters so it has to be someone with 9 or more lol.
Seriously though, that sounds fake to me.
shikamaru317 said:
Bethesda is 8 letters so it has to be someone with 9 or more lol.
Seriously though, that sounds fake to me.
Barkley said:
Errr, but isn't Spider-Man the ONLY game that isn't getting a free upgrade? lol. I think it's more to do with the remaster not being available seperately and Sony being an idiot logistically rather than anything else. Every other first party title releasing on PS4+PS5 are free upgrades. Miles Morales, Sackboy, Horizon. |
Miles Morales isn't a full game though, is it? Hmm... I thought it was an expansion. Lemme google...
I didn't consider Horizon because it isn't out yet but I suppose it makes sense. They're not doing it for HZD which is actually rather shocking given it's PC port..
I take it back. Still not a good look either way and I need to actually look at info before I make claims. I'll wait until Minecraft get's the upgrade.
DeusXmachina said:
Bethesda is 8 letters so it has to be someone with 9 or more lol. Seriously though, that sounds fake to me. |
Well this Ragnar guy did twiit something with Darksouls 3 and Resident Evil 2 covers so i think he might hint us that it might be Fromsoftware? Thats just studio with 300 workers i think but it is owned by large company but maybe they want to just sell the studio? It would be huge news for sure. Then what about Residen Evil cover does he mean Capcom? This could all just be trolling for sure but he seemed to know what Bethes deal in august se he seems legit.
Flayer said:
Well this Ragnar guy did twiit something with Darksouls 3 and Resident Evil 2 covers so i think he might hint us that it might be Fromsoftware? Thats just studio with 300 workers i think but it is owned by large company but maybe they want to just sell the studio? It would be huge news for sure. Then what about Residen Evil cover does he mean Capcom? This could all just be trolling for sure but he seemed to know what Bethes deal in august se he seems legit. |
The rumor is that it’s a European studio.
Goatseye said: |
That Dreamcast inspired controller is beautiful.
EspadaGrim said:
The rumor is that it’s a European studio. |
True but i wonder that is there some kind of mix up with those rumors. Some are that they bought 2 studios and some are that they bought something with lots of money but it is not acquisition so that makes me wonder that are we talking about actually two different things. I think it might be 2 studios for 200-300 million each so nothing like bethesda deal lvl and maybe some 3rd party big names to game pass for boosting its library before own big names start to release on 2021. So maybe the European studio is actually deal with maybe like ubisoft for some games to game pass and then we have so acquisitions like Asobo or so?
BUT one big notice on this is that i dont think it vice to pay money for 3rd parties to get games for short time on game pass. Im sure it is much more benefit to actually buy studio that make games for ur game pass library that u dont have to buy over and over again on ur service that will just bleed money again and again.
Yeah, if it's as big as Bethesda that eliminates the vast majority of studios. Techland, Asobo, etc... aren't anywhere as big as Bethesda. I feel like MS has a ton of RPG studios at this point so I question the need for them buying another one in CDPR.
Goatseye said: |
The white one looks nice. I honestly don't get the hype behind Sega though, can't remember any games that I look forward to from them. Will try the new Yakuza game on gamepass though.
Ryuu96 said:
Only really leaves CDPR or a publisher and I still stand by that CDPR is a huge waste of money. Of course, he could also be talking bullshit. |
There aren't many studios as big as Bethesda that are private or seem like they want to sell. I'm calling this fake news, but if MS surprises us, I wouldn't mind.