shikamaru317 said:
Spade said:
Just a little Forza Horizon plug here. I'm curious to see what they do for 5 to keep the series fresh. I personally don't get sick of games for the most part if they are quality, but I can see where people might feel some fatigue. I'm hoping 5 having more than 2 years off is going to help. Brand new setting I feel is an absolute must.
This guy reviewed the recent Horizon games I believe. Great reviewer for IGN surprisingly.
5 needs to be set in Japan. I don't think there is a single other country that is more requested for Horizon than Japan. A Horizon 5 set in Japan even has the potential to sell some Xbox consoles in Japan, which would greatly help with MS getting 3rd party JP support this gen, especially if MS can swing a few JP exclusives as well.
As for how to keep the series fresh, other than a new setting, I'm not really sure. Every Horizon sequel so far has added a major feature. Horizon 2 added off-roading. Horizon 3 added event blueprints. Horizon 4 added seasons and houses you could buy. I'm not sure what the hook would be for Horizon 5. Real-time weather and seasons would be cool, as opposed to the more static versions we've gotten in earlier games. Like actually seeing the seasons change slowly overtime, seeing the trees change and then lose their leaves, seeing snow fall and slowly accumulate, instead of just being there when the season switches to Winter. I'm not sure if that is feasible though, maybe if they relied heavily on the cloud or something.
Do you think there would be license issues like with music they would chose for Japan, or maybe certain car manufacturers? Again idk.. maybe they think Japan would sell bad for them
If it's not Japan, what about Canada? I'd be cool with that. But number one for me would be Japan also, I just don't see them doing it sadly :/ I hope it's not in the UK again; would rather they come back to America then... Or Canada.
And in terms of features, yeah that's a tough one. I doubt they would do something like Boat racing (thinking of Sonic transformed right now lol). Get the dynamic weather from Flight sim
jk lol, it's hard to think of the next big pull they would do to keep the series fresh. Would be nice if they brought back the rivals from 1, take a break from the music festival.