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I wouldn't mind Halo mp as f2p. I like Apex and it works fine there.

The MCC sold awesome and I still have to wait too long to find some matches (especially competetive and 8 vs 8). If I would find matches much faster it would be already a win for me. Don't always want to play the same modes just because not enough play the other ones

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Anyone play the summer game fest demoes? Decided to take advantage and download a few before it ended. Here’s some impressions. 

Haven - This game is a strange one, somewhat a dating sim RPG. I was kinda cringing at moments but oddly addicted. This game oozes Dreamcast energy for me, maybe why I kinda like it. The battle system seems relatively simple, instead of killing enemies you purify them. Might have to revisit this one. 

Cris Tales - This was another one that kinda took me by surprise. A RPG with a time gimmick. The graphics are pretty even if it’s not exactly my favorite art style. Might be a beginners RPG choice, does a lot of handholding. Overall a pretty good experience, maybe I’ll play it again if it makes its way to GP or on sale. 

Raji - This one is an action platformer of sorts. The parkour segments are fun, the fighting and combat system kinda undercooked. I found the narration to be a bit overbearing. Overall a decent game. 

Kaze - Lifted from the SNES and Genesis days when mascot platformers were everything. Thought this was a retro cash grab but hold up, this is actually a decent game with solid controls. The tribal sound effects are reminiscent of Crash Bandicoot. There’s bonus levels and collectibles to find. Maybe if I get a retro 2D platformer itch I’ll return, I’m not mad at this one. 

Skatebird - It’s in the title, a skateboarding game with birds. It’s a lil unclear on how to do certain tricks, unless I missed the option in the menu it doesn’t go to in-depth with it. For an example, X button is flip tricks but it doesn’t tell ya how to do a heel or a pop shove it. Anyways I had fun messing around in this game, the camera angles can get frustrating. I love Skateboarding games so this one is tempting but with Tony Hawk near it’s hard to justify. 

sail forth - I didn’t play this on long, not my thing. You sail around destroying shit and upgrading your ship. 

iceland said:

Anyone play the summer game fest demoes? Decided to take advantage and download a few before it ended. Here’s some impressions. 

Haven - This game is a strange one, somewhat a dating sim RPG. I was kinda cringing at moments but oddly addicted. This game oozes Dreamcast energy for me, maybe why I kinda like it. The battle system seems relatively simple, instead of killing enemies you purify them. Might have to revisit this one. 

Cris Tales - This was another one that kinda took me by surprise. A RPG with a time gimmick. The graphics are pretty even if it’s not exactly my favorite art style. Might be a beginners RPG choice, does a lot of handholding. Overall a pretty good experience, maybe I’ll play it again if it makes its way to GP or on sale. 

Raji - This one is an action platformer of sorts. The parkour segments are fun, the fighting and combat system kinda undercooked. I found the narration to be a bit overbearing. Overall a decent game. 

Kaze - Lifted from the SNES and Genesis days when mascot platformers were everything. Thought this was a retro cash grab but hold up, this is actually a decent game with solid controls. The tribal sound effects are reminiscent of Crash Bandicoot. There’s bonus levels and collectibles to find. Maybe if I get a retro 2D platformer itch I’ll return, I’m not mad at this one. 

Skatebird - It’s in the title, a skateboarding game with birds. It’s a lil unclear on how to do certain tricks, unless I missed the option in the menu it doesn’t go to in-depth with it. For an example, X button is flip tricks but it doesn’t tell ya how to do a heel or a pop shove it. Anyways I had fun messing around in this game, the camera angles can get frustrating. I love Skateboarding games so this one is tempting but with Tony Hawk near it’s hard to justify. 

sail forth - I didn’t play this on long, not my thing. You sail around destroying shit and upgrading your ship. 

Haven, Cris Tales and SkateBird are all day one Game Pass titles.

Shaunodon said:

Alright, this is definitely the best reaction/basic-analysis I've seen now, and it's helped alleviate my concerns. 'Bit long but a good watch (and not negative/clickbaitey like it seems):

He also seems to believe the '10 year plan' isn't related to F2P or live-service, which I hope is the case. Nothing about F2P belongs in Halo. But I'm totally fine with the idea of long-term content support. It actually sounds promising.

I rarely watch any reaction or analysis videos but this one was pretty good. He makes some valid points there. But I still think we shouldn't be overly concerned about graphics yet.

shikamaru317 said:
iceland said:

Anyone play the summer game fest demoes? Decided to take advantage and download a few before it ended. Here’s some impressions. 

Haven - This game is a strange one, somewhat a dating sim RPG. I was kinda cringing at moments but oddly addicted. This game oozes Dreamcast energy for me, maybe why I kinda like it. The battle system seems relatively simple, instead of killing enemies you purify them. Might have to revisit this one. 

Cris Tales - This was another one that kinda took me by surprise. A RPG with a time gimmick. The graphics are pretty even if it’s not exactly my favorite art style. Might be a beginners RPG choice, does a lot of handholding. Overall a pretty good experience, maybe I’ll play it again if it makes its way to GP or on sale. 

Raji - This one is an action platformer of sorts. The parkour segments are fun, the fighting and combat system kinda undercooked. I found the narration to be a bit overbearing. Overall a decent game. 

Kaze - Lifted from the SNES and Genesis days when mascot platformers were everything. Thought this was a retro cash grab but hold up, this is actually a decent game with solid controls. The tribal sound effects are reminiscent of Crash Bandicoot. There’s bonus levels and collectibles to find. Maybe if I get a retro 2D platformer itch I’ll return, I’m not mad at this one. 

Skatebird - It’s in the title, a skateboarding game with birds. It’s a lil unclear on how to do certain tricks, unless I missed the option in the menu it doesn’t go to in-depth with it. For an example, X button is flip tricks but it doesn’t tell ya how to do a heel or a pop shove it. Anyways I had fun messing around in this game, the camera angles can get frustrating. I love Skateboarding games so this one is tempting but with Tony Hawk near it’s hard to justify. 

sail forth - I didn’t play this on long, not my thing. You sail around destroying shit and upgrading your ship. 

I played Haven, Cris Tales, and Kaze myself. Really enjoyed Haven personally, and Cris Tales was pretty fun too, though I agree that the artstyle isn't great. Kaze was ok, but it wasn't the Sonic-like I was hoping for. 

Haven briefly set warnings off in my head before I realized it's just two lovers colonizing a planet. Won't play because I can't stand Interstellar type plots anymore, but I did enjoy Skatebirds a lot. 

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shikamaru317 said:
iceland said:

Anyone play the summer game fest demoes? Decided to take advantage and download a few before it ended. Here’s some impressions. 

Haven - This game is a strange one, somewhat a dating sim RPG. I was kinda cringing at moments but oddly addicted. This game oozes Dreamcast energy for me, maybe why I kinda like it. The battle system seems relatively simple, instead of killing enemies you purify them. Might have to revisit this one. 

Cris Tales - This was another one that kinda took me by surprise. A RPG with a time gimmick. The graphics are pretty even if it’s not exactly my favorite art style. Might be a beginners RPG choice, does a lot of handholding. Overall a pretty good experience, maybe I’ll play it again if it makes its way to GP or on sale. 

Raji - This one is an action platformer of sorts. The parkour segments are fun, the fighting and combat system kinda undercooked. I found the narration to be a bit overbearing. Overall a decent game. 

Kaze - Lifted from the SNES and Genesis days when mascot platformers were everything. Thought this was a retro cash grab but hold up, this is actually a decent game with solid controls. The tribal sound effects are reminiscent of Crash Bandicoot. There’s bonus levels and collectibles to find. Maybe if I get a retro 2D platformer itch I’ll return, I’m not mad at this one. 

Skatebird - It’s in the title, a skateboarding game with birds. It’s a lil unclear on how to do certain tricks, unless I missed the option in the menu it doesn’t go to in-depth with it. For an example, X button is flip tricks but it doesn’t tell ya how to do a heel or a pop shove it. Anyways I had fun messing around in this game, the camera angles can get frustrating. I love Skateboarding games so this one is tempting but with Tony Hawk near it’s hard to justify. 

sail forth - I didn’t play this on long, not my thing. You sail around destroying shit and upgrading your ship. 

I played Haven, Cris Tales, and Kaze myself. Really enjoyed Haven personally, and Cris Tales was pretty fun too, though I agree that the artstyle isn't great. Kaze was ok, but it wasn't the Sonic-like I was hoping for. 

The box art for Kaze definitely gave off Sonic vibez lol

Barozi said:
iceland said:

Anyone play the summer game fest demoes? Decided to take advantage and download a few before it ended. Here’s some impressions. 

Haven - This game is a strange one, somewhat a dating sim RPG. I was kinda cringing at moments but oddly addicted. This game oozes Dreamcast energy for me, maybe why I kinda like it. The battle system seems relatively simple, instead of killing enemies you purify them. Might have to revisit this one. 

Cris Tales - This was another one that kinda took me by surprise. A RPG with a time gimmick. The graphics are pretty even if it’s not exactly my favorite art style. Might be a beginners RPG choice, does a lot of handholding. Overall a pretty good experience, maybe I’ll play it again if it makes its way to GP or on sale. 

Raji - This one is an action platformer of sorts. The parkour segments are fun, the fighting and combat system kinda undercooked. I found the narration to be a bit overbearing. Overall a decent game. 

Kaze - Lifted from the SNES and Genesis days when mascot platformers were everything. Thought this was a retro cash grab but hold up, this is actually a decent game with solid controls. The tribal sound effects are reminiscent of Crash Bandicoot. There’s bonus levels and collectibles to find. Maybe if I get a retro 2D platformer itch I’ll return, I’m not mad at this one. 

Skatebird - It’s in the title, a skateboarding game with birds. It’s a lil unclear on how to do certain tricks, unless I missed the option in the menu it doesn’t go to in-depth with it. For an example, X button is flip tricks but it doesn’t tell ya how to do a heel or a pop shove it. Anyways I had fun messing around in this game, the camera angles can get frustrating. I love Skateboarding games so this one is tempting but with Tony Hawk near it’s hard to justify. 

sail forth - I didn’t play this on long, not my thing. You sail around destroying shit and upgrading your ship. 

Haven, Cris Tales and SkateBird are all day one Game Pass titles.

Really? Welp looks like I will be playing all 3 again thanks for letting me now 

Ryuu96 said:

I really want to see more of the campaign already, I have so many questions.

I wonder if when we rescue Marines we put them inside those UNSC bases, then maybe the bases will be fortified and provide us with more weapons and vehicles? Will we be able to take Marines out of the bases to use in missions? If they die is it permanent? If there any reason to keep them alive?

I want to bring my Marine bros on all the campaign missions, I want Chips Dubbo to be in one of those rescue missions, hell, lets make a rescue mission which is only Chips Dubbo, holding out on his own against dozens of Banished.

Will we be able to rescue ODST and Spartans and use them? Will there be named characters we can rescue? Such as Lasky, Halsey, etc. and escort them to one of the UNSC bases, I don't imagine we'll be able to use them but if we save any members of Osiris will we be able to use them?

I think it would be cool if we could use the bases to resupply on weapons or swap out weapons with ones we find during the campaign, also to unlock new vehicles and have them respawn.

Assassination missions better have variety, Halo Wars 2 and The Banished army in general is pretty varied, they have Elite leaders, Grunt leaders, Hunter leaders, etc. I hope this Banished is just as varied and we aren't only assassinating Brutes or Elites.

Also curious about the day/night cycle, I'm not entirely sure how it could look truly dark on a Halo, given it's shape and position and the fact there doesn't seem to be any planet for it to hide behind, surely the sun simply going behind the Ring from a certain perspective would just cause an eclipse-like effect? Idk but I hope the game does have TRUE nighttime, where we have to use flashlights.

Fighting The Flood at night would be amazing for atmosphere, I low-key want Halo 2 Jackal Snipers at night for Legendary.

just being in the shadow of the ring isn't going to be real dark, im kinda hoping it will circle around a planet like the moon does

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

Ryuu96 said:
I low-key want Halo 2 Jackal Snipers at night for Legendary.

Last edited by LudicrousSpeed - on 27 July 2020


edit: that would make sense datamined files did mention controller support for WoW

Last edited by kirby007 - on 27 July 2020

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

shikamaru317 said:
I'm interested to see how they would handle WoW on console. Forced keyboard or a proper port with controller functionality. And if it does have controller functionality, how will that work, to my knowledge WoW has like 30+ abilities per class at higher levels, far more more than the MMO's that have made it to console like Elder Scrolls Online, Star Trek Online, Final Fantasy 14, and Phantasy Star Online 2. Some kind of macro support built in, so that you can set your character to automatically use all buff abilities in a row, or a set of combat abilities in a row, with a single button press? If they can make WoW work on controller, gives me hope that EA will finally decide to port Star Wars The Old Republic to console as well, because SWTOR has the same problem of too many abilities for controller that WoW has.

the amount of abilities, isn't the only issue i feel the problem as healer is having 20 targets to heal and combine that with the amount of spells

so that would mean you have 20 target keybinds + 15 abilitykeybinds while raiding

that 20 target cap could go up towards 40 in pvp

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.