Seems like FF16 can definitely be a timed PS5 exclusive. Not gonna be surprised if SqEnix decides to lick Sony's ass second gen in a row.
Seems like FF16 can definitely be a timed PS5 exclusive. Not gonna be surprised if SqEnix decides to lick Sony's ass second gen in a row.
Such a shame that a Company that has a very strong 1st party has to resort to Money-Hatting not only games but franchises that are already well known.
if MS were the ones doing this you would already know the reaction.
Playing Metro Exodus, my goodness the game has long loading screens. This would be one of the games that would benefit greatly being optimized on the Series X.
shikamaru317 said: Yep, we saw the reaction when MS moneyhatted Rise of the Tomb Raider. They got a ton of hate for that from PS and PC fans. Afterwards Phil said they he wouldn't moneyhat big 3rd party games from established franchises (only new IP's) and so far he kept his word on that, Rise of the Tomb Raider was his last big 3rd party moneyhat. Sony could have been nice and followed suit, but instead they are still tossing money at 3rd party devs to get established franchises as timed exclusives. If Sony keeps this moneyhatting up, Phil is going to have to walk back the nice guy routine, or else MS won't even be able to win back it's too strongest markets, the US and UK, let alone come anywhere near close to competing with PS on a worldwide scale. Phil is going to have to start moneyhatting as well. |
To be honest, MS has a certain advantage nowadays. Even though I don't support their decision to bring all their game on PC as it doesn't benefit Xbox users at all, it gives them excuse to moneyhat PC/Xbox exclusives. Just pay the devs to keep the game off PS console and it will do them some good job and won't piss off that many gamers. As PS userbase is still smaller than the combined PC+Xbox userbase. Probably, the biggest mistake for MS in TR deal was to keep it off PC as well. If they made it console exclusive, the reaction would have been a bit different.
trunkswd said: If Microsoft is against moneyhatting third-party games. What about getting marketing rights and/or getting DLC a month early? They SHOULD get the marketing rights again for Call of Duty, and spend the money for marketing rights for FIFA. And maybe have some exclusive cosmetics for those games for Game Pass subs as well. Imagine if two of the biggest annual releases have the Xbox logo at the end of every commercial. |
They still do marketing for third parties but Phil is against early dlc and content.
shikamaru317 said: To be fair, it only took 2 months for Rise of the Tomb Raider to come to PC after Xbox, PS4 users had to wait a full year. But yeah, if it had been on both PC and Xbox day one Phil would have gotten less flak for that deal. I agree that Xbox releasing everything on PC gives them an advantage on negotiating moneyhat deals, because by taking MS money they only lose out on purchases by PS users, by taking Son money they lose out on both PC and Xbox purchases. Phil needs to start using that to his advantage before it is too late and this gen is already another lost cause for them. |
It's hard to say, but considering how suddenly RottR appeared on PC out of nowhere, it seems like MS and SE had to renegotiate the deal after backlash. It always seemed to me, that the PC release happened so soon just because of the negative reaction this deal had.
trunkswd said: If Microsoft is against moneyhatting third-party games. What about getting marketing rights and/or getting DLC a month early? They SHOULD get the marketing rights again for Call of Duty, and spend the money for marketing rights for FIFA. And maybe have some exclusive cosmetics for those games for Game Pass subs as well. Imagine if two of the biggest annual releases have the Xbox logo at the end of every commercial. |
I think Phil specifically stated that he hates such deals even worse. So, I don't see Xbox doing this. Of course they should get marketing right to COD and FIFA back but it seems like it won't happen. If we have to choose one of the two, I would say MS should prioritize FIFA over COD. It would be easier to get, as MS seems to have very good relationships with EA and it would give them a nice boost in Europe. COD would be extremely tough to get back. Probably, impossible or very expensive if MS is willing to pay that much. Bobby Kotick is a greedy moron obsessed with money. Without MS overtaking Sony in hardware sales, this is not happening.
shikamaru317 said:
Yep, we saw the reaction when MS moneyhatted Rise of the Tomb Raider. They got a ton of hate for that from PS fans. Afterwards Phil said they he wouldn't moneyhat big 3rd party games from established franchises (only new IP's) and so far he kept his word on that, Rise of the Tomb Raider was his last big 3rd party moneyhat. Sony could have been nice and followed suit, but instead they are still tossing money at 3rd party devs to get established franchises as timed exclusives. If Sony keeps this moneyhatting up, Phil is going to have to walk back the nice guy routine, or else MS won't even be able to win back it's two strongest markets, the US and UK, let alone come anywhere near close to competing with PS on a worldwide scale. Phil is simply going to have to start moneyhatting 3rd parties as well if this keeps up. |
Moneyhatting is easy to do when you're the popular player in the market. Since you have a majority market share, that majority is either going to be pleased about your dealings, or indifferent to them. On top of that, having certain big titles as timed or full exclusives as a result of these deals will help keep you as the popular choice in the market. And let's not forget of course, that owning a majority market share also lends itself to making said deals cheaper, because the potential loss you're compensating developers/publishers for is far smaller than keeping something off the system of the market leader.
In contrast, all the opposite is true for the underdog, and even if they have the capital to engage in eye for eye battle, they'll upset more people than not, because they're by default inconveniencing more people.
shikamaru317 said:
Yep, we saw the reaction when MS moneyhatted Rise of the Tomb Raider. They got a ton of hate for that from PS fans. Afterwards Phil said they he wouldn't moneyhat big 3rd party games from established franchises (only new IP's) and so far he kept his word on that, Rise of the Tomb Raider was his last big 3rd party moneyhat. Sony could have been nice and followed suit, but instead they are still tossing money at 3rd party devs to get established franchises as timed exclusives. If Sony keeps this moneyhatting up, Phil is going to have to walk back the nice guy routine, or else MS won't even be able to win back it's two strongest markets, the US and UK, let alone come anywhere near close to competing with PS on a worldwide scale. Phil is simply going to have to start moneyhatting 3rd parties as well if this keeps up. |
This is also why MS needs try to establish more AAA 1st party studios either by acquiring them or build them.
Sony won’t stop this practice anytime soon, and I bet that they will now be paying those Japanese companies that give them free exclusives to keep their games off of Xbox like Ni-Oh, Project Awakening.
One of the things that saddens me is that if they got Silent Hill they will 100% get MGS as an exclusive down the line and that will be a big blow to MS.
EspadaGrim said: This is also why MS needs try to establish more AAA 1st party studios either by acquiring them or build them. Sony won’t stop this practice anytime soon, and I bet that they will now be paying those Japanese companies that give them free exclusives to keep their games off of Xbox like Ni-Oh, Project Awakening. One of the things that saddens me is that if they got Silent Hill they will 100% get MGS as an exclusive down the line and that will be a big blow to MS. |
It makes sense for Sony to moneyhat a lot of Japanese games in the beginning of the gen. As Final Fantasy sales show, around 80-85% of these sales are on PS compared to Xbox. Which means, that Japanese games sell around 5 times better on PS than on Xbox. Currently almost all the Japanese games crowd is on PS. Sony just needs to convince them to go PS5 early by having a lot of exclusive content to make them think that Xbox is not gonna be an option. And after that, the deal is done, they will continue having 85% of sales of such games and get some exclusives by default because the audience for such games on Xbox will be small.
trunkswd said: They do hate these deals? Don't they have those deals for Cyberpunk 2077 and AC Valhalla? At least it seems like they do. Also I remember them spending $500 million on something to do with the NFL. I agree FIFA would make more sense to get marketing rights for. |
They don't have anything like this for Valhalla and Cyberpunk as far as I know. Marketing deal is different from buying a 1 month content exclusivity. All the Cyberpunk and AC DLCs will arrive on PS4 the same day as Xbox One.
shikamaru317 said: Either that or he needs to step it up himself, lol. If Sony doesn't have 3rd party moneyhats today there is nothing to worry about, Phil can safely continue his no moneyhat policy. But if Sony shows they have no plans to stop the moneyhatting today, Phil needs to respond in kind with the full budget he has to work with since Satya increased Xbox's budget a few years ago, maybe even try and talk Satya into increasing it again, so that they can afford larger moneyhat deals. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire, if water isn't working xD |
Unfortunately, if Sony has a lot of marketing deals today while MS has nothing like this in the works, it would be way too late already.