Machiavellian said:
From what I have read about concerning the game, the actual story, gameplay and fun factor is really good and the microstransaction stuff actually is not needed to finish the game. You can actually finish the game without paying a dime, where the microtransaction come into play is for End Game, PVP type people who want to max out their character with Legendary items. I was going to avoid this game but I actually do not care about cosmetics and End Game type stuff like this. The game prays on the trinket crowd which is pretty much what every mobile free to play game does. Since I am immune to such grubbing's, I believe I should have a great time with this game. |
You realise there are other dungeon crawlers made for single-player experiences, including every other Diablo game and a multitude of clones. Have you put so much time into all of them that you'd stoop to playing a smartphone mmo, which are all made with the intention of sucking you into Endgame grinds and microtransactions? Are you being paid to give this game a shot or something?
Whatever stories people are making up to convince themselves they're not wasting their time, the reality is that 90% of every mmo is designed for the intention of Endgame/longevity. Thinking you can ignore that aspect is just deluding yourself into enjoying a shallow experience when there are better alternatives.