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Been watching on twitch some of the Operation Monarch in Warzone and it's freaking hilarious and awesome seeing Kong and Godzilla taking up the map! I was hoping as the circle got smaller, the titans would get closer as well with the end of the match being them fighting, but they're pretty static overall as far as their location with Godzilla occasionally going under water and rising a little further up on the beach, which is a bit of a bummer but still super cool!

How they went from Snoop Dogg to Kong and Godzilla I will never know

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

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@shikamaru317 does the rumors floating around that Xbox/Bethesda is working on multiple Disney-licensed games get you pumped?

I know you've been particularly bummed that Xbox hasn't really been embracing the licensed games nowadays. 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

gtotheunit91 said:

@shikamaru317 does the rumors floating around that Xbox/Bethesda is working on multiple Disney-licensed games get you pumped?

I know you've been particularly bummed that Xbox hasn't really been embracing the licensed games nowadays. 

It would be very interesting if that Mandalorian and Planet of the Apes games came to be true. Sony would likely throw a fit if MS got the rights to make a single player Marvel game.

If they do have more Disney licensed games in the works hopefully one of them is on the Alien franchise.

Last edited by EspadaGrim - on 11 May 2022

EspadaGrim said:
gtotheunit91 said:

@shikamaru317 does the rumors floating around that Xbox/Bethesda is working on multiple Disney-licensed games get you pumped?

I know you've been particularly bummed that Xbox hasn't really been embracing the licensed games nowadays. 

It would be very interesting if that Mandalorian and Planet of the Apes games came to be true. Sony would likely throw a fit if MS got the rights to make a single player Marvel game.

If they do have more Disney licensed games in the world hopefully one of them is on the Alien franchise.

Oh man, I completely forgot that Fox properties fall under the "Disney-licensed" umbrella

That is a broad spectrum! Simpsons Hit and Run 2? :D

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

VersusEvil said:

Everyone talks about how buggy Bethesda games are but for me they've been some of the most stable games I've ever played. Morrowind on the Original Xbox? Completely fine. 100hrs on the same save on Skyrim PS3? Zero problems. Sure there are blips but nowhere near the scale some people claim, in my experience atleast.

Same here. The only massive scale buggy Bethesda game that many refer to is Fallout 76. Bethesda had no idea what they were doing that they needed help from Zenimax Online, Arkane, and id Software. All on top of an engine that was never designed for multiplayer in mind. 

Many nowadays take the FO76 experience and slap it on any mention of Bethesda and Todd Howard's creative capabilities. Which many forget he barely had anything to do with FO76 because he was busy leading the development of Starfield.  

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Here is mine. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

gtotheunit91 said:
VersusEvil said:

Everyone talks about how buggy Bethesda games are but for me they've been some of the most stable games I've ever played. Morrowind on the Original Xbox? Completely fine. 100hrs on the same save on Skyrim PS3? Zero problems. Sure there are blips but nowhere near the scale some people claim, in my experience atleast.

Same here. The only massive scale buggy Bethesda game that many refer to is Fallout 76. Bethesda had no idea what they were doing that they needed help from Zenimax Online, Arkane, and id Software. All on top of an engine that was never designed for multiplayer in mind. 

Many nowadays take the FO76 experience and slap it on any mention of Bethesda and Todd Howard's creative capabilities. Which many forget he barely had anything to do with FO76 because he was busy leading the development of Starfield.  

was it the bugs or the P2W shit?

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kirby007 said:
gtotheunit91 said:

Same here. The only massive scale buggy Bethesda game that many refer to is Fallout 76. Bethesda had no idea what they were doing that they needed help from Zenimax Online, Arkane, and id Software. All on top of an engine that was never designed for multiplayer in mind. 

Many nowadays take the FO76 experience and slap it on any mention of Bethesda and Todd Howard's creative capabilities. Which many forget he barely had anything to do with FO76 because he was busy leading the development of Starfield.  

was it the bugs or the P2W shit?

Both the game wouldn't work but by god you knew the store was going to work. 

Many speculate that Bethesda insanely over monetized FO76 despite knowing it wasn't in a playable to state to hyperinflate the company's value, and Microsoft bit. I mean, mtx store, battle pass, a freaking subscription service?! I personally have never touched FO76 and never plan to. It'll never be a true Fallout game for me.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

VersusEvil said:

Everyone talks about how buggy Bethesda games are but for me they've been some of the most stable games I've ever played. Morrowind on the Original Xbox? Completely fine. 100hrs on the same save on Skyrim PS3? Zero problems. Sure there are blips but nowhere near the scale some people claim, in my experience atleast.

Fallout New Vegas was full of bugs, including broken side quest. It was developed by Obsidian though but I feel many count it as Bethesda game. 

KiigelHeart said:
VersusEvil said:

Everyone talks about how buggy Bethesda games are but for me they've been some of the most stable games I've ever played. Morrowind on the Original Xbox? Completely fine. 100hrs on the same save on Skyrim PS3? Zero problems. Sure there are blips but nowhere near the scale some people claim, in my experience atleast.

Fallout New Vegas was full of bugs, including broken side quest. It was developed by Obsidian though but I feel many count it as Bethesda game. 

Yeah I had like 6 broken side quests in my journal. I would count that as borderline unplayable since it could happen with main quests as well and I had to wait for months until they fixed them. Otherwise it would've been too risky to continue playing.