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I just realised... almost 6k in Japan this week.... As far as Xbox sales in Japan go for a regular week, that has to be up there as one of the best? Right?

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Man, Satya Nadella saying Xbox is gaining marketshare really ruffled some feathers on social media yesterday. Lot of upset people for some reason avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

aTokenYeti said:

Man, Satya Nadella saying Xbox is gaining marketshare really ruffled some feathers on social media yesterday. Lot of upset people for some reason

Lol yeah, a very vocal minority on social media make it known that PlayStation=good and Xbox=bad and Xbox can never have success. All Satya was doing was saying was that the Xbox brand is doing incredibly well and being competitive. It’s not like he was declaring victory or something

It wasn’t really like this way during the 360/PS3 era. You always have competitiveness amongst the fan base, but it was more playful, but during the PS4/XOne era, it became much too serious that PlayStation was supposedly superior and always must be.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

I can’t imagine we would get the demos free, even if devs ported them over. Surely Sony has language in their contracts with publishers to prevent that. I mean we already know they include clauses preventing GamePass deals in their own PlayStation marketing contracts. Maybe they’d stipulate the demos also have to be behind a paywall on Xbox, or more likely just don’t show up at all.

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LudicrousSpeed said:

I can’t imagine we would get the demos free, even if devs ported them over. Surely Sony has language in their contracts with publishers to prevent that. I mean we already know they include clauses preventing GamePass deals in their own PlayStation marketing contracts. Maybe they’d stipulate the demos also have to be behind a paywall on Xbox, or more likely just don’t show up at all.

I could see that happening on a dev/publisher basis but all? 

The likes of Activision, EA, Ubi etc are big enough to tell Sony where to put that contract alone, more so collectively. 

The 34gb threshold is far too wide of a net to cast to then also ask for exclusivity. That's basically all AAA games and likely most AA. Especially if game sizes keep increasing. 

LudicrousSpeed said:

I can’t imagine we would get the demos free, even if devs ported them over. Surely Sony has language in their contracts with publishers to prevent that. I mean we already know they include clauses preventing GamePass deals in their own PlayStation marketing contracts. Maybe they’d stipulate the demos also have to be behind a paywall on Xbox, or more likely just don’t show up at all.

I'm honestly surprised at the amount of defense I've seen at pay walling demos behind the highest subscription tier. It reminds me when Sony was charging developers to have cross-play enabled. They still might be charging for that, idk. If a developer wants to make a demo for their game, that's all fine. But to force developers to go out of their way to create these bespoke 2 hour demos is insane to me. 

This really wouldn't be much of a problem if Sony had a good refund policy. I've had hundreds if not thousands of dollars refunded on Xbox and Steam over the years on crap games and I never had to pay a monthly payment for the ability to get a refund. 

It was accepted that you had to pay $10 more for games, it was accepted that cloud saves had to be paywalled (which I learned recently there is a limit of saves for your paid for cloud storage on PlayStation) and it's now being accepted that developers have to do extra work that they may not want to do. To top it all off, it just irks me that you still have to pay $18/month or $120/year for the ability to play a game demo, THEN you can spend an additional $60-$70 on actually buying the game.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Ryuu96 said:

I'm actually curious how many are actually transferring from the Bethesda Launcher hundreds maybe?

I just checked to see if there was some cosmetics or something that was tied to my Bethesda account that would need to be transferred, and yeah, there's nothing to transfer lol

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Ryuu96 said:

Final Fantasy VII Remake part 2. 

Anyone gonna try to pick up the 20th anniversary Scottish themed Xbox controller?

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind