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Spade said:

 OMG, this is actually so funny ahaha

I laughted hard at this one

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Why would two mega events happen in the same exact week? Maybe during E3 but not now.

Barozi said:

Why would two mega events happen in the same exact week? Maybe during E3 but not now.

Well if they are from 2 different companies :) It makes sense!

Actually, if Apple would aquire Sony, the best timing would be to announce it now and kill that buzz about Act/Blizz ahah

Don't tempt Uncle Phil...">"><img src="

Zippy6 said:

I've always been opposed to the Bethesda acquisition.

This makes it 10 times worse. I'm disgusted. This monopolization is a terrible, terrible thing.

Acquisitions like this are not good for gaming.

Who says a company cares about what you believe is good for gaming.  The question is, if not MS then who because if a company is up for sale, it would be stupid not to put your name in the hate especially for a company that on the level as Activision/Blizzard.  At the end of the day it could have been anyone, MS had the money to make sure its them.

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For the Future of CoD, imo only Infinity Ward and Treyarch should be making them going forward and they need to stop with the yearly releases for quality control.

They should put Sledgehammer, Raven, and High Moon on something else.

CoD doesn’t work with a 2 year cycle. With the current gaming landscape and how many Gaas games there are it’s crucial to keep people engaged. If there’s 3 devs each game has a 3 year development cycle with yearly releases which works just fine. A 2 year release doesn’t make sense. A CoD game doesn’t need a 6 year development cycle.

Barozi said:

Also I think it's funny that no one has yet mentioned the insane Game Pass additions for the rest of the month:

Obviously a lot was already known but Death's Door is definitely a new one.

Great to see Taiko coming to Xbox for the first time. We just need drum controller now which wasn't announced for now, unfortunately.

Imaginedvl said:
DroidKnight said:

They still might.

Well... there are several and scary options for Sony. Right now, Sony is in a shit hole, they cannot counter stuff like that and this aquisition was big. Microsoft started to get some serious momentum compared to last gen and this is just going to addup.

That being said Sony can answer in multiple ways, and one of them... Is bad...

- Buy Square Enix, release GamePass like service. This is probably not enough tho, but I really believe they are working on something like that

The scary part now:

- They merge with EA (Sony cannot aquire them, people need to realize that Sony Market Cap, is around 140B, only 2 times what MS just payed for Act).
This would be the best option for them I think. They become exactly like MS, they have the hardware and the game, and can really have a similar offering

The last option that is even scarier...:

- Apple... Aquire Sony. This is probably something Apple is looking as an option. And this would be major shockwave in the industry. 

In short, I do believe Sony will be able to compete in the long run by themselves...

I think the last one is actually quite possible. The stakes are rising, and if Apple really decides to enter gaming market at some point, going for Sony and Playstation is probably the best way to do it. They also use Sony lenses for iPhone cameras, so this part of business will also be quite useful. I do still hope that this never happens, because it will make me switch to Playstation as I'm an Apple shill)

shikamaru317 said:

The Atlus on Xbox teases continue:

We already had Atlus putting Xbox on their official 2021 survey as a platform choice for the first time ever, and of course some insiders like Nick and Ed claiming that Persona was coming to Xbox in the future.

As I've said already a few pages ago. UE4 is mentioned, which means that it is most likely about either SMT V or some future projects. SMT V is the only UE4 game made by Atlus right now. I won't be surprised actually, as there are already rumours that it is most likely coming to PS4 and PC at some point. Seems like a no brainer to also release it on Xbox then given the UE4's simplicity of porting to different platforms. UE4 is actually the main reason why we are even getting Banco's Japanese games right now. The problem is that SMT V will unfortunately flop on Xbox most likely and there will be like 5 people playing it. Very niche game with almost non existing mass market appeal.

jason1637 said:

@EspadaGrim I think you're looking at this from a different perspective. Sounds like your looking for what the acquisition does for you and your gaming taste rather than what it does for the Xbox brand. Having the Blizzard acquisition does a lot for Xbox on the PC space. They can incorporate the Blizzard store into their strategy and put WoW o n gamepass.

Having CoD become more integrated into the Xbox ecosystem keep Microsoft competitive with Sony and gives them the opportunity to surpass them in some regions of this generation. No other publisher would put Microsoft in this situation they are now. Not even EA because there's no way MS would be able to have exclusivity with licensed games. Take Two takes way too long to release their games that we won't see the effect of such an acqusiito9n until the next generation.

CoD is yet another FPS game though. Xbox already has tons of them. It's not about if someone likes something or not. Xbox has a hole in JRPGs, VNs and other (for the most part) genres that are made only by Japanese developers. This kinda limits their global appeal, because Xbox first party has nothing to offer for people who like games of this genres. Especially also considering the fact that third parties that make such games usually avoid Xbox platform. Buying the company which is for the most part known for yet another FPS game is not gonna diversify your gaming portfolio. And CoD is already available on Xbox anyway. I mean, I personally truly understand why MS went for ActiBlizz, but as I've probably already said before, it's more about just adding yet another steady flow of income into their gaming division, by following the moment of ActiBlizz recent devaluation. But at the same time, it is 70B$ spent on something that will not diversify and help reach more broader audiences though, that's why some of us are not as hyped about it. I clearly understand that Xbox gamers in general don't like Japanese stuff and as I've also said before, Xbox's fanbase stance on these games is the main reason why we struggle to get them on the platform, but if we think about it from more objective side of view and leave preferences behind, it's hard to deny that getting some Japanese developers is absolutely needed for Microsoft's 2B gamers goal, because otherwise you just artificially limit the potential target audience.

Ryuu96 said:

Finally. That's probably the really best news for today. I must say that I've already lost hope at this point, considering it was announced even before last year's E3. Thought that the deal broke at some point. As a physical copies enjoyer, can't be any happier about this.


I wonder how other studios like Double Fine, Obsidian, inXile, etc. feel about all these huge acquisitions lol

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

shikamaru317 said:

I definitely think that Xbox should put CoD on an every 2 year schedule, which would give Treyarch and Infinity Ward each an extra year to work on their CoD games, 4 total years for each studio. Let Sledgehammer work on a new IP, same with High Moon.

I also think it would be smart for Xbox to take Toys for Bob off of CoD support and Vicarious Visions off of Blizz support, and put them both in charge of all of Xbox's platformer IP's, Spyro, Crash, Banjo, and Conker, and allow the 2 of them to rotate around between all 4 IP's.

Idk if MS will let Vicarious Vision get independence again when they gain control, they should staff up Radical Entertainment again and let them make original games along with Beenox.