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I bet when next gen launches we will get numbers frequently. Since people and the company themselves wants to boast about their console.

Pocky Lover Boy! 

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A Mario editor is no 2d Mario. A true 2d Mario adventure would be charting better.

Valdney said:
A Mario editor is no 2d Mario. A true 2d Mario adventure would be charting better.

Look at number 18. I know it's a remake, but for those who didn't buy a Wii U, it's pretty much a new game. And SMM2 beats the crap out of it saleswise.

JRPGfan said:
nero said:
Switch having 5 exclusive in the top 10!! It is on fire and the lite is coming!! Go AC, great game

The other side of the coin, is 9? out of the top20, arn't avalible on the Switch.

Thats almost half of the top20 games, cant be played on a switch.

I'm not saying half of the top20 can't be played on PS4 because of Switch exclusivity, right?

Bofferbrauer2 said:
Valdney said:
A Mario editor is no 2d Mario. A true 2d Mario adventure would be charting better.

Look at number 18. I know it's a remake, but for those who didn't buy a Wii U, it's pretty much a new game. And SMM2 beats the crap out of it saleswise.

Are you serously making this very dumb comparison? Seriously? NSMBU is not even a remake. It's a port of a game that reuses assets from previous NSMB games. NSMBU looks like a Wii game. NSMBU never was  a true new 2d Mario adventure. 

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The_Liquid_Laser said:
Kind of a slow month all things considered. Any new release that sells less than Minecraft and GTA 5 this month didn't really sell a significant amount IMO.

Right, considering that these are revenue charts and Minecraft is a budget title and GTA5 MSRP is like $39.99 compared to the $59.99 for new game releases, kinda a bad month.

Valdney said:
Bofferbrauer2 said:

Look at number 18. I know it's a remake, but for those who didn't buy a Wii U, it's pretty much a new game. And SMM2 beats the crap out of it saleswise.

Are you serously making this very dumb comparison? Seriously? NSMBU is not even a remake. It's a port of a game that reuses assets from previous NSMB games. NSMBU looks like a Wii game. NSMBU never was  a true new 2d Mario adventure

Beg to differ on that.

And while a new 2D Mario should outdo NSMBUD, I don't think it will beat SMM2. In case you didn't notice, many are taking SMM2 as their 2D Mario already.

Bofferbrauer2 said:
Valdney said:

Are you serously making this very dumb comparison? Seriously? NSMBU is not even a remake. It's a port of a game that reuses assets from previous NSMB games. NSMBU looks like a Wii game. NSMBU never was  a true new 2d Mario adventure

Beg to differ on that.

And while a new 2D Mario should outdo NSMBUD, I don't think it will beat SMM2. In case you didn't notice, many are taking SMM2 as their 2D Mario already.

The true Mario 2d is not a New Mario formula. One AAA 2D Super Mario, with new worlds, enemy, tons of new lore, nem power up. The true sequel of 2D Mario and Mario lore in general. This Mario game have great sale potential, GTA single console levels, like NSMB Wii, DS, Super Mario Bros. 3

Valdney said:
A Mario editor is no 2d Mario. A true 2d Mario adventure would be charting better.

Is Mario Maker underperforming or something?

I continue to be quite impressed by the performance of Mortal Kombat 11. I didn't expect a fighting game not called Smash to still be in the top 10 several months after release.

Valdney said:

NSMBU is not even a remake. It's a port of a game that reuses assets from previous NSMB games. NSMBU looks like a Wii game. NSMBU never was  a true new 2d Mario adventure. 

Amen. NSMBU was lazy trash even in 2012, and on Switch even more so.