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Forums - Gaming Discussion - FINAL FANTASY X fans ... i need some help and convincing !

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AbbathTheGrim said:
Well it makes sense that you don't see much technology in FFX because technology is taboo in FFX's storyline.

FFX has one of the best FF stories. It is indeed quite linear, but I doubt you will finish this game faster than any other FFs. The linearity may be deceiving without taking into account the side quests and the searches for hidden stuff you will be doing.

I recommend that you play it, it is one of my favorite FFs and I have played most of them.

If you like opened world games then FFXII may be more your thing, just prepare to be flipping coins for good loot because the best stuff in the game is behind a brutal percentage chance of enemy drop.

So that's why they use volleyballs as weapons huh XDDDD .. jk

I like linear and open worlds equally and i have no doubt i will like the story but how's the gameplay,combat and exploration in your opinion ?? that's what i'm worried about the most.

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The combat system is great. Compared to other FF I'd say this is one of the more challenging one's. Some of the bosses especially later on in the game will kick your ass if you are not prepared.

there are some minigames like Blitzball and Chocobo races. There's also a monster arena where you can fight monsters you captured and also some bonus boss monsters. You also collect "Al Bhed primers to learn the the Al bhed language which you use to read messages and such, personally I didn't care much for it but it was an interesting idea.

You use the Sphere grid to level up your characters. It's cool because you can learn abilities that would otherwise be exclusive to one character, but the downside to it is that it takes up too much time at least in my opinion.

sub-zero-TM said:
AbbathTheGrim said:
Well it makes sense that you don't see much technology in FFX because technology is taboo in FFX's storyline.

FFX has one of the best FF stories. It is indeed quite linear, but I doubt you will finish this game faster than any other FFs. The linearity may be deceiving without taking into account the side quests and the searches for hidden stuff you will be doing.

I recommend that you play it, it is one of my favorite FFs and I have played most of them.

If you like opened world games then FFXII may be more your thing, just prepare to be flipping coins for good loot because the best stuff in the game is behind a brutal percentage chance of enemy drop.

So that's why they use volleyballs as weapons huh XDDDD .. jk

I like linear and open worlds equally and i have no doubt i will like the story but how's the gameplay,combat and exploration in your opinion ?? that's what i'm worried about the most.

Gameplay is very good. The battle system is turn-based, like real turn based, characters take turns and there is no ATB to fill to allow you to issue commands because there is a row with the faces of both foes and party members telling you who comes next.

You say you are into JRPGs and RPGs but are you into turn-based RPGs or more action oriented? If you like RPGs about selecting spells and selecting attacks and checking health and buff and that sort of thing I see no reason why you wouldn't like FFX.

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because:

Sounds like you would probably like 12 more. Honestly... not really sure my opinion would matter much to you as I absolutely despised xv. One of the worst rpgs I have ever played. I loved ffx at the time, but I admit it hasn’t aged super well for me. Still, I would say it is a million times better than xv...

sub-zero-TM said:
V-r0cK said:
Before I first played FFX it really wasn't to my liking with the plot, atmosphere and characters but I took a shot at it cause after loving one FF game to the next...(ie FF7 then 8, then 9) I had to give it a try and I was glad I did. The battle system is fantastic and it was an overall fantastic game you'd expect out of a FF game really. You should definitely give this a try and these days you find the FFX collection to be pretty cheap so you dont have much to lose I feel. Once you put in a decent chunk of time investing into the game I'm sure you'll really start to enjoy it.

Interesting so you were in the same situation as i am now.. and yes you are right i can buy it really cheap today and don't have much to lose but i know the game is very long and i HATEEEE when i waste my money on a game and it wasn't worth it. It doesn't happen very often cause i'm very careful and i do research a lot but it happens sometimes so that's why i'm hesitating with this game.

Wost case if you buy it and dislike it after trying it is that you'll just own a classic FFX game that goes with the rest of your JRPG/FF collection :P

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AbbathTheGrim said:
sub-zero-TM said:

So that's why they use volleyballs as weapons huh XDDDD .. jk

I like linear and open worlds equally and i have no doubt i will like the story but how's the gameplay,combat and exploration in your opinion ?? that's what i'm worried about the most.

Gameplay is very good. The battle system is turn-based, like real turn based, characters take turns and there is no ATB to fill to allow you to issue commands because there is a row with the faces of both foes and party members telling you who comes next.

You say you are into JRPGs and RPGs but are you into turn-based RPGs or more action oriented? If you like RPGs about selecting spells and selecting attacks and checking health and buff and that sort of thing I see no reason why you wouldn't like FFX.

Turn based RPG's or more action oriented ? Both of course for example i adored Persona 5.

gergroy said:
Sounds like you would probably like 12 more. Honestly... not really sure my opinion would matter much to you as I absolutely despised xv. One of the worst rpgs I have ever played. I loved ffx at the time, but I admit it hasn’t aged super well for me. Still, I would say it is a million times better than xv...

I don't know man XV has a lot of good stuff in it especially with all the added shit post launch.

BraLoD said:

I know X is widely loved out there but I didn't like it quite as much.
The thing is, as you fear, not only is the game linear but it feels quite a chore to play it.
It's not actually bad but it's just too boring to play.
I didn't like most of the story, the blitzball game is a pain, and most of the chars are really uninteresting (some are great, tho).
I would say it's still worth playing but you won't really get that epic adventure you might be expecting.
X-2 in the other hand is a lot more fun to play, but that's it, it's not boring but it's even weaker storywise (X actually ends up in a high note storywise after the first horrible half) and as a game in a whole.
Again, still worth playing, but it's nothing close to what FF represents.
It's a good game, a bit too boring, but still a good game.

Edit: FF XII in the other hand is a masterpiece, get is asap.

Really, wasn't it excellent enough already, if you liked XV you'll are in for a threat with it.

Interesting comment.. what you just wrote is exactly what i fear i will feel while playing but i guess i just have to try it out and see for myself. What does FF represent the best in your opinion ? what are the best games ?

As for FFXII aghh don't do this to me xD .. masterpiece huh ? i do love how the game looks remastered on ps4 but again the world and design and characters just not my taste. Tell me one more thing how is the story of XII and the main character cause i heard it's mehh ?

V-r0cK said:
sub-zero-TM said:

Interesting so you were in the same situation as i am now.. and yes you are right i can buy it really cheap today and don't have much to lose but i know the game is very long and i HATEEEE when i waste my money on a game and it wasn't worth it. It doesn't happen very often cause i'm very careful and i do research a lot but it happens sometimes so that's why i'm hesitating with this game.

Wost case if you buy it and dislike it after trying it is that you'll just own a classic FFX game that goes with the rest of your JRPG/FF collection :P

Another good point haha i love ya man :P yes you are right i am a collector of all sorts of things. 

X has a really unique and interesting story and the battle system is excellent. I love me some X. I also loved XII. Really the only FF games I don't like 8s VIII and anything past XII.


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