KLAMarine said:
District Attorney Alvin Bragg's political affiliation is with the Democratic party. |
So's the mayor from the clip who said it was fucked up:
It's New York City....
KLAMarine said:
District Attorney Alvin Bragg's political affiliation is with the Democratic party. |
So's the mayor from the clip who said it was fucked up:
It's New York City....
KLAMarine said:
District Attorney Alvin Bragg's political affiliation is with the Democratic party. |
One of Alba's biggest supporters is NYC Mayor Eric Adams, who is also a Democrat and spend much of his career advocating for police reform against the policies of Rudy Giuliani.
This "outrage from the left" appears to be manufactured in this video by Fox News, the NY Post, and Inside Edition, all of which I would take with grains of salt the size of a mountain.
I'd agree the bodega worker's use of force was excessive if he kept stabbing after his assailant had collapsed. I don't see that here, I see a two versus one situation... https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/ny-video-jose-alba-harlem-bodega-stabbing-20220711-tshwllerqba47anjnbtto3r37m-story.html
Additional video, the assailant/victim's girlfriend threatening force prior to the ultimate confrontation... Also of note is the bodega worker trying to de-escalate when the assailant/victim trespasses...
Torillian said:
So's the mayor from the clip who said it was fucked up: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Adams It's New York City.... |
"So's the mayor from the clip who said it was fucked up"
A most excellent of points. Thank you for this.
SuaveSocialist said:
Are you familiar with the term 'sealioning'? |
Are you familiar with the phrase, nothings as it seems? How about the dress color conundrum?
Which color is it?
"However, experts agree that the only individuals who can accurately identify “the dress” are those who see it in person."
The Dress: Science Explains the Blue, Black, White and Gold | Time
I've seen the dress in person, and you're looking at the picture. Are you seeing what I'm seeing? Doesn't seem like it.
the-pi-guy said:
What a good example of: 1.) Cherry picking 2.) Perfect solution fallacy When we look at the success of policies, the point isn't to look at whether it's 100% successful. We compare the before and after. When someone says "y country hasn't had a mass shooting in x years", the point isn't that the policy is 100% successful. The point is we're comparing the 100 or mass shootings to the 0 in that same time period. Suppose the US saw 100 mass shootings in 10 years (depending on what the definition of mass shooting is being used), and they passed some policies, and the 10 years immediately following, saw only 10 mass shootings, that would show those policies were successful at decreasing mass shootings. That would overall be a success, even if there was more work to do.
This begs a question for me. Why is sealioning such a prominent feature in this thread? It's totally fine if you have genuine questions, a lot of us here will either happily or begrudgingly answer tons of questions. But it's concerning when: a.) some of these questions are easily answered by anyone in this thread. b.) when someone seems more interested in breaking down the opposition, instead of actually having any points of their own. (Not saying this is you) b2.) when someone is primarily in this thread, asking pointed questions On A: You: How much of the world consumes or depends on America vs Australia? Which country worldwide has the most immigrants? Pem: Australia is a resource rich nation that underpins the entire planets manufacturing. You: What does Australia being resource rich have anything to do with the original points made? Do you not understand that he's countering your original point about the world being dependant on US/Australia? His point is that the US and Australia has a lot in common, I would say much more than is different. Most importantly, it's bizarre to act like the US is some kind of totally different object that regular logic doesn't apply to. |
I'm not the one who started comparing to other nations, so the cherry picking started prior and not by me.
Neither of us were talking about perfection, at least I wasn't, and they didn't seem to be either overall.
As for sealioning, see above.
The answer was America and they didn't want to admit that so they made a point about one of Australia's strengths. Yes I understood, while also making the point that if what I was doing was grapsing at staws as told prior, then so was this answer, so were we both participating in that then, or not?
It's bizarre to only see black and white when it's oddly suitable looking in that direction, while always seeing the full spectrum on the opposite side.
sundin13 said:
Why are the actions of other nations relevant? Should we not strive for improvement instead of just saying "Eh, everybody sucks somewhere so let's just keep sucking"? Also, what is your point regarding Japan? Is the insinuation that their gun laws are a failure, or that the US shouldn't institute similar gun laws because a firearm related homicide occurred recently? |
Why are other nations relevant? See the reply to my initial post below.
My point regarding Japan is that even if you have extremely strict gun laws, people are going to find a way to get guns, or make guns, or use another weapon to kill people. Banning something to solve the problem won't solve it, it would only to some degree, possibly help, and will never end. Taking away guns from law abiding citizens who use them for non aggressive means against humans, that don't over hunt or poach animals, doesn't make any sense. Same reason why nobody wants to take away knives from law abiding citizens in the US, or from any US citizen for that matter, at least for now. Elsewhere in the world even knives have become a political battle, tied to gun bans. I guess the overall point would be how much has to get banned before everyone is safe enough?
Pemalite said:
You need bipartisan support. |
Pemalite said:
We aren't that different. |
Pemalite said:
Dependence of a nation isn't really a sensible approach. |
Pemalite said:
You are missing the point that it does NOT matter how different or similar a country is, you can have gun control and universal healthcare. |
Others seem to think I was leading to nowhere, going in circles, and while I disagree, I'll go out of my way to be blatantly more direct here.
1st post above - You make the point that the commonalities do matter.
2nd post above - You change your tune a bit to the commonalities matter somewhat.
3rd post above - You fully change your tune to the commonalities do NOT matter at all whatsoever.
Which is it?
There's a bunch of other tune changes like this throughout. Enough that it's hard to take the rest seriously at this point.
And no, not everyone can have everything. Every mature adult understands that, whether it's on an individual or national level.
You seem to prefer Australia over the US. I think they both have their merits and am glad both exist as they do, for the most part.
ConservagameR said:
Are you familiar with the phrase, nothings as it seems? How about the dress color conundrum? Which color is it? I've seen the dress in person, and you're looking at the picture. Are you seeing what I'm seeing? |
Why are you still sealioning?
KLAMarine said: I'd agree the bodega worker's use of force was excessive if he kept stabbing after his assailant had collapsed. I don't see that here, I see a two versus one situation... https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/ny-video-jose-alba-harlem-bodega-stabbing-20220711-tshwllerqba47anjnbtto3r37m-story.html |
Man, when multiple mods are all calling you out on your clearly biased political views and honestly not-okay beliefs, maybe you should reconsider your stance.
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