Few questions for anyone who opposes abortion.
Suppose in a year I find out my kidneys are not functioning correctly, and I will need a transplant or I will die. My father is the only genetic match available. My father says he does not want to give me his kidney. (My father absolutely would in real life, but not this hypothetical). Should we legally be able to force him to give me his kidney?
After refusing to give me a kidney transplant, my father has a heart attack and dies in my hospital room. He has made his wishes clear that he does not wish to give me his kidney, he is not an organ donor, and his will explicitly says he wants his body to be buried with all of its organs. Should the doctors legally be able to ignore his wishes and transplant his kidney to save my life?
Let's say my dad does not die, and doesn't need to transplant his kidney. But, there is a miraculous machine where we can both put in an IV for half an hour every five years, and that will take care of the problems with no adverse effects to my father. My dad agrees that he will hook himself up to the machine to help me. I offer nothing in return, and no formal agreement is made. After five minutes, he says, "you know what, I changed my mind, I'm going to pull out this IV." Should doctors be able to legally prevent him from taking out the IV?
Suppose I am so angry at my dad not giving him my kidney that I take a scalpel and stab him. To save his life, he'll need a blood transfusion immediately, and we already know I'm a match. Should the hospital staff be able to strap me down and take my blood?
Basically, it all boils down to this. Aside from a pregnant woman, there is literally no circumstance where we will force any person to directly use their body to keep someone alive. Even if the person is dead, even if the person will lose nothing. It does not matter if there is a living, breathing, laughing, loving, brilliant, kind, sweet, wonderful, charitable person who will die otherwise. It doesn't matter. We will not violate bodily autonomy. It doesn't matter that the person who will die is the child of the potential donor. Doesn't matter if the other person is in a predicament that you cuased. In no other situation, real or imaginary, will we ever force a person to use their body to keep another person alive. But, fuck pregnant women I guess. That'll learn you to have sex.
Last edited by JWeinCom - on 09 May 2022