Dulfite said:
I see this thread has devolved into people arguing with each other about whether or not they know what they are arguing about. |
Well when one half of the argument doesn't seem to understand what it is they're arguing for or against, it's hard to have any sort of civil debate.
It's a consistent problem with some folks. Christopher Rufo even said that they wanted to ruin the brand of CRT by making people default to 'critical race theory' any time something came up that made them feel self-conscious about what has happened between races. They want anything crazy on the TV to automatically associate it with CRT. And it worked. we've got people all over the place spewing nonsense about how CRT is bad because it makes white children hate their country or resent being white and on so many levels that's just absolutely NOT what it does, not what its goal is, and not who it's taught to.
Their takes are so misguided and factually wrong on so many levels it's hard to know what the first step is in educating them in a way they won't just brush it off and think we're brainwashed or that we're just pushing an agenda.
IT's almost like CRT as an academic concept is university-level and not easy to teach to the masses, especially when the masses don't want to hear uncomfortable truths.
It SHOULD be a chance for solemn self-reflection and an opportunity for self-improvement, but instead it's just seen as an attack on American values. Which shows a level of insecurity I just don't know how to deal with. I'm a smart person, but I'm not 'educating conservatives about advanced legal theory' smart. And my very basic 'CRT is the teaching of how racial history impacts modern society' explanation is doing much of anything to convince anyone. It's easier to just go 'it's indoctrination, teaching the next generation to hate their country and hate white people' because SOME people are so insecure at the even remote, tangential, frankly unrelated possibility that maybe they'll be treated as bad as black people were 150 years ago.
IT's white privilege.
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