EricHiggin said: I tend to wonder the same thing much of the time, but not everyone speaks or understands every word and phrase of every language. It's been implied that's it's better to just shut up instead of ever responding, but it seems that only applies to specific side. I've also been told silence is violence though. If the media can't be used, then we're at a standstill. A form of media as a point for you but not for me? Then again, unless you think instant information without explanation of the context is always a good thing, since everyone always understands everything, especially when many only bother to consume a small portion at the start or finish, then instantly comment on it, not even attempting to understand the whole, then maybe it's good it was brought up. Social media doesn't mean much as to anyone having to change. Plenty have given the middle finger to social media and continue on doing whatever they did prior, regardless. Some face a form of punishment for what they did, but how many people, groups, or businesses actually change? How many change and change back, like defunding then refunding the police? Not to mention how little good it does overall when it comes to changing politicians for the better. The growing alternative social media platforms also tend to have a different take on many matters. It's unwise to disregard the minorities point of view. So, I think all police are great and shouldn't be punished like defunding, and you think some might be bad apples? What? Didn't you highlight where I said, "some police take things to far, others are basically useless". "Now how to make them all perfectly balanced individuals?" What's unclear about that? Because I have no clue what that actually means "Make them balance". Its way to vague for me to understand what you mean by balance when you can just list the actual things you believe should be done to make police accountable for their actions and thus provide a way for them to do their job and for us as citizens to be secure they are doing their job without abusing it. As for this idea that's been going around where you send someone other than a police officer, how many unarmed professionals have to show up to help, leading to their injury or death, before they require a cop by their side at all times anyway? How long before the unarmed professionals won't do it at all, or unless they have weapons and basic training? How long before you've basically got two cops dealing with situations again anyway? Why don't we try it first and see. There are multiple incidents that did not require a police officer to show up that turned into some BS because they came with trigger happy individuals. People call the police for everything but everything does not require a person who think of shooting first and asking questions later. There was an incident not to long ago where someone called the cops because a neighbor was playing their music to loud. Cops showed up, guy comes out of the garaged with his cellphone and get shot, because they though he had a gun. There are a number of cases like this where did we really need to send trigger happy police to something as simple as a domestic disturbance and the result is someone dead. Most domestic incidents do not require someone looking to shoot first and ask questions later but that is how the current police force is structured. Think about it this way. You pretty much have to send a cop to make a judgement call initially just in case it requires deadly force, potentially immediately. You can't send someone unarmed who get's blown away instantly. Ok, so now you want a potentially stupid, useless, racist cop, to make a decision on whether the police or another professional should handle the situation? You really trust them to make the right judgement call? If the cop chooses a professional, and that person shows up but unexpectedly get's blown away anyway, is it the cops fault? What if social media decides it is? What's the next policing solution? No you do not have to send a cop to have to make a judgment call, you first figure out the incident in question and then send the correct personnel to help with that situation. Most domestic situations absolutely do not require someone who is not trained to handle the situation but instead is just a waste of time. In the US police are trained for at the most 6 months but a lot of states barely over a month and what they are trained for does not even come close to the amount of stuff they get called for. In the US, the Police is probably the least trained individuals in the developed world because we accept anyone send them to everything only to be ineffective because they have no clue what to do and thus they just fall back on is it a shooting situation or not. If you ban guns, people just start using knives. You ban knives, and people start using bow and arrow. Eventually it ends up sticks and stones. The answer is to understand and respect guns, just like better understanding and respecting of the police. That's about as good as it get's. You go after the police or guns, you get sky high crime and stabbings that just replace them. If you ban guys and people use knives, I have a much better survival rate with a knife then a gun. If someone is using a bow and arrow my survival rate still is way higher than a gun. If its stick and stones, I get to live another day even higher. The thing is, guns become more deadly as the years progress and your survival drops just as much. The more guns in play means that people will use it for everything. Not to long ago, a off duty police officer was in an argument in Costco got push down, pulled out his gun and shot up the whole family not just the person who pushed him. This is pretty much were the US is going. If someone push me I get to kill everyone, I get to kill you because I can easily say I feared for my life. As more of these incidents happen, you will see more people becoming armed and if any incident or argument happen its going to be like the good old western days again where who draws first gets to live another day. Citizens have to do their best to respect the police, and the police have to do their best to respect citizens. If the morals and rules aren't working to accomplish that, besides rare accidents and mistakes, then they need to be adjusted or better enforced by the people. If that somehow can't be accomplished, I'd suggest moving elsewhere that's more receptive, or not a problem to begin with. An out of control fire will eventually burn itself out. Forget about this respect aspect, what needs to happen is that we need a system in place to hold police accountable for their actions period. Its long past the point of this mutual respect. We as citizens need to be comfortable when we call the police, they do their job and can be confident that the situation is going to be handled in a professional manner. Also forget about this leaving to a new place. If I put my stake in an area, I am going to fight to make it better. You can keep running looking for nirvana or you can build where you stand. Also these cases are not rare, capturing them on video is rare but that is changing. |