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jason1637 said:
LuccaCardoso1 said:

I was referring to mass shooters, not NRA members.

NRA does a disservice in the sense that they promote and glamourize guns, but they're obviously not as bad as literal mass shooters.

I see nothing wrong with promoting and glamourizing guns as long as you're not promoting gun violence against others.

Guns are made with the sole intent of killing. You cannot promote and glamourize guns without promoting and normalizing violence, it's literally impossible.

Actually, you could promote guns without promoting violence if you were promoting shooting sports, but that's clearly not what the NRA does.

When you let anyone have a semi-automatic rifle at home and have a culture of violence and death, mass shootings are bound to happen.

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jason1637 said:
LuccaCardoso1 said:

They're worse than idiots who need help - they're idiots who need help with ridiculously easy access to guns.

But they're not killing anyone. I'd say a meass shooter is worse than a NRA member.

But without the NRA's influence and blocking of any gun regulation, it would have been much more difficult for those get a gun a long time ago

SpokenTruth said:
Bofferbrauer2 said:

But without the NRA's influence and blocking of any gun regulation, it would have been much more difficult for those get a gun a long time ago

I wonder how NRA members feel about the pharmaceutical lobby when a member of their family dies from an opioid overdose.

'If only there were more jobs around here so they could have been busy and felt useful instead of being stuck on welfare and feeling depressed.'

Followed by,

'First they took all the jobs away and now they want to take all our guns away. Hmmm.'

LuccaCardoso1 said:
jason1637 said:

I see nothing wrong with promoting and glamourizing guns as long as you're not promoting gun violence against others.

Guns are made with the sole intent of killing. You cannot promote and glamourize guns without promoting and normalizing violence, it's literally impossible.

Actually, you could promote guns without promoting violence if you were promoting shooting sports, but that's clearly not what the NRA does.

When you let anyone have a semi-automatic rifle at home and have a culture of violence and death, mass shootings are bound to happen.

"Actually, you could promote guns without promoting violence if you were promoting shooting sports, but that's clearly not what the NRA does."

which is what? promoting the shooting of people?

"When you let anyone have a semi-automatic rifle at home"

this has been the case for centuries in america

CaptainExplosion said:

The US government wants this man in jail for helping prevent migrant deaths in Arizona.

Guess it's just as I thought; Trump is against common decency.

do you believe america should have completely open borders?

if not do you understand that helping immigrants enter america illegally is a criminal act?

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o_O.Q said:
CaptainExplosion said:

The US government wants this man in jail for helping prevent migrant deaths in Arizona.

Guess it's just as I thought; Trump is against common decency.

do you believe america should have completely open borders?

if not do you understand that helping immigrants enter america illegally is a criminal act?

Yeah, we should make sure they continue to die in the desert, that will show them.

o_O.Q said:
LuccaCardoso1 said:

Guns are made with the sole intent of killing. You cannot promote and glamourize guns without promoting and normalizing violence, it's literally impossible.

Actually, you could promote guns without promoting violence if you were promoting shooting sports, but that's clearly not what the NRA does.

When you let anyone have a semi-automatic rifle at home and have a culture of violence and death, mass shootings are bound to happen.

"Actually, you could promote guns without promoting violence if you were promoting shooting sports, but that's clearly not what the NRA does."

which is what? promoting the shooting of people?

Yes, actually. The NRA promotes the shooting of people in "self-defense" (I would see the case for that if the laws restricted the guns that could be owned. No one needs a semi-automatic rifle for self-defense). It also promotes the shooting of animals, which is also violence.

o_O.Q said:

"When you let anyone have a semi-automatic rifle at home"

this has been the case for centuries in america

Maybe that's why the US has had the most mass shootings out of any country by far. Just because it has been the status quo for a long time doesn't mean that it should remain that way.

RolStoppable said:
Machiavellian said:

Yeah, we should make sure they continue to die in the desert, that will show them.

It's worth a shot. It's what the EU tries to do with the migrants that come over the mediterranean sea.

By the way, did anyone ever ask Trump if he is envious of the Chinese? Because those people built a great wall ages ago.

You are right.  We have had this policy for over 20 years and they continue to die in the desert and continue to try and cross it.  We should make it harder, add more predators, destroy any natural water locations, maybe throw some poisonous snakes to increase the death toll.  I am sure as Americans we can find more ways they can die horrible deaths to show then the error of their ways.

LuccaCardoso1 said:
jason1637 said:

I see nothing wrong with promoting and glamourizing guns as long as you're not promoting gun violence against others.

Guns are made with the sole intent of killing. You cannot promote and glamourize guns without promoting and normalizing violence, it's literally impossible.

Actually, you could promote guns without promoting violence if you were promoting shooting sports, but that's clearly not what the NRA does.

When you let anyone have a semi-automatic rifle at home and have a culture of violence and death, mass shootings are bound to happen.

You can definitely promote guns in ways that exclude using them to hurt others. Even if guns are weapons that does not mean that most people use them to kill others. The vast majority of gun owners and NRA members dont use their gun to hurt other people.

Bofferbrauer2 said:
jason1637 said:

But they're not killing anyone. I'd say a meass shooter is worse than a NRA member.

But without the NRA's influence and blocking of any gun regulation, it would have been much more difficult for those get a gun a long time ago

You have a point but the NRA lobbyist represent NRA member interest and these members are not the ones committing these mass shootings.

Machiavellian said:
o_O.Q said:

do you believe america should have completely open borders?

if not do you understand that helping immigrants enter america illegally is a criminal act?

Yeah, we should make sure they continue to die in the desert, that will show them.

the-pi-guy said:
o_O.Q said:

do you believe america should have completely open borders?

if not do you understand that helping immigrants enter america illegally is a criminal act?

Having someone come in illegally is a thousand times preferable to having them die. 

therefore, you believe america should have completely open borders?

i didn't say i want these people to die, i'm asking you for your position on this issue

Last edited by o_O.Q - on 09 May 2019