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jason1637 said:
SpokenTruth said:

You just can't make this stuff up.  I thought his was an Onion article at first but it really happened.

White House announces that Trump called Putin to discuss the Mueller Report. They both determined that their was no collusion.

How is this a bad thing? I'd be surprised if the Mueller report did not come up in their convo.

Lucky Putin isn't a troll.

A tweet to Trump right now that reads, 'Congratulations comrade', would be all he needs to set forth the final stage of this master plan.

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EricHiggin said:
sundin13 said:

Are you arguing that fast food isn't unhealthy? I just want to be clear, is that what you are doing here?

Well first off you took one section of a collective, which are all intertwined, not to mention the articles, one of which explains Trump is now eating healthier.

Secondly, by asking how unhealthy can it be, I'm clearly implying it's unhealthy, but how destructive is it exactly is the underlying point. Which would mean it's unhealthy to some degree, but whether it's slightly unhealthy, or horrendously unhealthy, is the question.

Thirdly, as this is part of what was said prior, these stars do not necessarily want to promote the product itself, or care about the product at all. If people choose to stuff their faces and sit on their butts all day, it's their fault for what follows. You shouldn't eat lot's of fast food if you can't burn it off, whether that's natural or through exercise, just like how you shouldn't go out and purchase a bunch of luxury items through credit if you don't plan to pay them off, naturally or though extra work.

Okay, thats a little more reasonable than what it sounded like you were saying. That said, I still find this whole discussion to be fairly strange. Why anyone felt the need to bring up Trump's eating habits in response to the Barr debacle is beyond me, but you do you.

sundin13 said:
EricHiggin said:

Well first off you took one section of a collective, which are all intertwined, not to mention the articles, one of which explains Trump is now eating healthier.

Secondly, by asking how unhealthy can it be, I'm clearly implying it's unhealthy, but how destructive is it exactly is the underlying point. Which would mean it's unhealthy to some degree, but whether it's slightly unhealthy, or horrendously unhealthy, is the question.

Thirdly, as this is part of what was said prior, these stars do not necessarily want to promote the product itself, or care about the product at all. If people choose to stuff their faces and sit on their butts all day, it's their fault for what follows. You shouldn't eat lot's of fast food if you can't burn it off, whether that's natural or through exercise, just like how you shouldn't go out and purchase a bunch of luxury items through credit if you don't plan to pay them off, naturally or though extra work.

Okay, thats a little more reasonable than what it sounded like you were saying. That said, I still find this whole discussion to be fairly strange. Why anyone felt the need to bring up Trump's eating habits in response to the Barr debacle is beyond me, but you do you.

It started off with a Rep member not taking the Barr thing seriously. That led to the Dems 'rubber' chicken nonsense. The KFC reminded me of Trump.

Plus I've learned over the years that people who may be in a box, are hard to explain to, whats outside the box, by only using whats inside the box. Trying to merge them tends to be the best approach, but doesn't always work, and sometimes I can flat out go overboard. What I've also learned is that understanding things isn't as simple as just being young and stupid and not getting it. Aside from the brightest of minds, most people require building blocks to get out of the box and understand more complex concepts. If you're never given or exposed to those blocks, you will have a hard time moving forward. While I don't try to 'teach' because I'm certainly no guru, I do expose others to my way of thinking indirectly, assuming they may catch on, just like how I pay attention to them and try to learn from where they're coming from. That doesn't mean I want people to think and be like me, but the more building block understanding people have of each other and life overall in general, the better and more meaningful the conversations should be going forward. 

I find the simple 'my sources said this, and your sources said that', arguments to be boring and useless for the most part. If you can't go beyond that and dig deeper, it's something you should look into, if you really care that is. Just think about what the deeper understanding of science has done for the world for example. I don't mean "you" specifically either btw, just people in general.

SpokenTruth said:
jason1637 said:

How is this a bad thing? I'd be surprised if the Mueller report did not come up in their convo.

Lol.  It's not bad, it's comedic...and absolutely Trumpian.

Imagine the following conversation.

Judge: So, did you two collude to commit the crimes you are being charged with?
Guy 1: No. I didn't collude.  Did you collude, Guy 2?
Guy 2: No.  In fact, your honor, Guy 1 and I talked about it and determined we didn't collude.
Judge: Oh, ok.  Then you are both free to go.

This could be a short skit on SNL and could be pretty funny if done right.

In reality though, the media, Dems, Comey, Mueller, etc, and their resources, have made sure this isn't the case, to the best of their abilities.

SpokenTruth said:
EricHiggin said:

This could be a short skit on SNL and could be pretty funny if done right.

In reality though, the media, Dems, Comey, Mueller, etc, and their resources, have made sure this isn't the case, to the best of their abilities.

That's what's so hilarious about this.  It feels like it should be an SNL skit but it's an actual thing that happened....well, not word for word but the gist is there.

I'm not sure if SNL writers are happy or mad.  In one way this stuff just writes itself.  On the other hand, it's like the joke is already told.

SNL 2022

Trump and Putin decide to forcefully annex and split Canada because in upsidownworld that's what constitutes reaching so therefore is hilarious. Until 2023 that is, when God forbid...

Around the Network
EricHiggin said:
sundin13 said:

Okay, thats a little more reasonable than what it sounded like you were saying. That said, I still find this whole discussion to be fairly strange. Why anyone felt the need to bring up Trump's eating habits in response to the Barr debacle is beyond me, but you do you.

It started off with a Rep member not taking the Barr thing seriously. That led to the Dems 'rubber' chicken nonsense. The KFC reminded me of Trump.

Plus I've learned over the years that people who may be in a box, are hard to explain to, whats outside the box, by only using whats inside the box. Trying to merge them tends to be the best approach, but doesn't always work, and sometimes I can flat out go overboard. What I've also learned is that understanding things isn't as simple as just being young and stupid and not getting it. Aside from the brightest of minds, most people require building blocks to get out of the box and understand more complex concepts. If you're never given or exposed to those blocks, you will have a hard time moving forward. While I don't try to 'teach' because I'm certainly no guru, I do expose others to my way of thinking indirectly, assuming they may catch on, just like how I pay attention to them and try to learn from where they're coming from. That doesn't mean I want people to think and be like me, but the more building block understanding people have of each other and life overall in general, the better and more meaningful the conversations should be going forward. 

I find the simple 'my sources said this, and your sources said that', arguments to be boring and useless for the most part. If you can't go beyond that and dig deeper, it's something you should look into, if you really care that is. Just think about what the deeper understanding of science has done for the world for example. I don't mean "you" specifically either btw, just people in general.

Unfortunately, the strategy of incorporating things from "outside of the box" often serves as more of a smokescreen than an illumination, because what it does is shift the focus. By bringing up criticisms of Trump's eating habits, you basically just erased the conversation that was being had and replaced your own, which was based upon a foundation that (I believe) most liberals would agree isn't particularly worth mentioning. Yes, there have been a couple of sensationalist articles about Trump's eating habits, but this does not in any way influence any of the very real and substantive criticisms of Trump. Moreso, that doesn't directly apply to the situation which was being discussed as the chicken was not being used in reference to its health or anyone's eating habits.

You have to be very careful when drawing connections, because a poor connection will muddy the water and make any progress impossible by weighing the conversation down with irrelevant asides.

Personally, I don't think the conversation that was being had was worthy of much more conversation so this is more of a theoretical critique than a functional one, but I don't think that makes it less relevant. At the end of the day, the testimony that Barr did provide is far more worthy of discussion than the testimony he did not provide.

sundin13 said:
EricHiggin said:

It started off with a Rep member not taking the Barr thing seriously. That led to the Dems 'rubber' chicken nonsense. The KFC reminded me of Trump.

Plus I've learned over the years that people who may be in a box, are hard to explain to, whats outside the box, by only using whats inside the box. Trying to merge them tends to be the best approach, but doesn't always work, and sometimes I can flat out go overboard. What I've also learned is that understanding things isn't as simple as just being young and stupid and not getting it. Aside from the brightest of minds, most people require building blocks to get out of the box and understand more complex concepts. If you're never given or exposed to those blocks, you will have a hard time moving forward. While I don't try to 'teach' because I'm certainly no guru, I do expose others to my way of thinking indirectly, assuming they may catch on, just like how I pay attention to them and try to learn from where they're coming from. That doesn't mean I want people to think and be like me, but the more building block understanding people have of each other and life overall in general, the better and more meaningful the conversations should be going forward. 

I find the simple 'my sources said this, and your sources said that', arguments to be boring and useless for the most part. If you can't go beyond that and dig deeper, it's something you should look into, if you really care that is. Just think about what the deeper understanding of science has done for the world for example. I don't mean "you" specifically either btw, just people in general.

Unfortunately, the strategy of incorporating things from "outside of the box" often serves as more of a smokescreen than an illumination, because what it does is shift the focus. By bringing up criticisms of Trump's eating habits, you basically just erased the conversation that was being had and replaced your own, which was based upon a foundation that (I believe) most liberals would agree isn't particularly worth mentioning. Yes, there have been a couple of sensationalist articles about Trump's eating habits, but this does not in any way influence any of the very real and substantive criticisms of Trump. Moreso, that doesn't directly apply to the situation which was being discussed as the chicken was not being used in reference to its health or anyone's eating habits.

You have to be very careful when drawing connections, because a poor connection will muddy the water and make any progress impossible by weighing the conversation down with irrelevant asides.

Personally, I don't think the conversation that was being had was worthy of much more conversation so this is more of a theoretical critique than a functional one, but I don't think that makes it less relevant. At the end of the day, the testimony that Barr did provide is far more worthy of discussion than the testimony he did not provide.

I see your point, but you're not looking at it the way I was. I wasn't using it like some might, as a smoke screen or backup or topic changer to get away from the original subject because I was 'caught'. I simply used events to point out that neither side can be taken entirely seriously, and how quickly they can ruin a 'lead'. 

Well what constitutes a poor connection isn't that clear because at times while some will say there is no connection at all, others will argue there's a strong connection. How can that be? As far as I'm concerned, either one side doesn't understand or doesn't get it, is missing something, or just doesn't want to acknowledge the comparison.

The thing is I wasn't trying to connect two things, I was simply using multiple events to point something out. My initial point wasn't based on the entire questioning itself, but a small portion that happened within it, which wasn't about the questions or answers, but the attitude towards them. Much like the attitude of eating and health and it's impacts based on your career, which was in a way thrown out the window by going against that, even if that wasn't the point they were trying to make. I was thinking outside the box, and used relevant events to support the point I was trying to make.

While every time this happens I could go and make a new thread about it, it's not exactly the thing that I could see turning into a new thread worthy debate, and I thought that was the point of the new layout of the politics section, so that there weren't a million short threads about every single little subject.

This was actually pretty funny and accurate.

2:25 - 2:40

Almost thought Trump was pulling another Comey on Sara. He's not even taking himself seriously anymore.

The only reason to defend Trump now is pride. Either you don't want to admit that you were wrong or that the party you love put someone so ridiculously stupid in the most powerful office in the world.

How can the US political field recover from this tragedy? When will the debates go back to being about policies and not about what facts are?