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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Crackdown 3 Review Thread - MC: 60 OC: 62

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pokoko said:
I'm seeing a lot of the word "polished" in this thread as if it should be some kind of major criteria upon which review scores should be based.

It's not. We all know the famous phrase about polish. You can polish a bad game to a brilliant, gleaming shine and it's still a bad game.

Personally speaking, I'd rather have an unpolished diamond than a polished up rock any day of the week.

nicely said. But see it from their eyes. If nothing else is noteworthy then you choose something that is really nothing to brag about. So they choose "polished". Its like when someone dosent have a comeback for an argument and they ignore for something like a grammar mistake. 

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

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I've played 12 hours so far and I can say that it's not a bad game. I don't see a reason for it to have any scores below a 6. The game I would compare Crackdown 3 to No Mans Sky. The developers over promised on certain aspects and the end result wasn't what people were hoping. In this case, the multiplayer for Crackdown 3. I already said this, but the multiplayer for Crackdown is lackluster. No Mans Sky scored roughly 7/10, which is about where I would land my score for Crackdown. On the other hand, Crackdown 3's single player is exactly what I wanted and expected. Most people who enjoy Crackdown feel this way. It's easily a better game than Crackdown 2 which scored low 70's. If someone doesn't like Crackdown, then no problem. Everyone has their own taste in games. This doesn't mean Crackdown is a bad game or trash. I keep hearing these words from people who haven't even played it, and are simply parroting what others are saying. I wouldn't put 12 hours into a game if it was bad.

Mr Puggsly said:
animegaming said:

I don't really know what Yakuza has anything to do with this thread aside from my icon, since Yakuza and Crackdown are very different series. Its like you can't understand the fact, that a game you enjoyed is something that most people consider to be shallow, boring, forgettable, outdated, and just plain old mediocre. 

You said, "I am wasting my time playing it." It just felt ironic from the guy with a Yakuza avatar, a huge time sink that's "shallow, boring, forgettable, outdated, and just plain old mediocre." Has it changed much since the original PS2 release? I mean really?

Essentially, I'm just seeing some irony from a guy with your avatar.

I really like Yakuza, and if you or critics would think it deserves a very low score ow well I would think you are wrong but accept that perhaps Yakuza only caters to a small crowd. Wouldn't need to trash a game of your liking to prove something you like isn't good.

Chris Hu said:
animegaming said:
Okay having played some of Crackdown 3, it honestly deserves all of the 5's and 6's. It is a very bland and uninteresting game, even with Gamepass it just feels like I am wasting my time playing it when there are games that do every that Crackdown 3 does, but better.

In fact having replayed Crackdown 1 just a few months ago, I am shock how many of the flaws from that game weren't address in 3 like lock-on removes so much challenge from the game and bad the platforming can get.

"that do every that Crackdown 3" ?????? What the heck are you trying to say if are trying to make a point at least use some correct grammar.

It always surprises me how native english speakers have such a hard time understanding anything written slightly wrong (but non-native have no qualm understanding) when they can't counter.

Chris Hu said:
animegaming said:

Beat me to the punch, thanks anyways.

The are some more grammatical errors in your post.  So again if you trying to make a point at least use correct grammar.

The very old trick of forgetting the argument and focus on grammar or "you don't talk proper english". One could say you don't talk proper argument.

pokoko said:
I'm seeing a lot of the word "polished" in this thread as if it should be some kind of major criteria upon which review scores should be based.

It's not. We all know the famous phrase about polish. You can polish a bad game to a brilliant, gleaming shine and it's still a bad game.

Personally speaking, I'd rather have an unpolished diamond than a polished up rock any day of the week.

I think the term people use in that phrase is turd.

smroadkill15 said:
I've played 12 hours so far and I can say that it's not a bad game. I don't see a reason for it to have any scores below a 6. The game I would compare Crackdown 3 to No Mans Sky. The developers over promised on certain aspects and the end result wasn't what people were hoping. In this case, the multiplayer for Crackdown 3. I already said this, but the multiplayer for Crackdown is lackluster. No Mans Sky scored roughly 7/10, which is about where I would land my score for Crackdown. On the other hand, Crackdown 3's single player is exactly what I wanted and expected. Most people who enjoy Crackdown feel this way. It's easily a better game than Crackdown 2 which scored low 70's. If someone doesn't like Crackdown, then no problem. Everyone has their own taste in games. This doesn't mean Crackdown is a bad game or trash. I keep hearing these words from people who haven't even played it, and are simply parroting what others are saying. I wouldn't put 12 hours into a game if it was bad.

Haven't seem anyone saying the game is trash. What I have seem is people defending the scores are justifiable under the critics eyes and a good portion of people who played.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

DonFerrari said:

Haven't seem anyone saying the game is trash. What I have seem is people defending the scores are justifiable under the critics eyes and a good portion of people who played.

You must not be looking very hard because I've seen people on Youtube, N4g, and other websites trashing the game to no end. Literally click on any review of the game and you will see comments saying the game looks like trash. Majority coming from people who haven't even played the game, and were also trashing the game before it released. Crackdown 3 is a better game than the first 2 games in every way. The gameplay is tighter, weapons are more varied, more mission  types, more enemy and boss variants, more of a story than the first two, larger map to explore, more orbs to collect, more agents to unlock, better skill progress, and everything else. It's overall meta score doesn't reflect that, and certainly doesn't deserve the hate it's received. 

Edit* There is one aspect of Crackdown 1 that I think is better which is the soundtrack. Crackdown 3 soundtrack is good, but 1 is better. Being able to play music from your car in the first game was a nice feature. Crackdown 3 unfortunately doesn't have that. 

Last edited by smroadkill15 - on 25 February 2019

Hit the 10 hour mark this morning. Still have 3 bosses and some other objectives to clean up. I’ve become a bit of an achievement whore but idk if I will bother with the tracking down all 750 orbs and 250 secret orbs, I’d need a map or guide and I don’t care to do that. They need some sort of an orb hunter gadget or something.

I just realized how incredible the plasma cannon or whatever is, the one that shoots a beam of energy. It melts most human enemies and also catches them on fire.

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I've played it for some hours & I think it's a decent game. Sure is fun to play and it's mostly well made. Only the driving is horrible. 60 seems like a harsh score and it doesn't deserve all the hate.

It's not worth a full-priced AAA game though. Less said about the multiplayer the better :D

smroadkill15 said:
DonFerrari said:

Haven't seem anyone saying the game is trash. What I have seem is people defending the scores are justifiable under the critics eyes and a good portion of people who played.

You must not be looking very hard because I've seen people on Youtube, N4g, and other websites trashing the game to no end. Literally click on any review of the game and you will see comments saying the game looks like trash. Majority coming from people who haven't even played the game, and were also trashing the game before it released. Crackdown 3 is a better game than the first 2 games in every way. The gameplay is tighter, weapons are more varied, more mission  types, more enemy and boss variants, more of a story than the first two, larger map to explore, more orbs to collect, more agents to unlock, better skill progress, and everything else. It's overall meta score doesn't reflect that, and certainly doesn't deserve the hate it's received. 

Edit* There is one aspect of Crackdown 1 that I think is better which is the soundtrack. Crackdown 3 soundtrack is good, but 1 is better. Being able to play music from your car in the first game was a nice feature. Crackdown 3 unfortunately doesn't have that. 

I thought you were talking about here. Because I haven't gone to all these places to see how much the game is being trashed... and since it is on so many places, it leads to believe it isn't just critics conspiring to say the game is bad.

You don't need to play something to not like it, you can see gameplay and read the reviews glaring points to base the opinion that the game isn't good. Even more you can't even be sure if people that are criticizing haven't played just because you don't like what they say.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Finished all of the propaganda towers. Those are by far the best use of platforming in the game. I’ve probably said it in the thread before but while the game lacks the verticality the earlier games had, it makes up for it with a more varied and interesting city plus some great platforming. The later more difficult bosses are all perched in places requiring some platforming skills to reach.

Also unlocked the black hole gun, forgot it’s name. Devastating.

DonFerrari said: 

You don't need to play something to not like it, you can see gameplay and read the reviews glaring points to base the opinion that the game isn't good. Even more you can't even be sure if people that are criticizing haven't played just because you don't like what they say.

Agreed, but you made a lot assumptions in this thread that were inaccurate.

That's why I told you to watch the Digital Foundry video, to clear up some of that.

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