LudicrousSpeed said:
People are discussing the reviews compared to their own opinions. That's not "devaluing" them so much as it's just simple criticism. I don't know how that would make anyone "feel good" about themselves either, do you get emotional about video game reviews? What about music reviews or movie reviews?
I think that's the gist of what almost every person who has chimed in with an opinion on the game has said. That regardless of review scores, the game is just fun. Some people put that atop their chart in terms of importance in a game, so they disagree with the scores more strongly than others.
But a comment like this puzzles me. There's been pretty much nothing but simple debate about various things in the thread, you're again harping on some deeper emotional reaction that I just haven't seen yet in this thread. What "small victories" are you referring to? What hill are we supposed to be dying on? I haven't seen anyone irrational or really even upset in the thread. Just simple discussion about the scores. Regarding your GameRankings stuff, that's all cool and all, but your criteria and critique seem to be all over the place. You're referencing Microsoft's own internally developed games but then you seem to be listing all sorts of PS4 games as "Sony" even though for a lot of them, they had nothing to do with the games. For example, 12 games or higher at 80%, released in 2018, with 20+ reviews. Cool. When it comes to "Sony games", I count: That's it for internally developed games, unless I'm missing something? There's also the Shadow of Colossus port but idk if you're counting that or not. The rest are third party games that for one reason or another are exclusive to PS4 with no Sony involvement except in the case of Spider-Man, they got the rights to make a SM game and picked Insomniac. My point being that yeah, two of those three games I listed are widely regarded as great, among the best in their genre games, but it's two games. They just signed like 6 or 7 studios. It's not the end of the world, lol. And you're confusing personal taste with brand loyalty. Perhaps don't be so emotional when you're posting, assuming you know the feelings and reasonings and motives, trying to play chess while we're just playing checkers. Because it doesn't have to be "brand loyalty". Lots of us also own PS4's and play PS4 games. I'll get more enjoyment out of Crackdown 3 than I have out of God of War thus far, doesn't have shit to do with any "brand loyalty", lol. And no, it's not really a problem for some of us that Nintendo has amassed a better exclusive lineup than Microsoft already (though its debatable) because not all of us game on Xbox for Microsoft exclusives and also, Nintendo games are literally the ONLY reason to own a Nintendo console as they get next to zero third party support, so the exclusives had better be good. That said, for those gamers who want more exclusives, which outnumber those of us who don't give a shit, again, MS is taking care of them too. |
I made my criteria VERY simple: Games that existed on one of the three consoles but not the other two. (At least not in 2018 or 2017). so something like Spider-Man, which was developed by Insomniac but not by Sony, counts. Ni No Kuni II counts. Yakuza counts. Octopath Traveller Counts.
It's funny to see this much dissention trying to devalue the stats and numbers I've presented. I took some data, I made an assertion based on that data (that Xbox has no good exclusives anymore), and yet something as simple and straightforward as that is STILL somehow cause for contention. I don't get. Can't be anything BUT brand loyalty driving people to dispute facts and figures.
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