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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Crackdown 3 Review Thread - MC: 60 OC: 62

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flashfire926 said:
COKTOE said:

So, since the topic of what this game promised ages ago, as far as what cloud computing would add to the multiplayer equation ( and without getting into all the individual instances of what was at the very least hyperbolic marketing speak ) has been brought up in this thread, I thought I'd post this video of what was shown as pre-alpha in game footage in 2015 vs the reality of the 2019 release for those who haven't seen it and may be interested. It's absolutely one of the biggest downgrades in gaming history.



I'm pretty sure that even in 2015 they said it was merely a proof of concept tech demo and not at all indicative of the final game. 

Though yes, the game does definitely not look up to par. Infamous Second Son came out 5 years ago and still looks better.

I'm exhausted, and am just checking on this getting out of bed momentarily, so forgive me if I'm confused, but the 2015 video literally says "in game footage" on screen at all times during it's run time. The dev that was talking in it was indicating as much as well. I'll watch it again tomorrow. 

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

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Chris Hu said:
eva01beserk said:

so your saying that forza games are selling less and less with each iteration? Makes sense. yearly releases make series fatigue so much quicker. Most likely the first one on next gen will sell well, then drop as the gen goes. seen one seen them all when there is literally no change yearly as are most simulation games.

Forza Horizon 4 is on pace to sell more then the third one did also there will be no new Forza game this year so you are wrong on both points.

Im glad then that its not coming this year. I really hate yearly releases. I guest its just me though as Call of duty seems to be #1 every year.

How is it on track to beat it? Games sell their most on the very first few months. Its only at half of the previous.. With gamepass now a thing there really is no reason to buy it anymore. if it passes 2.5m life time as actual sales it will be lucky. That more people will end up playing it thanks to gamepass, sure that probably true. 

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

flashfire926 said:
eva01beserk said:

so your saying that forza games are selling less and less with each iteration? Makes sense. yearly releases make series fatigue so much quicker. Most likely the first one on next gen will sell well, then drop as the gen goes. seen one seen them all when there is literally no change yearly as are most simulation games.

Uhhh.... what? This year’s forza (likely the the forza of the gen) has surpassed last year’s iteration (motorsport 7) and is on track to surpass forza 5.

Are you just here to shitpost? The Horizon series is more arcade based and brings a lot of changes with each iteration.

I was comparing horizons with previous horizons, and Motorsports with previous Motorsport. And if you saw the chart, they have been selling less with each iteration. You can say it changes with every release, but its still a simulation, theres only so much they can do to stick to what its trying to imitate.

And like I said to chris hu, being on track used to mean something, not for xbox after gamepass. First thing is that most games, specially multiplayer ones sell the most in the first few months and now with gamepass what incetive do people have to buy the game.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

eva01beserk said:
Chris Hu said:

Forza Horizon 4 is on pace to sell more then the third one did also there will be no new Forza game this year so you are wrong on both points.

Im glad then that its not coming this year. I really hate yearly releases. I guest its just me though as Call of duty seems to be #1 every year.

How is it on track to beat it? Games sell their most on the very first few months. Its only at half of the previous.. With gamepass now a thing there really is no reason to buy it anymore. if it passes 2.5m life time as actual sales it will be lucky. That more people will end up playing it thanks to gamepass, sure that probably true. 

Forza Horizon and Forza Motorsport are two completely different games so even with their regular release schedule they are not yearly releases.  Its on track to beat it since so far the physical numbers are higher then the third games during the same time plus it sold a lot more digitally since close to one million people bought the digital ultimate edition which gave you early access to the game before the game was officially released.  It already has surpassed way more then 2.5 million copies already like I said earlier it already surpassed five million total players a while back.

CGI-Quality said:
flashfire926 said:

C'mon CGI, just read his post again. It's a clear drive-by.

"so your saying that forza games are selling less and less with each iteration? Makes sense. yearly releases make series fatigue so much quicker."

Red flag number one, he didnt even read the graph.

"Most likely the first one on next gen will sell well, then drop as the gen goes."

Again, you can see on the table that the fourth forza of this gen is the bestselling one. Even last gen, the first forza on 360 was the one that sold worst (forza 2).

"seen one seen them all when there is literally no change yearly as are most simulation games."

Half of them (Horizon series) are infact not simulation games, and are better classified as arcade racer (with a bit of simulation). Each entry improves on the prior significantly (except H2), and are significantly different from one another. Actually do your research if you actually want to make a post like this.

I'm not concerned with your opposition. It's fair. Adding that last bit in there serves no one, though.

Yea, I admit That last bit has less to do with forza but my hate for yearly released games that are the same f***ing thing. I used to love assassins creed but ubisoft killed for me by not giving a brake. By the time origins had that brake I was already sick of seeing that every year. And I never played fifa cuz im not into that sport, But seriously thinking theres got to be some kind of mental disorder to thouse that buy that every year and spent a ton of cash on the store. 

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

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flashfire926 said:
COKTOE said:

So, since the topic of what this game promised ages ago, as far as what cloud computing would add to the multiplayer equation ( and without getting into all the individual instances of what was at the very least hyperbolic marketing speak ) has been brought up in this thread, I thought I'd post this video of what was shown as pre-alpha in game footage in 2015 vs the reality of the 2019 release for those who haven't seen it and may be interested. It's absolutely one of the biggest downgrades in gaming history.



I'm pretty sure that even in 2015 they said it was merely a proof of concept tech demo and not at all indicative of the final game. 

Though yes, the game does definitely not look up to par. Infamous Second Son came out 5 years ago and still looks better.

Well Infamous Second Son and Crackdown 3 have two completely different art styles.  All the Crackdown games use the cell shaded art style and as far as I know so far there isn't a cell shaded game that looks better then Second Son.

I think this game delivers what it wants to deliver: it's just mindless unserious fun where you shoot stuff and things go boom. Not more, not less. If someone wants a deeper game that's fine, there are a lot of alternatives. Not every game must be cookie cut to please everyone.

Oneeee-Chan!!! said:

I remember they cancelled Scalebound.

But this bad game was ok. (PC version is meta 54)

Why ?

They painted themselves into a corner by making this the poster boy for the cloud,  they were under the pump with their forced back down along with xbox being underpowered and kinetic making it overpriced , you then got azure and the cloud being used for damage control, with marketing that explained the power difference away by implying that Sony went for sheer brute force but MS's approach of smart hardware design combined with clever software was more than it's equal and Crackdown was going to show the future in cloud aided  game design now with that message being heeded by one side and disparaged by the other, it became a bigger media target than it should have been ,it had a lot riding on it.So the timeline of delays probably went like this,first few delays aimed at  getting what they envisioned, then all those time delays  lead to the point of no return, where getting it out the door with as much intact as they can manage so they can at least say it's done is the aim.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

eva01beserk said:
flashfire926 said:

Uhhh.... what? This year’s forza (likely the the forza of the gen) has surpassed last year’s iteration (motorsport 7) and is on track to surpass forza 5.

Are you just here to shitpost? The Horizon series is more arcade based and brings a lot of changes with each iteration.

I was comparing horizons with previous horizons, and Motorsports with previous Motorsport. And if you saw the chart, they have been selling less with each iteration. You can say it changes with every release, but its still a simulation, theres only so much they can do to stick to what its trying to imitate.

And like I said to chris hu, being on track used to mean something, not for xbox after gamepass. First thing is that most games, specially multiplayer ones sell the most in the first few months and now with gamepass what incetive do people have to buy the game.

No, it's not a simulation (the horizon series). Simulators are games like Gran Turismo and Project Cars. Games like Forza Horizon and Need for Speed are more arcade racers. 

Heck, in one of the DLC's, you're doing loop de loops on hot wheels tracks:

For the last time, ITS. NOT. A. SIMULATION.

Also, just checked, and at this point in FH3's life it had sold about the same as Horizon 4. So it went up from FH2 to FH3, and stayed flat from FH3 to FH4.

Bet with Intrinsic:

The Switch will outsell 3DS (based on VGchartz numbers), according to me, while Intrinsic thinks the opposite will hold true. One month avatar control for the loser's avatar.

exclusive_console said:
It baffles me people were hyped for this. Sometimes you can know before hand itself that game is going to good or mediocre at best.

To the contrary, I feel like I'm having a blast with a game the critics just don't understand.

I've played about two hours at this point and its fun. Its pretty much like the original game just with more stuff to do, weapons and abilities.

Maybe my feelings will change as I continue to play, but thus far its pretty much what I wanted.

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