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flashfire926 said:
eva01beserk said:

so your saying that forza games are selling less and less with each iteration? Makes sense. yearly releases make series fatigue so much quicker. Most likely the first one on next gen will sell well, then drop as the gen goes. seen one seen them all when there is literally no change yearly as are most simulation games.

Uhhh.... what? This year’s forza (likely the the forza of the gen) has surpassed last year’s iteration (motorsport 7) and is on track to surpass forza 5.

Are you just here to shitpost? The Horizon series is more arcade based and brings a lot of changes with each iteration.

I was comparing horizons with previous horizons, and Motorsports with previous Motorsport. And if you saw the chart, they have been selling less with each iteration. You can say it changes with every release, but its still a simulation, theres only so much they can do to stick to what its trying to imitate.

And like I said to chris hu, being on track used to mean something, not for xbox after gamepass. First thing is that most games, specially multiplayer ones sell the most in the first few months and now with gamepass what incetive do people have to buy the game.

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