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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Switch TFLOPS : 1,024 ? 0,79 ? 0,393 ?

Mr Puggsly said:

I mean what if 8th gen consoles had double the CPU power, 16GB of RAM and a GPU with 3-4 TF at launch? Would gaming right now be much more enjoyable?

Yes, we would have waaaay more titles with 60 fps. =/

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

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The Problem is that Nvidia is about 28% "Stronger" than AMD. That means 1 Nvidia = 1.3 AMD. 

You cant compare Them. And akso the Tech Inside the Switch is Just 2 years old. Now Take the ps4 xbox1 Tech as comparison. Its really hard to predict the real horsepower of the Switch.

Played Doom on Switch, didn't feel inferior to the PS4-version at all.

JRPGfan said:


256 cuda cores x 768mhz x 2 = 393,216 = 393 Gflops

I think formula was like that.
There is nothing more to it.

Thats its Fp32 flop rate, when running docked at 768 mhz.

People "KNOW" with 100% certainty how many cores are inside the chip, and how fast they run.
You cannot just ignore facts.


People need to stop all this bullcrap about how the switch is more powerfull than that, because its all just lies.



Origianl Poster:   "Switch TFLOPS : 1,024 ? 0,79 ? 0,393 ?"

The correct answear is 0.393 Tflops (393 Gflops)

Stop suggesting its not, please.

Well. Those are Nvidia Gflops my friend. Not comparable with amd Flops.

510 AMD Gflops is the answer.

Pagan said:
JRPGfan said:


256 cuda cores x 768mhz x 2 = 393,216 = 393 Gflops

I think formula was like that.
There is nothing more to it.

Thats its Fp32 flop rate, when running docked at 768 mhz.

People "KNOW" with 100% certainty how many cores are inside the chip, and how fast they run.
You cannot just ignore facts.


People need to stop all this bullcrap about how the switch is more powerfull than that, because its all just lies.


Origianl Poster:   "Switch TFLOPS : 1,024 ? 0,79 ? 0,393 ?"

The correct answear is 0.393 Tflops (393 Gflops)

Stop suggesting its not, please.

Well. Those are Nvidia Gflops my friend. Not comparable with amd Flops.

510 AMD Gflops is the answer.

Theres a certain amount of truth to what you say..... nvidia flops usually do have like a 10-15% edge in real world applications.
However your still left with a Switch thats atleast under 1/4 th of the PS4 slim in terms of performance.

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honestly it do not matter, you cannot compare AMD graphics 1 to 1 with Nividia........look online you can find many Nvidia cards with less Flops than AMD and out perform AMD cards, so no matter what the Switch Numbers no one will find an exact AMd card to compare it perfectly........everyone only gives assumptions

Pagan said:

The Problem is that Nvidia is about 28% "Stronger" than AMD. That means 1 Nvidia = 1.3 AMD. 

in a PC environment with generalised APIs etc, in a console environment the specific strengths of the architecture can be utilized to a higher degree

GProgrammer said:

OK yes I was wrong it does render at 1080p, I was reading a different Digital foundry which said 720p not 1080p.
Though from looking at the digital foundry video
they need to up the AF thats just painful on the eyes see the road at 1:42, AF is either not used or at most AFx2

@curl-6 yes sorry for some reason I was comparing ps4 memory with the switch



Playstation 3 wasn't exactly using filtering extensively either.
Even many Xbox One/Playstation 4 games could use it more.

Mr Puggsly said:

I'm not really sure what your point is. I mean even if these current consoles aren't incredibly powerful they're still very capable, I'd argue they're aging better than last gen consoles.

I mean what if 8th gen consoles had double the CPU power, 16GB of RAM and a GPU with 3-4 TF at launch? Would gaming right now be much more enjoyable? I think it would be pretty much the same just with better performance and graphics. Compared to last gen developers got a huge spec boost for the 8th gen but the games are basically the same with better graphics in my opinion.

However, I do like the spec boost of the X1X simply because its making modern console games more visually appealing.

A better CPU would go a long way, it would mean better physics effects, particle effects, more+better A.I and general better interactivity with the game world.
Double the Jaguars performance still isn't very impressive performance though...

Bright side is, relative to it's GPU performance, the Switch is a better balanced machine.

Pagan said:

The Problem is that Nvidia is about 28% "Stronger" than AMD. That means 1 Nvidia = 1.3 AMD. 

You cant compare Them. And akso the Tech Inside the Switch is Just 2 years old. Now Take the ps4 xbox1 Tech as comparison. Its really hard to predict the real horsepower of the Switch.

Er no.
And yes we can compare them... PC has been comparing nVidia and AMD/ATI GPU's for decades. - We just can't use flops to do it.

Pagan said:

Well. Those are Nvidia Gflops my friend. Not comparable with amd Flops.

510 AMD Gflops is the answer.

AMD and nVidia flops are identical. A flop is a flop. - The math doesn't automagically become something different once you drop an nVidia GPU in a system.

Problem is, games need more than just single precision floating point math... And because of such, nVidia has invested more in other parts of the Graphics Processor that helps drive that.
When it comes to compute however, AMD GPU's start to show what they are capable of, beating the nVidia equivalent.

There is a reason why AMD GPU's were the preferred choice for miners.

Gemmol31 said:

honestly it do not matter, you cannot compare AMD graphics 1 to 1 with Nividia........look online you can find many Nvidia cards with less Flops than AMD and out perform AMD cards, so no matter what the Switch Numbers no one will find an exact AMd card to compare it perfectly........everyone only gives assumptions

There are AMD GPU's with less flops that beats an AMD GPU with more flops. It's not an nVidia thing.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

OdinHades said:
Mr Puggsly said:

I mean what if 8th gen consoles had double the CPU power, 16GB of RAM and a GPU with 3-4 TF at launch? Would gaming right now be much more enjoyable?

Yes, we would have waaaay more titles with 60 fps. =/

More 60 fps titles would be nice, but games in general would still me much the same.

I get to play more games in 60 fps thanks to the X1X but I can't say its changing the way I feel about these game in a significant way.

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Pemalite said: 
Mr Puggsly said:

I'm not really sure what your point is. I mean even if these current consoles aren't incredibly powerful they're still very capable, I'd argue they're aging better than last gen consoles.

I mean what if 8th gen consoles had double the CPU power, 16GB of RAM and a GPU with 3-4 TF at launch? Would gaming right now be much more enjoyable? I think it would be pretty much the same just with better performance and graphics. Compared to last gen developers got a huge spec boost for the 8th gen but the games are basically the same with better graphics in my opinion.

However, I do like the spec boost of the X1X simply because its making modern console games more visually appealing.

A better CPU would go a long way, it would mean better physics effects, particle effects, more+better A.I and general better interactivity with the game world.
Double the Jaguars performance still isn't very impressive performance though...

Bright side is, relative to it's GPU performance, the Switch is a better balanced machine.

People often make that argument but I feel aspects like better physics, AI and world interactivity have more to do with the game design. Hence, developers can do plenty with the Jaguar CPUs in that regard but just don't bother. A lot of those aspects still feel like last gen content because that's just the way games are generally made.

I mean look at Just Cause 4, that's really showcase of what the Jaguar CPU is capable of.

The X1X has 30% more CPU power and it appears to make a fairly big difference. So double the CPU power of Jaguar CPU would be significant.

I don't think there is a CPU and GPU imbalance on the PS4 and X1. They're designed to run technically demanding games at 30 fps. 60 fps is possible if developers build around that and games can still look impressive at 60 fps.

Hypothetically if the Switch had an upgrade that simply doubled GPU power, that would make a world of difference when it comes to resolution and improving performance in some games. Games like Wolfenstein II and Doom would actually stay at 720p!

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