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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why does GT not get any acclaim in mainstream media?

Azzanation said:
DonFerrari said:

Except you were proved GT6 was better than it, and launched a little earlier than it.

DC was release a year after, sure, but it was designed to be launch window title, so it had about similar time to get to market and tools to be used to develop. FM5 had a lot of big cutdowns.

But sure if it makes you so happy, FM5 was the best racing game on launch of gen 8th by the merit of being the only one.

Yes Don, FM5 only won best racer for that year because it didn't have any competition.. guess all those other previous years they had no competition either. (Sarcasm)

Forza Motorsport 3 RGOTY


Forza Motorsport 4 RGOTY


Forza Motorsport 5 RGOTY


Forza Motorsport 6 RGOTY


Forza Horizon 3 RGOTY


And the only game that stopped FM7 from winning D.I.C.E's RGOTY was not a Car game but a Kart game in Mario Kart 8. 

Please lets not compare DriveClub to any Forza title, don't embarrass yourself, it sits on a lowly (71) at least lets give GTS credit, it out-reviewed DC with a (75).

And after all that info and links, you and co will still question Turn 10's quality. 

You again going strictly for Meta of games... I do remember you complaining about using meta to define SoT quality... what changed?

So will you say the physics, car count, day night, weather of GT6 is worse than FM5? Both launched same year.

flashfire926 said:

There are currently 238 cars and 44 circuits in GT Sport, far more than Forza 5 which had just above 200 cars and a measly 14 circuits.

Again, car enthusiast's dream? GT 6 has more and better car roster, pretty much only lacking in Porsche cars but beats Forza 7 in everything else. Even GT Sport beats it in visionary cars with the Vision GT, X2014 and Citroen Gran Tourer. Forza does have more historic cars than GT Sport I'll give it that, and more cars in general, but if that's all you care for you're better off playing GT 6.

Again, GT6 leans heavily towards japanese hatchbacks, and Forza 7's selection of actual supercars leaves GT6's selection in the dust. In some way the selection in Forza is actually better.

Forza 5 has 217 cars with the free dlc included. GT Sport is higher with 238, but it as way more duplicates/reskins that even things out, if not tips the scales towards forza's favour.

You are comparing the wrong numbers when it comes to track count. You listed the total number of LAYOUTS in GT Sport compared to total number of VENUES in Forza 5.

After the free DLC, Forza 5 has 17 venues with 63 layouts, while GT Sport has 21 tracks with 65 layouts. Only slightly higher in GT's favour.


If you really play the games they won't be reskin/duplicates, each car have its own personality and driving simulation.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Around the Network
DonFerrari said:
Azzanation said:

Omg.. you have a hard time understanding the point. FM5 released at the end 2013 until DC released in Oct 7 2014 nothing was like FM5.

Except you were proved GT6 was better than it, and launched a little earlier than it.

DC was release a year after, sure, but it was designed to be launch window title, so it had about similar time to get to market and tools to be used to develop. FM5 had a lot of big cutdowns.

But sure if it makes you so happy, FM5 was the best racing game on launch of gen 8th by the merit of being the only one.

No it wasn't Need For Speed Rivals actually launched on the X1 before FM5.  It launched on the 19th of November 2013 and FM7 launched on the 22nd of November 2013.

DonFerrari said:

6) owww I had plenty discussions like this, and when you list 10 points and the person realizes he lost all he will invent a new point and loop back.

I've had it before on this site as well, but its infuriating even on the 50th time it happens.

Chris Hu said:
If you actually like cars which is one of the main reasons anyone plays racing games then Forza is still by far the best they keep on adding new cars first and have the widest variety of cars the latest addition the Austin Martin AMR1 just further proofs that fact.

Yet its Polyphony who has designed a real car in Citroen GT, but Turn 10 never did ;)

Also its Polyphony who has the Vision GT program, the Mercedes F1 W08 and the Red Bulls. Those cars weren't designed by Polyphony mind you, but by real car manufacturers so those fictional cars aren't entirely implausible. I'd say Forza 7 has more of the historic cars that people want owing to its larger roster, while GT Sport looks more to the future than the past.

flashfire926 said:

2) At launch of GT sport the amount of content was way short, and it got boring fast due to repetition in tracks. Sure, you couldn't play all the cars of GT sport, but you don't need to either, as many of them are duplicates Some of these cars have 3-4 reskin variants that were probably made to fluff the car count (bmw m4, jaguar f-type, mustang 2015, acura nsx, etc)

3) "flop" has a different meaning for the two franchises. There have been 5 forza games this gen, so ofcourse all of them sell less than GT Sport. Forza is accustomed to getting those types of sales, while GT usually get's way more. Forza is more about incremental upgrades, so not nearly as many resources are used when they take a lot of the stuff from the previous game. Turn 10/Playground just want you to play forza, no matter what game it is. And they were successful at it, cause 22 million people played some kind of Forza in 2017.

Yes, the online is weak right now. Even Turn 10 acknowledged it. They are working on fixing it.

4) So are you saying forza visuals are bad? Because they aren't, and they're actually better than PCars2, and only a bit behind Gran Turismo. Pcars and Forza and aiming for different things when it comes to physics, so they can't be compared. Pcars aim is ultra-realism, while Forza is aimed to be more forgiving. All three games have stellar physics. GT Sport is the weakest of the three, because despite being a bit better and physics and graphics, it throws out a lot from past GT games. Proper tuning/Upgrades, B-Spec, proper career, dynamic time of day, weather and more are all thrown out the window. And are you saying CONTENT isn't a department that matters? How about SINGLE PLAYER? How long would you play the best sim racer of all time, except if it only had one car and one track?

And did you even read my #4? You didn't even answer the question.

5) Well, I am critical of GT6, but I've gotta agree with you, it was a lot a lot of fun when I played. For all of it's downfalls, it was still a pretty decent game. I actually loved Circuito De La Sierra too, one of my favorite fictional tracks.

6) We aren't overlooking what you say, we have already addressed it thoroughly. Yet you keep repeating the same points, which is confusing to us. Let me reiterate:

-Graphics: FM7 is an awesome looking in it's own right. Just because it's a bit worse than GT, doesn't make it "bad".

-Physics: Basically the same thing I said about Graphics

-Online: Yes, it needs to be fixed, and is a major flaw for the game rn.

Again, why bother making this thread you think it's set in stone that GT is the best game ever?

Why does GT not get any acclaim in mainstream media?

This is the question you asked, and we thoroughly answered it. 

You asked this question, then you decided it to answer it yourself by saying "mainstream media are not the hardcore community ", etc etc. If you "knew" the answer, why did you even make this thread?

2) It still wasn't as boring as Sea of Thieves, which really just had an empty sea to explore with a few islands and the gameplay loop centers around finding loot and cosmetic items, there is no real progression at all. GT Sport had progression right from the beginning and even at release was more of a complete game than Sea of Thieves.

3) I wouldn't put Forza Horizon into the mix, different genre and I absolutely love Forza Horizon 3. To put it in the same category as Forza Motorsport undermines what type of game it is, it doesn't cater to the same audience as Forza, PC and GT.

As for Forza Motorsport, sales are steadily declining. Its a different story from the Forza Horizon games which are becoming more popular. You can't compare GT Sport to past GT games and point at the decline in sales and not do the same for Forza Motorsport 7. Even Project Cars 2 isn't doing that well. Might be that people are moving on from sim racers and maybe its something else but none of the games are flourishing.

4) Never said they were bad, but the visual standards of sim racers are really high, and Forza 7 doesn't look as realistic as PC2 atleast in my opinion but I digress, its close between the two. Forza 7's simulation is the weakest of the 3, sure GT Sport is no PC2 but its still well above Forza 7. GT Sport is better than both in terms of online modes and online races provide more of a challenge than any single player race can hence its more competitive. The reason I don't think its the weakest is that it succeeds in the core aspect of a sim racer, the simulation moreso than Forza 7 and is the most competitive sim racer that doesn't require a monthly subscription while still having enough content to satisfy most people, and it has the sounds and visuals on point. I can't stress enough what a difference penalty system makes to online races.

6) Again, not saying Forza 7 is a bad game, its a good game. All of them are, the bar is set really high in the genre and all of them deliver in their own ways to an extent.

The reason for this topic is that GT Sport deserves a rereview because its a different beast from what it was at release. A rereview isn't something new, recently No Man's Sky got a rereview and I'd like to see GT Sport get it sometime as well to better reflect its post release quality.

Wrong again Forza has a much bigger roster of newer cars then GT has ever had.  Also the GT Vision cars are pretty wack I rather have real concept cars both new and old then those GT Vision cars.  Car like the Mercedes Benz C111, Ford Mustang I or the prototype of the second generation of Pontiac Fiero that never made it into production just to name a few examples. 

DonFerrari said:
Azzanation said:

Yes Don, FM5 only won best racer for that year because it didn't have any competition.. guess all those other previous years they had no competition either. (Sarcasm)

Forza Motorsport 3 RGOTY


Forza Motorsport 4 RGOTY


Forza Motorsport 5 RGOTY


Forza Motorsport 6 RGOTY


Forza Horizon 3 RGOTY


And the only game that stopped FM7 from winning D.I.C.E's RGOTY was not a Car game but a Kart game in Mario Kart 8. 

Please lets not compare DriveClub to any Forza title, don't embarrass yourself, it sits on a lowly (71) at least lets give GTS credit, it out-reviewed DC with a (75).

And after all that info and links, you and co will still question Turn 10's quality. 

You again going strictly for Meta of games... I do remember you complaining about using meta to define SoT quality... what changed?

So will you say the physics, car count, day night, weather of GT6 is worse than FM5? Both launched same year.



Don, the problem here is the point you are missing. Yes Meta doesn't mean everything. No one in this thread is asking you to love or hate a game. However its clear you and the OP are throwing disrespect out there to other brands like Turn 10 and the efforts they have been putting out this generation and even last. You are also guilty for jumping on games like SoTs when those games launched barebones.

So to give the "GTS deserves more praise now because they fix the game" should also work for your rival platforms. Should FM5 get reviewed again just so it can earn a higher score because of all the latest patches? Id say the exact same thing, no it doesn't need it, Turn 10 learned from there lessons and have never gone back. Something PD will learn from GTS. If you fix the scores than companies wont learn to move forward.

Yes I stated many times Meta means nothing, I also stated many times sales mean nothing, however if you are going to judge a product by its quality than the awards and metas are factual information, while there's also nothing wrong with enjoying a product with low scores. There are gamers out there who absolutely love games like Knack and State of Decay 2, and there are also gamers out there who dislike games like God of War and Gears of War.

Popularity = Sales / Quality = Scores.

Chris Hu said:

I've had it before on this site as well, but its infuriating even on the 50th time it happens.

Yet its Polyphony who has designed a real car in Citroen GT, but Turn 10 never did ;)

Also its Polyphony who has the Vision GT program, the Mercedes F1 W08 and the Red Bulls. Those cars weren't designed by Polyphony mind you, but by real car manufacturers so those fictional cars aren't entirely implausible. I'd say Forza 7 has more of the historic cars that people want owing to its larger roster, while GT Sport looks more to the future than the past.

2) It still wasn't as boring as Sea of Thieves, which really just had an empty sea to explore with a few islands and the gameplay loop centers around finding loot and cosmetic items, there is no real progression at all. GT Sport had progression right from the beginning and even at release was more of a complete game than Sea of Thieves.

3) I wouldn't put Forza Horizon into the mix, different genre and I absolutely love Forza Horizon 3. To put it in the same category as Forza Motorsport undermines what type of game it is, it doesn't cater to the same audience as Forza, PC and GT.

As for Forza Motorsport, sales are steadily declining. Its a different story from the Forza Horizon games which are becoming more popular. You can't compare GT Sport to past GT games and point at the decline in sales and not do the same for Forza Motorsport 7. Even Project Cars 2 isn't doing that well. Might be that people are moving on from sim racers and maybe its something else but none of the games are flourishing.

4) Never said they were bad, but the visual standards of sim racers are really high, and Forza 7 doesn't look as realistic as PC2 atleast in my opinion but I digress, its close between the two. Forza 7's simulation is the weakest of the 3, sure GT Sport is no PC2 but its still well above Forza 7. GT Sport is better than both in terms of online modes and online races provide more of a challenge than any single player race can hence its more competitive. The reason I don't think its the weakest is that it succeeds in the core aspect of a sim racer, the simulation moreso than Forza 7 and is the most competitive sim racer that doesn't require a monthly subscription while still having enough content to satisfy most people, and it has the sounds and visuals on point. I can't stress enough what a difference penalty system makes to online races.

6) Again, not saying Forza 7 is a bad game, its a good game. All of them are, the bar is set really high in the genre and all of them deliver in their own ways to an extent.

The reason for this topic is that GT Sport deserves a rereview because its a different beast from what it was at release. A rereview isn't something new, recently No Man's Sky got a rereview and I'd like to see GT Sport get it sometime as well to better reflect its post release quality.

Wrong again Forza has a much bigger roster of newer cars then GT has ever had.  Also the GT Vision cars are pretty wack I rather have real concept cars both new and old then those GT Vision cars.  Car like the Mercedes Benz C111, Ford Mustang I or the prototype of the second generation of Pontiac Fiero that never made it into production just to name a few examples. 

Your prefference doesn't really make the other worse. And several of the Vision weren't wacky at all.

Azzanation said:
DonFerrari said:

You again going strictly for Meta of games... I do remember you complaining about using meta to define SoT quality... what changed?

So will you say the physics, car count, day night, weather of GT6 is worse than FM5? Both launched same year.


Don, the problem here is the point you are missing. Yes Meta doesn't mean everything. No one in this thread is asking you to love or hate a game. However its clear you and the OP are throwing disrespect out there to other brands like Turn 10 and the efforts they have been putting out this generation and even last. You are also guilty for jumping on games like SoTs when those games launched barebones.

So to give the "GTS deserves more praise now because they fix the game" should also work for your rival platforms. Should FM5 get reviewed again just so it can earn a higher score because of all the latest patches? Id say the exact same thing, no it doesn't need it, Turn 10 learned from there lessons and have never gone back. Something PD will learn from GTS. If you fix the scores than companies wont learn to move forward.

Yes I stated many times Meta means nothing, I also stated many times sales mean nothing, however if you are going to judge a product by its quality than the awards and metas are factual information, while there's also nothing wrong with enjoying a product with low scores. There are gamers out there who absolutely love games like Knack and State of Decay 2, and there are also gamers out there who dislike games like God of War and Gears of War.

Popularity = Sales / Quality = Scores.

Yes sure, we are guilty of disrespecting other brands... Go back to the thread of SoT to remember it well.

Nope Quality =/= Scores, Scores = Opinion of selected outlets. When most of the reviewers aren't doing the job right when analysing a game for what it is but what they wanted it to be and on the case of very specific genres they don't hate or not understand the scores themselves become pointless. Unless you want me to pull some crazy high scores from games that aren't even good but that would top several of the games you think have more quality.

The truth on sales = popularity is that, for the people that bought the product they choose have more value than the one they didn't choose when both are priced about equal. And on this Forza have yet to lead, so any title of king of racing or leader of simulation are wrong (nevermind mario kart selling more than both, and other games simulating better).

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Around the Network

Didn't really care for any of the GT Visions cars in GT6 I used each one about once and then never used them again.  Almost each one coming with a 15 minute video that you maybe watch once was very unnecessary also.  They should have made those videos optional or posted them on YouTube.

Chris Hu said:

Didn't really care for any of the GT Visions cars in GT6 I used each one about once and then never used them again.  Almost each one coming with a 15 minute video that you maybe watch once was very unnecessary also.  They should have made those videos optional or posted them on YouTube.

I don't remember being mandated to watch any of the videos for the GT Vision.

But sure you are free to not like the cars.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

DonFerrari said:
Chris Hu said:

Didn't really care for any of the GT Visions cars in GT6 I used each one about once and then never used them again.  Almost each one coming with a 15 minute video that you maybe watch once was very unnecessary also.  They should have made those videos optional or posted them on YouTube.

I don't remember being mandated to watch any of the videos for the GT Vision.

But sure you are free to not like the cars.

But you had to install the videos in order to get the cars.

Yes sure, we are guilty of disrespecting other brands... Go back to the thread of SoT to remember it well.

Nope Quality =/= Scores, Scores = Opinion of selected outlets. When most of the reviewers aren't doing the job right when analysing a game for what it is but what they wanted it to be and on the case of very specific genres they don't hate or not understand the scores themselves become pointless. Unless you want me to pull some crazy high scores from games that aren't even good but that would top several of the games you think have more quality.

The truth on sales = popularity is that, for the people that bought the product they choose have more value than the one they didn't choose when both are priced about equal. And on this Forza have yet to lead, so any title of king of racing or leader of simulation are wrong (nevermind mario kart selling more than both, and other games simulating better).

The reviews did their job completely right when it comes to GT Sport. You do realize that most outlets have a person specialized in a genre that reviews the specific games, right? Nice try to brush it all off as "they don't understand anything". The scores are meaningful and are indicative of the quality of the game.

You can't tell me that PD "aimed" for having the game devoid of content at launch, and that the reviewers just didn't see it? You can't tell me that PD "aimed" to strip out a lot of old features, and that the reviewers just couldn't see it?

They did analyze the game for it is. A GT game that launched with bare-bones content, with many features like b-spec, proper tuning/upgrades, and proper career stripped out of it, leaving just a shell of a game rather than a full package.

Bet with Intrinsic:

The Switch will outsell 3DS (based on VGchartz numbers), according to me, while Intrinsic thinks the opposite will hold true. One month avatar control for the loser's avatar.

Chris Hu said:
DonFerrari said:

I don't remember being mandated to watch any of the videos for the GT Vision.

But sure you are free to not like the cars.

But you had to install the videos in order to get the cars.

Been like 5 years since I played it so I don't remember, but I don't remember being bothered by it. But I can see how that would anoy some.

flashfire926 said:

Yes sure, we are guilty of disrespecting other brands... Go back to the thread of SoT to remember it well.

Nope Quality =/= Scores, Scores = Opinion of selected outlets. When most of the reviewers aren't doing the job right when analysing a game for what it is but what they wanted it to be and on the case of very specific genres they don't hate or not understand the scores themselves become pointless. Unless you want me to pull some crazy high scores from games that aren't even good but that would top several of the games you think have more quality.

The truth on sales = popularity is that, for the people that bought the product they choose have more value than the one they didn't choose when both are priced about equal. And on this Forza have yet to lead, so any title of king of racing or leader of simulation are wrong (nevermind mario kart selling more than both, and other games simulating better).

The reviews did their job completely right when it comes to GT Sport. You do realize that most outlets have a person specialized in a genre that reviews the specific games, right? Nice try to brush it all off as "they don't understand anything". The scores are meaningful and are indicative of the quality of the game.

You can't tell me that PD "aimed" for having the game devoid of content at launch, and that the reviewers just didn't see it? You can't tell me that PD "aimed" to strip out a lot of old features, and that the reviewers just couldn't see it?

They did analyze the game for it is. A GT game that launched with bare-bones content, with many features like b-spec, proper tuning/upgrades, and proper career stripped out of it, leaving just a shell of a game rather than a full package.

When you see some of these so called reviewers base a score on what they liked more or thought were more fun the argument of score = quality failes completely. And reading several of the reviews on GT5,6 and GTS it was quite easy to see most not even understanding simulation. Had even one complaining that race in circuit is pointless because you drive in circles.

The game had for over a year said what would be the focus (online racing) and what would be the roster of cars and tracks. So yes the "reviewers" had what the game was supposed to be and just turned sideways to analyse what they wanted... do you really want to say that reviewers doesn't evaluate for what they want instead of what is presented? Like complaining about a game not being open world, too much water, etc?

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."