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Forums - Movies & TV - Solo Headed To Become A Flop? Yep, It Flopped.


How Much Will Solo Make WW?

Under $700M 56 60.87%
$700M-$800M 18 19.57%
$801M-$900M 12 13.04%
$901M-$1B 3 3.26%
Over $1B 3 3.26%
Angelus said:

⚠️ Warning! 


Remember when this thread was about SOLO? A long time ago? In a galaxy far far away?

Maybe we could try to steer it back in that general direction.

Read the OP.

thismeintiel said: 

My Take 

I think TLJ has done the damage many fans think it has, tarnishing people's interest in the future of the franchise under Disney.  Or maybe more accurately, under Kathleen Kennedy.  It doesn't help that the directors and writers have been putting in their own political agendas into the films, but much worse, out there on social media, even if they aren't quite blatantly put in the film.  Lando being a pansexual is the most recent example of this, with the writer saying he is glad that he is injecting identity politics into a franchise that was meant for everyone. 

And any fans that have a problem with it are belittled and accused of being the scum of the Earth.  Yet, strangely enough, Kennedy and Lucasfilm expect us to still go see the films. My prediction is that Solo doesn't even hit $1B WW, possibly falling short of even $900M.  A very poor result given how much money Disney has pumped into the film. 

Thoughts?  Will Solo go on to be a surprise hit?  Or has TLJ and identity politics caused to much damage to the franchise?

The behavior of the Star Wars fanbase, the reactions from people who work on Star Wars and the reaction to The Last Jedi are all part of the discussion in this thread and have been since the opening post. The backlash towards Kelly Marie Tran is on-topic in terms of discussion around how certain fans have rejected the new movies and casting choices.


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thismeintiel said:
Mcube said:

L3 just seems so over the top. It feels like a joke I wouldnt have a clue if they were being serious with her its so over the goddamn top. 

On the Hateful posts they´ve been there. I dont follow her on Instagram but I see alot of posts on Twitter and Instagram that show screenshots of a few comments alot of em. Having people call you like that every single time you post something on social media in a huge mass as star wars fans drains you out physically and mentally. 

If they are there, then where are they on these news articles.  Everyone's writing about it, but no proof is given, at least in the few I have read.  I mean, TLJ has been out for ~6 months.  It's been out of all theaters for weeks.  Anything that was said to her would have been much worse at the beginning.  Now, all of a sudden with Solo flopping being in the headlines, meaning most would have moved on to the people in that film if they wanted to spew hate, she deletes her Instagram so it'll be the headlines.  This all just seems so deliberately manufactured to distract from how bad Solo is performing, with the added benefit of being able to attack the fanbase they hate so much.

Hmmm. Y'know, now that I think about it, that IS pretty convenient...

Carl said:
Angelus said:

⚠️ Warning! 


Remember when this thread was about SOLO? A long time ago? In a galaxy far far away?

Maybe we could try to steer it back in that general direction.

Read the OP.


It's about Solo, how it might perform, and what effect TLJ might have had on Star Wars. Many of the last several posts have nothing to do with any of that. 

Tue numbers are in and Solo made $3.99M, bringing its DBO total to $155.94M. This is 54.2% down from RO. If this holds Solo will make $243.74M. If the FBO percentage holds it will make $483.61M WW.

Medisti said:
epicurean said:
I know one person doesn't really matter, but I didn't see Solo specifically because of TLJ. There are definitely others I know who feel the same way. Maybe we are such a tiny minority that it doesn't represent the whole, I dunno. I have no desire to see Ep IX either. Star Wars was my favorite franchise of all time until TLJ.

The SJW aspect was about 1 of about 10 complaints with the movie, so I don't put all my eggs in that basket. It was just a bad, IMO Franchise Ruining movie. Yes, I thought it was worse than any of the prequels, and I thought Ep II was pretty bad, just not franchise ruining.

I don't really care if people think the series is fine, and completely as robust as it was before, but to completely ignore TLJ backlash as being nothing is not accurate either.

What about two people? And anyone else who agrees with us.


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EnricoPallazzo said:
Medisti said:

What about two people? And anyone else who agrees with us.


That would make 4 of us.  

But my issues with this saga started with TFA.  I just gave that one a pass because I thought all my questions with be answered on the next installment. But nope, they decided to throw all the "mistery" and hype previously built out of the window.  Just like Luke threw the Lightsaber out in the first scene.

And now we're here..  I wish they would just cancel Ep IX and started a new saga in a different timeline.  Idk, maybe explore the Old Republic material?

But without Kathleen and Ryan Johnson (especially Ryan Johnson since I'm not gonna watch absolutely nothing with his name on it).

Wed numbers are in and Solo made $2.54M, bringing its DBO total to $158.49M. This is 55.8% down from RO for the same point in time. If this holds Solo will make $235.22M at the DBO. If the FBO percentage holds it will make $406.25M.

If this gets below $400 million, I expect heads to roll once Episode IV makes its way through theaters.

TH3-D0S3R said:
If this gets below $400 million, I expect heads to roll once Episode IV makes its way through theaters.

There are a ton of rumors that Kathleen Kennedy is on her way out. Not sure if I believe them, but we'll see. Personally, I think they'll hold off on firing her til after Ep9 releases and underperforms. 

thismeintiel said:
TH3-D0S3R said:
If this gets below $400 million, I expect heads to roll once Episode IV makes its way through theaters.

There are a ton of rumors that Kathleen Kennedy is on her way out. Not sure if I believe them, but we'll see. Personally, I think they'll hold off on firing her til after Ep9 releases and underperforms. 

Spot on. I wish they would just retcon this entire new series and have someone actually come in who understands the complexities of Star Wars, not these corporate sheep that care about catering to news outlets and not ACTUAL moviegoers.

That is my biggest problem, these movies were made for news outlets from IGN to Vox to praise instead of feeling like movies that can just be watched and enjoyed by anyone.